Welcome to Niger Delta, 'Where the sun never sets' 'The Pride of the Nation 'The Treasure Base of the Nation' 'The Big Heart', regal in aquatic splendor, once consume by the Niger Delta militants and now being eaten by the termites called the joint Task Force [JTF] 'Operation Pulo Shield'. The outgoing Commander of the Joint Task Force [JTF] operating in the Niger Delta, Major General Johnson Ochoga, admitted that some of its personnel were corrupt, “There’s no organization that will say it is 100 per cent clean [from corruption]; so also is with the Joint Task Force 'Operation Pulo Shield'. ’ll not say we don’t have bad eggs; but to those soldiers [involved in corruption]; every day is for the thief and one day is for the owner".
Unemployment, poverty, and glaring crude oil thefts 'Sophisticated Ring', an amphitheater of neglect! These is what pervades the Niger Delta. Following cessation of hostilities and the amnesty programme granted the militants, and with the relative peace pervading the Niger Delta. The Joint Task Force [JTF] has technically hone their skills towards engaging in the lucrative crude oil plundering, after all it is part of the national cake [free for all and for those who can].
To some JTF is simply 'Just Total Failure', the region is home to Africa's second largest concentration of illegal arms and weapons after Congo DR. What about captured photographs of uniformed men [in military uniform] escorting barges loaded with stolen crude oil an captured photographs of uniformed men [in military uniform] guarding and supervising loading of stolen crude oil into barges?
Are these oil thieves sacred cows? And why are their 'Sophisticated Ring' remain unbreakable? Are they being backed by the system? With his recent comments on Niger Delta Development Commission [NDDC] by President Goodluck Jonathan, that NDDC STINKS! According to my tour guide, Amiekumo Tombriye, a Sagbama resident, JTF simply means, 'Just Total Failure'.

Crude oil thefts is part of the Nigeria societal decay, that has cost Nigeria's government a colossal $7 billion dollars [1.2 trillion naira], everybody is complaining, with a hovering loss of about 100,000 barrels per day. It is indeed disheartening. Nigeria has asked Britain Defense for help to tackle the mufti-billion dollar oil theft business which is run by international crime syndicates and 'sophisticated ring', In Nembe creeks, Bayelsa State, Krakrama and Awoba in Kalabari axis of Rivers State, as well as areas close to coastal Bonny, also in Rivers State and other parts of the Niger Delta, the illegal pipelines vandalizing and oil thieves are having a field day. Should we also engage AFRICOM, United States Military High Command responsible for Africa based in Stuttgart, Germany?