Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Why They Want To Kill Young Shall Grow Chairman

Below is a blow-by-blow account of the attack and how the man was saved:

A police source said the Inspector of Police, who is attached to B Ops, Patrol and Guard at the Lagos State Police command, Ikeja, has been working with Chief Obianodo for two years, as a guard. He described the action of the Inspector as 'the only saving grace', saying as soon as the bandits blocked Chief’s car with theirs, they came out firing towards the two cars in the convoy.

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US military operations since 1950s. TIMELINE

This is a timeline of the United States military operations starting from 1950s until present date. The list of military operations is based on open sources. Dates show the years in which US government military units participated. 

President Obama speaks on Syria: I'm comfortable going forward without the UN's approval.( Live Update)

International pressure has been building for a military strike on Syria in the wake of an alleged chemical weapons attack in a Damascus suburb. The West blames President Assad, as UN inspectors probe the site of the attack.

  • Ballistic "objects" detected by Russian radar fell into sea, reported Russian news agency RIA quoting source in Dam 
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Sending US cruise missile carriers to Syria coast to escalate conflict – Russian Defense Ministry

The sending of US Navy cruise missile carrying ships to the Syrian coast will escalate the conflict, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Oleg Dogayev said at a Public Chamber hearing on Tuesday.

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Russia’s anti-missile radars register two ballistic launches in Mediterranean – Defense Ministry

Russia's Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has reported to President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday that the country's missile detection system had registered two launches of ballistic missiles in the Mediterranean region. The missiles have been fired from the Sea's eastern coastline. The launches took place at 10:16 am Moscow time (06:16 GMT) and were detected by the early warning system in Armavir in southern Russia, the defence ministry said in a statement quoted by Russian news agencies. The event comes amid growing expectations of Western military action in Syria. Syria’s embassy in Moscow said it had no information on the nature of the ballistic launches.

Taraba political crinkum-crankum ridicules Nigeria’s democracy—Tsav -

MAKURDI—Former Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Alhaji Abubakar Tsav, has described the ongoing political logjam in Taraba State as a sad development and a ridicule of the Nigeria’s democracy.
Tsav who spoke yesterday with Vanguard said the development was a clear indication that the ruling People’s Democratic Party, PDP, was on the part of disintegration because “it is a house divided against it.”

PDP situation deepens.. as faction sues Tukur, Chikwe, others • Gej, govs continue conference today • Party Elders to parley on Thursday

In spite of the troubleshooting efforts of President Goodluck Jonathan and former President Olusegun Obasanjo, the  faction of the Peoples Democratic Party led by  Alhaji Abubakar Baraje  has  said it will  not  abandon its mission to salvage the PDP.

Rivers crisis: Police declare Amaechi’s ADC a deserter

THE Rivers State Police Command, on Monday, declared Governor Rotimi Amaechi’s Aide De Camp, Seimeikumo Debewari, a deserter. The state police command said Debewari had seized to be the ADC to Amaechi since his disappearance and refusal to obey directives from the force.
Debewari, who is an Assistant Superintendent of Police, was said to be involved in the free-for-all that took place in the State House of Assembly on July 10, 2013.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Navy arrests two Beninoise, three others over pipeline vandalism

LAGOS — Two Benin Republic nationals and three others have been arrested by operatives of Beecroft of the Nigerian Navy over alleged vandalism in Lagos. They were alleged to have vandalised pipeline in Makoko area of the state. Recovered from the suspects were 270 jerricans filled with siphoned petroleum products. The Benin Republic nationals, however, told Vanguard that they were fishermen, who fished in Nigeria’s waters in company of some Nigerians.

When leaders of a country losses its morals,principles and values. This is what happens: Kerry discuss with Syrian rebels' leader US attack against Assad regime

"One wonders if these lawmakers think we are all foolish"
On Monday, US State Secretary John Kerry phoned the head of the Syrian Free Army Salim Idris to explain to him some details of Washington's plans of an armed operation against the Bashar Assad regime. This is what Salim Idris later said in an interview with the CNN TV channel.
Mr. Idris said that he is supporting President Obama's decision to hand over to the Congress for viewing a draft resolution, which, if adopted, would sanction an attack against the Assad regime's forces.

Terrible: Pastor rapes woman in church during ‘spiritual bath’

ABEOKUTA — A 46-year-old Pastor, Olamide Sobowale, of Glory Church of Christ Aladura, Oke-Itoku, Abeokuta, Ogun State,  has been ordered to be remanded in prison for allegedly raping a woman while bathing in his church backyard.

NSA spied on Brazilian and Mexican presidents – media

US National Security Agency spied on the communications of the Brazilian and Mexican presidents, accessing the Mexico leader's emails even before he was elected, Brazil's Globo television reported.

