Saturday, September 20, 2014

NATO’s new cold war redraws left, liberal views on imperialism and war

The right-wing Canadian government endorsed a "Ukrainian Independence Day" celebration in Toronto that openly raised funds for the fascist Right Sector organisation and at which the group's red and black flags were displayed prominently.

September 18, 2014 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- Just under 25 years ago, the Cold War ended with a capitalist triumph. The nationalised economies and political structures of the Soviet Union and eastern Europe collapsed and a transition to a harsh, anti-social capitalism began.
In the years that followed, an eastward expansion was undertaken by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the military alliance of the imperialist countries of Europe and North America. Many of the countries of eastern Europe joined the alliance, in explicit defiance of agreements by NATO with post-Soviet Russia not to expand in this way.

Corps Member Donates ₦10,000 Allowy To Pres. Jonathan’s Re-election

A serving corps member, Ezemagu Sunday Nnamdi has donated N10,000 to President Jonathan's re-election bid. Patriotic or nah, guys?

In a press statement released by Mr. Reuben Abati, Special Adviser to President Jonathan on Media & Publicity, the young Nigerian sent the donation of Ten Thousand Naira as his humble contribution to the President’s  re-election. Reuben also disclosed that the donation was sent before the Peoples’ 
Democratic Party (PDP) adopted the President as its sole candidate for the 2015 presidential elections. 

Synagogue Building Crash: Govt Moves against T. B Joshua

The Lagos State Government has moved against the popular Synagogue Church of All Nations, Ikotun, after one of its buildings collapsed last week killing over 70 people including a 10-year-old kid with many others critically injured.

The structure, which was under construction, was initially a two-storey building before the addition of four new floors which were under construction. As of Thursday, after NEMA announced that rescue work has ended, the death toll in the building collapse hit 80. Among the dead were 67 South Africans. 

Ukrainian Army Attacks Military Plant in Donetsk

The Ukrainian military have carried out an attack on a military plant in Donetsk, where explosives are blowing up.  At the moment, there is smoke over the 107th military factory and explosions still could be heard. The locals said that there were ammunition supplies stored in the factory, which are currently exploding.

The Devil did it, please forgive me -Herbalist who buried Customs officer & daughter alive [Photos]

The victims got missing on May 10 after which the family spent three weeks searching for them before eventually reporting to the po­lice on June 13.   For five days, despite all kinds of rigorous interrogations he was subjected to, Olatunji maintained that he was innocent. Not deterred by his tears and call on the almighty God to de­liver him from what he described as injustice, Head of the SARS team, Abba Kyari insisted that the suspect’s confession was not coherent, hence the need for further interrogation.

Lagos Roads Blocked As President Arrives For PDP Rally

According to reports, President Goodluck Jonathan in expected to arrive in Lagos today.
The president is said to be visiting the commercial hub to attend a political rally organized by the top echelon of thePeoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the South-West.
The event, tagged “Unity Rally”, is supposedly being organized in support of Jonathan’s 2015 re-election bid.  Some roads in Lagos have reportedly been blocked in preparation for the president’s arrival.  The Lagos bus transit service, LAGBUS revealed via Twitter (@LAGBUSOfficial) that:

Akon to supply electricity to Kenya

Akon first met President Uhuru Kenyatta in Washington DC during the US-Africa Summit in August to discuss his intentions in assisting the country with electricity...
American/Senegalese singer Akon has promise to light up Kibera in Nairobi which is the largest urban slum in Africa. The R & B singer who first met President Uhuru Kenyatta in Washington DC during the US-Africa Summit in August to discuss his intentions in assisting the country with electricity, was at the State House Nairobi on Thursday, September 18, 2014, set up a meeting with the Energy CS Davis Chirchir, Kenya Power MD Ben Chumo, President’s Private Secretary Jomo Gecaga and Rural Electrification CEO and agreed on specifics for implementation that with be carried by ‘Akon Light Africa Project’. 

Akon who was welcomed to the State House by Kenya president will participate in the rural electrification process and will hold another meeting with Rural Electrification Authority to finalize on specifics. According to reports. See Some photos below…....

Frustrated Man commits suicide in Ekiti state after 2 failed attempts

After two failed attempts to kill himself within the last few four years, a person considered in his 30s named Mundiu (pictured above) finally succeeded in killing himself yesterday September 19th.

