Sunday, March 17, 2013

42-Year Old Man Caught Raping 12-Year Old Girl Through Her Anus

A 42-year old man, Alao Shobowale has been charged before the Ebute Meta Magistrates’ Court, Lagos, southwest Nigeria for allegedly raping a 12-year old girl through her anus.
Shobowale, also known as Alasco, allegedly rubbed his penis and the victim’s anus with ointment and raped her.
The incident occurred at Togodo Street, Temu in Epe, Lagos.
On the day the incident, Shobowale, a businessman, reportedly invited the girl to his room around 10 p.m., shut the door and removed her pant. He later raped her.

Photos: Ngozi Nwosu in UK hospital

She's done the first set of treatment and she's getting better.

MESSAGE: Former FCT minister Nasir El Rufai calls Pres. Jonathan a scumbag

Three kidnap, robbery suspects arrested in Anambra

One of the alleged kidnap kingpins who ran away in Awkuzu, Oyi Local Government Area of Anambra State during the raid at an acclaimed church, has been arrested by the Special Anti Robbery Squad (SARS) in the state.
Two other robbery suspects were arrested by a combined team of soldiers and the police along Enugu-Onitsha old road in Awka and handed over to SARS.
The state Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Emeka Chukwuemeka, a deputy superintendent of police (DSP), confirmed the incidents yesterday to The Nation
The alleged kidnap kingpin simply called (Nnamdi) was arrested a few days ago in Onitsha, while his elder brother Ifeanyi Nwaezeagu who owns unchangeable God Miracle Church in Awkuzu is still on the run.

THREAT: US threatens to cut off aid to Nigeria over corruption issues, Condemned the pardon

The Obama administration on Friday threatened to cut off aid to Nigeria or even sanction the African country after the government of President Goodluck Jonathan pardoned a former governor accused of corruption.

“The United States government is deeply disappointed over the recent pardons of corrupt officials by the Nigerian government,” State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said. “We see this as a setback for the fight against corruption and also for our ability to play the strong role we’ve played in supporting rule of law and legal institution building in Nigeria, which is very important for the future of the country, obviously.”

Again: Swiss tourist gang-raped in India

A Swiss woman who was on a cycling trip in central India with her husband has been gang-raped by eight men, police said today. The attack comes three months after the fatal gang-rape of a woman aboard a New Delhi bus outraged Indians.
Authorities detained and questioned 13 men in connection with the latest attack, which occurred Friday night as the couple camped out in a forest in Madhya Pradesh state after bicycling from the temple town of Orchha, local police officer R.K. Gurjar said.

The men beat the couple and gang-raped the woman, he said. They also stole the couple's mobile phone, a laptop computer and 10,000 rupees ($185).

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Viewer's discretion Advised: How Charly Boy's Cousin, Emeka Aseme was murdered

Charly Boy's cousin, Emeka Aseme, a business tycoon and a hotelier was forcefully taken away by gun wielding men during one of his visits to his 5-Star hotel in Oguta, Imo state on 24th February. Aseme's family managed to contact the abductors who demanded N8m ransom, which the family paid but Emeka was not released to them. On the 9th of March, the men who took the hotelier contacted his younger brother and directed him to go to a community between Owerri and Oguta called Okwonji, to find him brother. Emeka's decomposed body was found in a bush path, with his sexual organ , eyes and the heart plucked out.

I have a picture of his decomposed body with vital organs missing and it's unbelievable. You will find the photo after the cut...but please I beg you if you don't have the stomach for gory photos, do not look. It doesn't get worse than this. I have a few pics but I will show just you one and yes I have permission to share the photo. Will probably take it down later...See it after the Break

Friday, March 15, 2013

US Government condemns Jonathan's pardon for Alams and others ( What Do You Think?)

The United States Government is deeply disappointed over the recent pardons of corrupt officials by the Government of Nigeria. We see this as a setback in the fight against corruption." US Mission in Nigeria.
Meanwhile presidential spokesman Doyin Okupe has said the the Presidential Pardon granted the former Bayelsa governor, Diepreye Alamieyeseigha, can be equated to the same pardon accorded late Emeka Ojukwu and Chief Obafemi Awolowo.