Glenn Greenwald, a Rio de Janeiro-based columnist for the Guardian newspaper who obtained secret files from NSA leaker Edward Snowden, told Globo on Sunday that a document dated June 2012 shows that Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto's emails were being accessed already a month before his election.

Obama to meet McCain to obtain his support for intervention in Syria

US President Barack Obama is expected to invite Senator John McCain to the White House today to help sell to Congress the idea of a US military intervention in Syria. Members of Congress in both parties said they would not be able to support the current draft of a resolution authorizing Obama to launch a military strike. John Kerry, the US secretary of state, and Chuck Hagel, the secretary of defense, will both appear before Congress to make the administration's case for war on Tuesday.
Part of their drive includes winning over John McCain, who has called for the US to intervene forcefully to overthrow Bashar al-Assad and said he would oppose "isolated military strikes that are not part of an overall strategy" to defeat the regime.
USA Today

"We have challenged the US and France to come up with a single piece of proof" - Assad

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Monday scorned allegations that his forces were behind chemical attacks in Damascus last month and warned that any French military action against his government would trigger negative repercussions. "Those who make accusations must show evidence. We have challenged the US and France to come up with a single piece of proof. (Presidents) Obama and Hollande have been incapable of doing so," Assad told the French daily in an interview.
"Anybody who contributes to the financial and military reinforcement of terrorists is the enemy of the Syrian people. If the policies of the French state are hostile to the Syrian people, the state will be their enemy," he said. "There will be repercussions, negative ones obviously, on French interests."

"I'll not fight for Al Qaeda in Syria"- US military revolt against Obama’s decision to 'support Al-Qaeda in Syria'

The military revolt against the Obama administration’s plan to launch a potentially disastrous attack on Syria is gathering pace, with both top brass and regular service members expressing their vehement opposition to the United States becoming entangled in the conflict. The backlash began to spread on social media yesterday with numerous members of the military posting photos of themselves holding up signs stating that they would refuse to fight on the same side as Al-Qaeda in Syria. Others have posted their photos on Twitter alongside the hashtag #IdidntJoin.

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Western security services have a vested interest in continuing terror – David Shayler

For some western security services it is in their benefit to maintain a high-level of fear among the population, therefore supporting and even in the extreme, causing terrorist attacks in profitable and helps the security services maintain their power and control over the population. In an interview with the Voice of Russia ex-MI5 officer and whistleblower David Shayler spoke about this and more.
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PDP crisis depens.. as faction sues Tukur, Chikwe, others • Jonathan, govs continue meeting today • Party elders to parley on Thursday

In spite of the troubleshooting efforts of President Goodluck Jonathan and former President Olusegun Obasanjo, the  faction of the Peoples Democratic Party led by  Alhaji Abubakar Baraje  has  said it will  not  abandon its mission to salvage the PDP.
To prove its seriousness, the faction known as the New PDP, has gone to  a Lagos High Court in Ikeja,  seeking to stop  officials of  the National Working Committee of the  Bamanga Tukur-led faction  from parading themselves as members  of  the National Executive Committee of the party.

Heartless: Nigerian Police Positions Metal in woman's private part. (Video)

This was first reported in October 2012 but people are still commenting on the video crying out for justice for this woman old enough to be a grandmother. Someone sent the video to us and we are watching it for  the first time and totally shocked, we also checked online and couldn't see any follow up report indicating the people who did this to her were punished.This is shocking  and unacceptable in the 21st century. Please lets make this go viral so that the People who did this will be called out. Its AGBARA POLICE STATION. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Images: President Jonathan hosts president Yayi of Benin Republic

 President Goodluck Jonathan met Sunday at the Presidential Villa with the President Boni Yayi of neighbouring Benin Republic. Both leaders attended Sunday service together at the Villa Chapel before proceeding to the presidential residence for lunch and bilateral talks.
Former President Olusegun Obasanjo worshipped with President Jonathan and President Yayi at the Presidential Villa but didn't take part in the talks between them. 
 See more photos after the break.

Terrible: Pastor rapes woman in church during ‘spiritual bath’

ABEOKUTA — A 46-year-old Pastor, Olamide Sobowale, of Glory Church of Christ Aladura, Oke-Itoku, Abeokuta, Ogun State,  has been ordered to be remanded in prison for allegedly raping a woman while bathing in his church backyard.

Pastor Sobowale, who  was arraigned before a Magistrate Court sitting in Isabo, Abeokuta, yesterday, was accused of  raping one Dupe Makinde, 30, who lives in Isaje, Abeokuta, while taking a spiritual bath  allegedly  recommended by the pastor.
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