In accordance with Sun News, Mundiu killed himself in the hall way of his compound in Ayede-Ekiti community in Oye local government of Ekiti state in the first hours of yesterday morning.
 In accordance with one of his true neighbors, Muntiu had always complained to be poor and unsuccessful and was considered very frustrated. Each day before he killed himself, he mentioned to neighbours that they may be witnessing drama on Friday but no-one knew he was talking about him killing himself

Car crash on college road - Pics

  A speeding car veered off the trail in the first hours of today and crashed right into a pole and stall on a road on College Road in Ogba, Ikeja. Fortunately, the guy suspected to be drunk, survived the crash but his car was totaled. See photos after the break...

Friday, September 19, 2014

War on Boko Haram: Things’ll Change By Next Month — Jonathan

President Goodluck Jonathan promised yesterday that by next month, the security challenge posed by members of the Boko Haram sect who have engaged in massive killing and wanton destruction of property would change drastically. This is just as the troops have killed 60 of the insurgents.

Speaking yesterday at the 66th National Executive Committee, NEC of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, President Jonathan who admitted that the nation’s greatest challenge was that of insecurity, stressed that what obtains presently in Nigeria has gone beyond terror, but plans to secede where members of Boko Haram want to install their own leadership.

Pandemonium in Kano Poly over Bomb Scare

 Days after having a bomb attack at the Federal College of Education, FCE Kano that left 20 dead and more injured, there clearly was pandemonium at the Kano State Polytechnic and Aminu Kano School of Legal studies, KANO this afternoon. The incident which occurred around 12.20pm saw students of the 2 tertiary institutions scampering for safety. The students also reported gunshots, but it has not been confirmed. However several were wounded. - 
See more pics bellow.

Eight Ebola awareness workers killed by villagers in Guinea

8 Ebola awareness workers including 3 journalists & 5 health workers were killed by angry villagers on Tuesday Sept. 16th in Wome village, same village where the Ebola virus broke out early this year.

The workers were killed while out creating awareness and distributing flyers about Ebola. According to reports, the villagers, who believe the Ebola outbreak is a fabricated story, began throwing rocks at the delegation who arrived to do disinfection work and educate people about how to prevent Ebola.

Another Church building Collapses in Edo; 3 feared dead

A week after an uncompleted Guest House owned by The Synagogue Church of All Nations collapsed in Lagos killing over 80 people, another church building has caved in at Egor local government area of Edo state.
The collapse of the one-storey building, owned by the Christ Chosen Church of God, is feared to have led to the death of three people whose identities are yet to be determined.

'It was the Table that Saved Me" - TB Joshua Building Crash Survivor

A man who was inside T.B Joshua's church hostel in Lagos which collapsed has credited a table with saving his life.

Khathuatshelo Ramovha was trapped for 13 hours awaiting rescue. He was underneath the table when the building collapsed and he says it protected him from the falling rubble, which would otherwise have killed him. At least 80 people were killed.
"People were crying, people were praying, people were screaming... I was not feeling anything," he said.

Pres. GEJ lacks the experience to lead Nigeria- Atiku Abubakar

 Former Vice President and APC presidential aspirant Atiku Abubakar said in an interview with AFP today that President Jonathan lacks the ability to lead Nigeria, saying GEJ is the reason Boko Haram activities has been on the increase.

"This insurgency shouldn’t have lasted even six months. Within weeks, we (Obasanjo and I) crushed it because we did not neglect military training and, of course, we did not lack the leadership and the capacity to take decisions. I told Nigerians that he [Jonathan] did not have the capacity; he didn’t have the experience. He didn’t have anything and yet they gave him the chance, the opportunity. And they can now see the chance and the opportunity they gave him. Of course, I’m more experienced than he is. I believe my capacity cannot be compared with his, in all respect.” he said

Very graphic: See pics of Boko Haram militants killed by Nigerian troops

Just received these exclusive but very graphic photos of Boko Haram members killed by the Nigerian troops at Konduga in Borno this week. The pic above is the newest CS/VP3 MRAP which was recently purchased. It aided in the victory of the soldiers within the insurgents. 
but warning biko, it's super graphic...

Obama's Smart Syria Play

art: Josetxo Ezcurra

by Fulan Nasrullah

If you ask me I will tel you that America watched the Cancer of Al-Baghdadi and his Islamic State spread from Syria back into Iraq to create an excuse to bomb Bashar Al-Assad in Syria.