CHOP OUR MONEY: See The Names of Nigerians with Oil Blocks

Name of Operator
Year of Award
Names of Directors/shareholders
Alfred James Petroleum
OPL 302
Adewunmi Sijuade, Goke Sijuade, Adedeji Sijuade, Olayinka Sijude, Adeyemi Osiyemi and Femisola Awosika, with A.O Adeyinka as Chairman
Soglas Nigeria Limited
OPL 226
Oscar P. Udoji, P.E Udoji, E.E. Nwosu, with J.O. Udoji as Chairman
NorthEast Petroleum
OPL 215, 840 &902
Kommer Complex Limited, Nwokema Ngozi Mbu, Abubakar Jubril and Ashiru B. Aliu, A. Ayankoya with Saleh Jambo as Chairman

HEARTLESS: Woman Commits Suicide and Takes her Baby with her as She Jumps From Building

The scratches on a 10-month-old’s face are the only sign of his terrifying eight-story plunge from a Harlem window after his mom took him on her fatal leap.
The baby boy, Keston, showed no signs of any major injuries while under observation at Harlem Hospital on Thursday. It was just a day after lawyer Cynthia Wachenheim strapped the baby to her chest and jumped from her Bradhurst Ave. apartment window, sources said.
Wachenheim, 44, landed on her back, absorbing the impact of the fatal fall. An autopsy found that she suffered a fractured skull and broken bones in her wrist and right leg.
Sources said she jumped nearly three hours after her husband, Hal Bacharach, 48, stormed out of the apartment during an argument.

TROUBLESOME: N Korea testfires tactical missiles

The North Korean military has fired a salvo of tactical surface-to-surface missiles into the Sea of Japan.

The missiles were KN-02s, capable of hitting targets at distances of up to 120 kilometers.
South Korean defence officials have described the exercises as division-level.
Voice of Russia, Interfax

Another Yahoo Boy: EFCC Arraigns Akinluyi Akintunde for 1.1 Billion Naira Scam

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on Wednesday, 13 March, 2013 arraigned Akinluyi Akintunde (a.k.a Akin Cindy) before Justice Bolaji Yusuf of the Oyo State High Court, sitting in Ibadan on a two count charge bordering on obtaining money by false pretence and possession of documents containing false pretence contrary to Sections 6, 8(b) and 1 (3) of the Advance Fee Fraud and Other Fraud Related Offences Act No. 14 0f 2006. 

Akintunde allegedly obtained the sum of $450.00(Four Hundred and Fifty USD) from one Robert Jackson via Western Union Money Transfer and another $6,450,000.00 (Six million, Four Hundred and Forty UDS) about 1.1 billion naira through false documents.

Woman Shot Dead by Sheriff For Shoplifting At the Store

Shelly Frey, 27, was shot and killed by an off-duty sheriff’s deputy at a Houston, TX., Walmart. The deputy was suspicious of Frey, saying he thought she was stealing from the store, reports UK Daily Mail. Harris County Sheriff’s deputies said that Shelly Frey, Tisa Andrews and Yolanda Craig were shoplifting when they were stopped by Louis Campbell, a 26-year veteran of the force, who is employed as a security guard at Walmart.
Campbell said that the women dashed to their car, and when he went to open their car door, they drove away.

PhotoShop Angel-Shaped Cloud Appears In Florida Sky After New Pope Is Announced (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Some say it's nothing. Others believe it's a message from heaven on a big day for the Roman Catholic Church.
Just hours after Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio made his first appearance as Pope Francis at the Vatican, Florida resident Jodi Guthrie snapped a photo of a stunning cloud shaped like an angel hovering in the sky over Royal Palm Beach. 
The photo, which was first posted by WPTV, quickly went viral as others who spotted the cloud also sent in their own images. Another stunning angle was posted by WFLX weatherman Steve Weagle.

Pastor Chris Okotie Scammed Conned

Scammers have cloned the Facebook account of Nigeria’s celebrity pastor and three-time presidential candidate, Rev. Chris Okotie, and are using it to extort money from the public, his spokesman warned in a statement on Thursday.
Account cloning is when scammers copy a user’s Facebook profile picture onto a new account along with the user’s name and use the new account for various scams.
Ladi Ayodeji, Director of Media and Communications Strategy at Household of God Church, Okotie’s church, disclosed that at least two of such accounts have been created.

What Happens When US Is After You: $2 trillion spent and 190,000 lives lost to kill one dictator

On the eve of the 10th anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003, the Costs of War Project of the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University released a report on the casualties and expenditures of the Iraq war.

The preamble of the report states, "The United States invaded Iraq on March 19, 2003 on the false pretext that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction. The mass destruction of the invasion, occupation, and civil war followed, and amplified the societal and health disintegration caused by the previous decade of sanctions. Iraqi lives and communities remain war-devastated ten years on. American military and contractor families struggle with the loss of loved ones as well as the emotional and economic burdens of living with long-term injuries and illnesses. Total US federal spending associated with the Iraq war has been $1.7 trillion through FY2013. In addition, future health and disability payments for veterans will total $590 billion and interest accrued to pay for the war will add up to $3.9 trillion."

Man Rapes His Daughter While Wife Was Asleep

A 31-year-old man accused of raping his 10-year-old daughter in the kitchen while the mother was sleeping in the bedroom, has appeared in court.

The man appeared before regional magistrate Ms Estere Chivasa who deferred the matter to today for trial continuation. In his defence, the man told the court that it was impossible to leave his wife sleeping in the bedroom and go on to rape his step-daughter in the kitchen.

He also said that the allegations he is facing were fabricated on the basis that he has been having problems with the girl's mother for the past four years. This was allegedly after the girl's mother found out an illicit affair with another girl he intended to marry, so she promised to fix him.

Photos: 8 Perfectly Preserved Dead World Leaders You Can Visit

Traditions aren’t traditions if they’re not a little weird, right?
“We have decided to prepare the body of our “Comandante President,” to embalm it so that it remains open for all time for the people,” Venezuelan Vice President Nicolás Maduro declared on Thursday, in announcing plans to preserve Hugo Chávez’s body and showcase it in a glass tomb at a military museum near the presidential palace.
“Just like Ho Chi Minh. Just like Lenin. Just like Mao Zedong.”
In fact, it turns out Maduro was missing a few names. The practice of embalming national (mainly communist) leaders and boxing their bodies in glass for posterity may have gone out of vogue with the end of the Cold War, but Chávez still has distinguished company.
Here are the most notable members of the exclusive club:
Vladimir Lenin, Russia. Died: Jan. 21, 1924

50,000 – 100,000 Babies Born With HIV in Nigeria Annually – Report

A recent report has shown that between 50,000 and 100,000 of babies born in the country yearly are carriers of HIV.
The report was released on Tuesday in Abuja, when the Minister of Health, Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu, hosted the National Steering Group of the Global Plan towards the Elimination of New HIV Infections among Children by 2015 and Keeping their Mothers Alive.
The group was constituted by President Goodluck Jonathan in April 2012 to help mobilise national leadership for global plan on eliminating mother-to-child transmission, implementation and keeping their mothers alive.
The NSG has since been working across states of the federation, seeking to end transmission of the scourge.

Oscar Leaves Inspiration FM, Joins City FM As Head Of Programmes

Popular broadcaster and On-air-personality Gbemileke Oyinsan otherwise known as Oscar has left Inspiration FM 92.3 after four years. The ever cheerful OAP has picked up a new job at another Lagos based radio station City FM 105.1 as Head of Programmes. Oscar says there were a couple of reasons he left Inspiration FM in December 2012, one of them being his recent marriage to another Inspiration FM radio presenter Titi who he tied the knot On April 30, 2012.
‘Their marriage doesn’t really follow the company’s poilicies, if you understand‘, a worker at Inspiration tells us.
‘Well, I got married to Titi in April then there was also my Master Degree I had to get done‘, Oscar told NET in a telephone chat. ‘I also fully setup my media com Amber 11‘, he added Oscar resumed at City FM as Head of Programmes in January and currently hosts the ‘Breakfast in the City‘ show.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

MUST WATCH VIDEO: Woman Has S-é-x With Aliens, Claims She Gets 'Out Of This World Orgasms'

In an interview with Holly Willoughby of ITV's 'This Morning' programme, Stephany Cohen explained that she has sé-x with aliens.  
According to her, the aliens -which she calls 'Grays'- often visit her for s-éxual intercourse and give her an experience far better than any physical sé-xual encounter she's had with past lovers. When Holly asked how she traveled to the solar system the previous night. She said...
Watch video below...