Scotland Says ‘No’ to Independence: Final Results

With all ballots counted, Scotland has chosen to stay in the United Kingdom with 44.7 percent in support of independence and 55.3 percent rejecting it. The referendum saw the turnout of 84.59 percent. Scotland's First Minister, Alex Salmond, accepted his defeat before the results were counted. "Our referendum was an agreed and consented process. Scotland has decided No at this stage to become and independent country and I accept that verdict," Salmond said Friday. UK Prime Minister David Cameron welcomed Friday the results of the Scottish referendum that saw the victory of those voting against independence and "kept our country of four nations together." The UK Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg posted on Twitter Friday: "In a dangerous and uncertain world I have no doubt we are stronger, safer, and more prosperous together than we ever could be apart". If the majority of people in Scotland voted for independence, the region could become independent on March 24, 2016.

Scottish Vote Turnout Exceeds 80% in Some Areas

The first turnout numbers of the Scottish referendum are starting to come in from the 32 local authority areas across the nation, with key parts of the country reporting historic voter turnout.
In the early hours of Friday, Sky News reported that turnout in Dundee, Scotland's fourth-largest city after Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen, reached an unprecedented 90 percent.
The three key cities, which account for 25 percent of Scotland's population, will be the last three areas to report on their voting results.

Vostok-2014 Strategic Military Drill Begins in Eastern Russia

A large-scale Russian strategic military exercise, codenamed Vostok-2014 started in eastern Russia on Friday, according to the Defense Ministry. "About 100,000 servicemen, up to 1,500 tanks, 120 aircraft, 5,000 pieces of weaponry, military and special hardware, and 70 ships will take part in the exercises," the ministry said. The maneuvers will take place on the island of Sakhalin, the Kamchatka Peninsula, Chukotka, and the southern part of the Primorsky Territory (Russian Far East). The exercise is due to end on September 25.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Shetland Says No to Scottish Independence

Scotland’s Shetland voted against leaving the United Kingdom, shows the council area’s results released in the early hours of Friday. "No" wins by 9,951 votes to 5,669. That is a vote share of 64 percent for "No" and 36 percent for "Yes". The turnout was 15,620. On Thursday, people in Scotland were voting in the historical independence referendum. Voters were given a ballot paper with the question: "Should Scotland be an independent country?" and the "Yes" or "No" options. Official results expected to be announced between 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. local time on Friday

Glasgow Shows Only 75% Turnout in Scottish Independence Vote

In Glasgow, the turnout in Thursday’s Scottish independence referendum was only 75 percent, which is lower than was expected. The turnout was announced by the head by a local election commission. At 10 p.m. local time (9:00 GMT), referendum polls closed at 5,579 voting stations in 32 councils across Scotland, with official results expected to be announced between 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. local time on Friday. If the majority of Scots vote "yes" in the referendum, then on March 24, 2016, Scotland will become independent from the United Kingdom.

Scots in Inverclyde Vote Against Independence With 50.1%

The Inverclyde council area, located in the west central Lowlands, has voted ‘No’ to Scottish independence, according to the reports released early Friday. The "No" vote in Inverclyde wins by 27,329 to 27,243 - that's 50.1 percent to 49.9 percent. The total turnout in the council area stood at 87.4 percent. On Thursday, people in Scotland were voting in the historic independence referendum. Voters were given a ballot paper with the question: "Should Scotland be an independent country?" and the "yes" or "no" options. Five of 32 Scotland’s council areas have declared their results so far. All five said “No” to Scotland leaving the United Kingdom. Official results are expected to be announced between 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. local time on Friday. If the majority of Scots votes "yes" in the referendum, then on March 24, 2016, Scotland will become independent from the United Kingdom.

West Dunbartonshire Says Yes to Independence

Scots in the council area of West Dunbartonshire have been the second to say a resounding “yes” to Scottish independence, with 54 percent supporting Scotland’s secession from the 307-year-old union, according to the newest results. The “yes” vote has defeated unity supporters, who polled 46 percent, winning 33,720 to 28,776 votes. The turnout stood at 87.9 percent. On Thursday, people in Scotland were voting in the historic independence referendum. Voters were given a ballot paper with the question: "Should Scotland be an independent country?" and the "yes" or "no" options. If the majority of Scots votes "yes" in the referendum, then on March 24, 2016, Scotland will become independent from the United Kingdom.

Scots in Dundee Council Area Vote in Favor of Independence

The council area of Dundee City has returned first Yes vote on Scottish independence referendum, according to the returns released early Friday.  The "Yes" vote in Dundee, the fourth-largest city in Scotland by population, polled 57 percent, with “No” claiming 43 percent (53,620 to 39,880 votes).
Total votes cast were 93,592, which is a turnout of 78.8 percent.  On Thursday, people in Scotland were voting in the historic independence referendum. Voters were given a ballot paper with the question: "Should Scotland be an independent country?" and the "Yes" or "No" options.
Official results are expected to be announced between 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. local time on Friday.
If the majority of Scots vote "Yes" in the referendum, then on March 24, 2016, Scotland will become independent from the United Kingdom.