Woman has S-é-x with Aliens on This Morning 13.3.13

Jos: Women Attack STF Officers In Riyom, Injure Six

Six officers of the Special Task Force (STF) in Jos, Plateau state have been injured when they were attacked by some Berom women in Rim village in Riyom local government area of the state.
A statement by STF’s media and information officer Captain Salisu Mustapha said the women became violent and started hurling insult, and throwing dangerous objects including stones  at STF personnel who were on a search operation in the area; injuring six of them in the process.
“What happened in Rim was a usual random check and search operation that is conducted by STF in recent times all over the state against which the women mobilized themselves and prevented the personnel from doing their work and started calling for the withdrawal of the troop from Rim.

Brazilian Footballer To spend 22 Years in Jail For Killing Girlfriend And Feeding Her Body to...

A Brazilian footballer has been jailed for more than two decades for ordering the kidnap and murder of his girlfriend, who was dismembered and fed to his pet dogs.  Bruno Fernandes de Souza, 28, who was tipped to play for Brazil at the 2014 World Cup, was sentenced to 22 years and three months in prison for the murder of Eliza Samudio, whom he apparently had killed to avoid paying child support after she gave birth to his love child.
Judge Marixa Fabiane Rodrigues said the goalkeeper, who played for Brazil's biggest team Flamengo, had 'meticulously calculated' Ms Samudio's execution.

Gunmen Kill Four Prison Officials, Injures Three in Warri (PHOTOS)

Palpable fear has gripped Delta State following the invasion of Warri this morning by gunmen who killed at least four officials of the Nigeria Prisons Service.  It was gathered that the bloody incident took place at about nine o’clock in the morning when the vehicles in which the prison warders were conveying some of the prison inmates to court was attacked at the Okere Roundabout in Warri. Click to see more photos and read more.

EFCC Arrests 5 Internet Fraudsters in Enugu

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) said it has arrested five suspected internet fraudsters in Enugu, Enugu State.

According to a statement released by the Acting Head, Media and Publicity, Wilson Uwujaren, the suspects were picked up from their hide out at No. 26 and 42, Chimaobi Uba Street, GRA, Enugu following an intelligence report.
The statement reads, “The suspects, Uche Nwakor, 27; Ejikeme Oluchukwu, 30; Ifeanyi Ejikeme, 28; Nnamani Ikechukwu,30 and Ibe Kodili are alleged to be serial scammers who have defrauded several victims.

Soldiers Brutally Attack VIO Men In Lagos (Photo)

Some soldiers attached to the 242 Battalion, Iberoko along the Lagos-Badagry Expressway have been accused of brutalizing some Vehicle Inspection Officers in the area.
It was learnt that the incident occurred on February 27, 2013 when the officers were on duty.
A senior VIO official, who spoke to our correspondent on the condition of anonymity, said the incident occurred while his men were attempting to arrest a bus.
He added that the driver of the bus lost control and hit two soldiers.

Enugu State Governor's Son Nnamdi Chime Set To Wed (Photos)

Enugu State governor Sullivan Chime's son, Nnamdi, is getting ready to quit bachelorhood.  He will marry his heartthrob Nneoma Atueyi next month, April 2013.
 Their traditional wedding will hold on Friday April 12th at the bride's hometown of Nnewi, in Anambra State while their white wedding will hold on Saturday April 13th in Enugu.
They do look like such a cute couple.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Senate Receives Signed Copy Of 2013 Budget From Jonathan

The Senate today confirmed receipt of the signed 2013 budget from President Goodluck Jonathan.
Senate Spokesman Enyinnaya Abaribe, who confirmed this to journalists in Abuja, said copies of the signed budget were already with all the senators.
Abaribe, who noted that the president was yet to seek an amendment to the budget, however assured that should he do so, the Senate would work on it.
He said within the next few days, all the senators would critically look at the details of the signed budget to be sure that it is in tandem with the one passed by the National Assembly.
According to Abaribe, “every budget is an organic system which means that necessarily, there will be corrections and those corrections come through another appropriation bill that will be sent as a supplementary bill. That is the only way I know that an amendment of the budget can be done. If we get such a supplementary bill, we are going to work with it.”

PDP Internal Crisis: Amaechi, Aliyu, Others Snub Govs’ Meeting

Chairman of the Nigeria Governors Forum and Governor of Rivers State, Mr. Rotimi Amaechi, was among six governors who were conspicuously missing Monday night at the Peoples Democratic Party Governors’ Forum meeting, which held in the nation’s capital.
Aside Amaechi, other absent governors included Sule Lamido (Jigawa); Dr. Babangida Aliyu (Niger); Seidu Dakingari (Kebbi); Aliyu Wamako (Sokoto); Musa Kwakwanso(Kano) and Sulivan Chime).
Eight other governors, who were absent at the meeting however sent their deputies unlike the six absentee governors.

House Committee Orders Arrest Of 3 Top NNPC Staff Over Missing Funds Running Into Billions Of Dollar

House of Representatives Committee on Public Account has ordered the Inspector General of Police, Mr Mohammed Abubakar, to arrest and bring before the committee, the Group Managing Director of Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Engineer Andrew Yakubu, the Executive secretary, Petroleum Products Price regulatory Agency (PPPRA), Mr Reginald Stanley, and the Director Department of Petroleum Resources, Mr Augustine Olorunsola.
This is as a result the refusal of the trio to appear before the committee to defend the multi-billion dollar Auditor-General of the Federation query dated back to 2007. The IGP has therefore been given an ultimatum to ensure that the three individuals were brought before the committee in person by 1.00pm today.

(NLC) challenged by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to strengthen its structure

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has been challenged by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to strengthen its structure, reposition itself and strive to have a say in setting and implementing developmental agenda for Nigeria.
This call was made by the Director-General of the ILO, Mr Guy Ryder, who was speaking during a one-day interactive session of the International Affairs Committee of the NLC, on “International Cooperation Work,” held in Abuja,on Monday.

House Of Reps Query CBN, FIRS,NCS Over Missing N7.9bn

The House of Representatives on Monday uncovered a N7.935bn discrepancy in the remittance of revenue generated by the Nigeria Customs Service to the Federation Account in 2007.
A report of the House Committee on Public Accounts indicated that Customs generated and remitted N233.430bn to the Federation Account during the year, but found out that only N241.366bn was released to the Federation Accounts Allocation Committee for sharing between the three tiers of government.
This left a difference of N7.9bn, which the committee said was not accounted for.
The committee queried the Central Bank of Nigeria, the NCS and the Federal Inland Revenue Service about the development. It directed them to explain what led to the discrepancy.

Photos: Nigerian man jailed 14yrs for trafficking teenagers from the UK to use as prostitutes across Europe

 A Nigerian man has been jailed for 14 years for his role in the 'horrific' ordeal of two teenage girls being trafficked via London to work as prostitutes in mainland Europe. A court heard Odosa Usiobaifo, 35, from Enfield, north London, was involved in a 'significant' organised crime gang trafficking young women for the purposes of sexual exploitation. Usiobaifo was arrested after two Nigerian girls missing from local authority care in London were given false passports and tickets and placed on a flight to Spain.

We Have Never Had Unemployment As Huge As This In Our History – Rauf Aregbesola

Governor Rauf Aregbesola of Osun State has urged the Federal Government to declare a national emergency in unemployment in the country.
Governor Aregbesola made this call while declaring open a retreat organised for the 26-member Osun State House Assembly in Ada, on Monday. The theme of the retreat was ‘Developing corporate skills’ and in attendance were the Speaker, Osun State House of Assembly, Mr. Najeem Salaam, and his deputy, Mr. Adegboye Akintunde, among others. Aregbesola said it was strange that the unemployment level in the country had failed to elicit the desired reaction from governments.

Photos: Accident on 3rd mainland bridge !

The accident happened around 11.45 am today. It was caused by a red saloon car which was loaded with foodstuff. The saloon car lost control and hit an SUV, causing the SUV to somersault. Fortunately no one was injured in the accident.

New Pope Elected: Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Argentina

76 year old Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Buenos Aries in Argentina has been named the 266th Pope. He's the first Latin-American Pope in the history of the Catholic Church, which is the longest running institution in the history of mankind...almost 2,000 years old.  The new Pope was the archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina before he was elected to lead the Catholic church. He was ordained for the Jesuits on Dec. 13, 1969. He has chosen the Papal name - Pope Francis 1.

Three Injured As Unknown Gunmen Attack Primary School In Kano

Gunmen riding on motorcycles on Tuesday morning struck at a primary school in Kumbotso Local Government of Kano state, wounding three staff members, the Kano Police high command have confirmed.  The gunmen were said to have struck Dan Maliki primary school between 9:30am and 10:00am while pupils were in their classrooms. Two teachers and the headmaster were wounded.
While the teachers have been treated and discharged, the police say the headmaster is still receiving medical attention.

NDLEA Nabs Grandmother With Cocaine In Hair Weaving At Abuja Airport

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency on Saturday nabbed a 53-year-old grandmother, Sikirat Giwa at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja while trying to smuggle out cocaine under her hair weave.
The 1kg of white powdery substance which later tested positive to cocaine was discovered during a routine check as the suspect attempted to board an Ethiopian airline Flight ET 910 to Pakistan enroute Addis Ababa and Dubai.
According to the NDLEA Abuja Airport commander, Mr. Hamisu Lawan, “There was no prior information on Sikirat as the drug was detected when a female officer carried out a body frisk on her during outward screening of passengers.”

Ajimobi Launches Free Shuttle Buses For Workers, Students

Governor Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo State has launched a transport scheme for civil servants and students in the state.
Speaking at the launch of ten 43-seater buses in Ibadan yesterday, Ajimobi said the buses would be conveying civil servants and students to and fro their offices and schools on daily basis free of charge.
The 10 buses tagged “Ajumose Shuttle” is part of the current administration’s 100 43-seater buses and another 100 mini-buses meant to ameliorate the transport situation in the state.

Human Rights Activist Festus Keyamo Set To Contest For Governorship In Delta State In 2015

The 2015 gubernatorial election in Delta State is set to produce a lot of drama, especially if fillers emerging from the media is anything to go by. Information has it that human rights activist, Mr Festus Keyamo, has indicated his interest to contest for the governorship of the state.
The human rights activist made this known recently in Effurun-Warri, Delta State, at the maiden edition of Delta Forces United (DFU), a rallying point being put in place to mobilise and galvanise progressives in the state.

Obama’s Policies Have Only Increased African American Unemployment – Dr Ben Carson

A comment from the world-renowned neurosurgeon, Dr Ben Carson has sparked a discussion in the African American community.
“If President Obama wants to be a hero in the African-American community, he should do something to alleviate the “abominable” African American unemployment rate in America,” says Dr. Carson.
The head of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Md., who was the first surgeon to separate conjoined twins, has continued to ride the wave of momentum from his last speech by speaking out on the economic policies of the Obama administration by stating that they’ve been harmful to African Americans.

Cardinals Fail To Elect Pope After Three Ballots

Black smoke rose from above the Sistine Chapel for a second day on Wednesday after a secret conclave of cardinals held two more inconclusive votes for a new pope to lead the troubled Church.

The 115 cardinal electors entered the conclave in the Sistine’s Renaissance splendor on Tuesday and held their first inconclusive ballot that evening.

Too Many Drug Types Are Compromising Heart Health: Doctors

Too Many Drug Types Are Compromising Heart Health: Doctors

The criticism was voiced by a number of leading heart doctors who attended the annual scientific sessions of the American College of Cardiology, held on March 9-11 in San Francisco. They said eliminating certain drugs could potentially improve care without compromising treatment. Evidence is growing that some medications are not effective.


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