On a lighter note: the BBC propaganda is still the best

The BBC is still the best!

Yup!  They did write it: Obama will send in "3,000 troops, to help fight the virus".   Yes, I know what they meant by that, but look what Josetxo sent me this morning (-: apparently, he reads my mind :-)


Malaysian Flight MH17 crash analysis, by The Russian Union of Engineers

Malaysian Flight MH17 crash analysis, by The Russian Union of Engineers

This is an excellent detailed analysis of the MH17 tragedy by the Russian Union of Engineers which quite frankly illustrates how heavily censored the Dutch “report” is.

We will let you digest this report and come to your own conclusion, which in all likelihood will explain the infamous high velocity projectiles whitewash pumped out by the western “press”.

Ukraine SITREP September 18, 17:30 UTC/Zulu: infighting everywhere

The situation in the Ukraine today is one of chaotic infighting in Novorussia and Banderastan.


Aleksandr Zakharchenko
The first sign of trouble became visible with Strelkov had to urgently come back to Donetsk to prevent the behind-the-scenes negotiations apparently taking place between some officials of the DNR and Ukie oligarchs including Akhmetov.  Then came the news of the sudden removal of Strelkov followed by an almost simultaneous removal of most of the Novorussian leadership.  In spite of that, the Novorussian leadership (Zakharchenko & Co.) appeared to be more than worthy successors to Strelkov and they did a stellar job implementing the counter-offensive plans apparently developed by Strelkov.  Then came the Minsk negotiations with little-covered reports of an attempted coup by Vladimir Antiufeev who, before that, had been in charge of state security under Strelkov.  Apparently, this coup was directed at Zakharchenko and it failed.  What then happened to Antiufeev is still unclear, at least to me.  Last I read he was being interrogated.

Boko Haram Plans To Use Mechanics, Car Wash Centers To Plant Bombs In Cars

Aftermath the heavy defeats inflicted on Boko Haram insurgents in recent weeks, indications have emerged that the group are recruiting auto-mechanic and car wash operators across the country with a view to using their centers as loading bays to plant IEDS’ on vehicles of unsuspecting members of the public to cause havoc.

The objective is to hit at some top government establishment and functionaries as well as military and police locations in other parts of the country outside the North East epicenter of the insurgency to divert attention from the increasingly successful onslaught on the group in recent days.

Towards this end, Intelligence sources told Vanguard that the Boko Haram group have infiltrated the ranks of many of the operators and bought them over with very mouth watering sums of money to look the other way when the explosives were being planted on the vehicles.

High ranking Boko Haram member captured, 60 members killed by military

 A top ranking person in terror group, Boko Haram, was yesterday September 17th captured by the military after an unsuccessful attempted attack on Konduga in Borno state. The sect members actually made an additional attempt into Konduga following the military celebrated its victory against them yesterday afternoon. The captured terror leader happens to be at a military facility where he's receiving treatment.
In a related development, one soldier was killed after an ambush was laid by the sect members in Benishek, Borno state. Four motorcycles were captured from the terror group following the attack. See tweet after the break.

Nigeria Police Force Refutes Amnesty International Report !

The attention of the Nigeria Police has been drawn to an on-line publication entitled ‘Welcome to Hell-Fire’: torture and other ill-treatment in Nigeria. While we do not question the freedom of Amnesty International to earn its relevance and bread, the Nigeria Police takes serious exceptions to some blatant falsehoods and innuendoes contained in that report.


GEJ's steward among 305 people to get National Honours

President Jonathan has approved the award of 2013/2014 National Honours to 305 Nigerians and friends of Nigeria. One of those to be award is the Head Presidential Steward, Mr Isaac Onuh, who will be awarded Member of the Order of the Niger (MON).

The award ceremony will take place on Monday, September 29, 2014 at the International Conference Centre, Abuja. Find the list of all the awardees after the cut...

Exclusive: America Has Been Secretly Frustrating Efforts To End Boko Haram

***America has kept posturing to the world that they are helping us to fight Boko Haram. But that is far from the truth. We have money to buy all the arms we need but the U.S. has continued to stand in our way. They won’t let us buy arms and they are also discouraging other countries from selling to us.

The Nigerian government opted for a discreet purchase of arms with cash as a desperate measure after the American government allegedly blocked all legitimate arms order made by the military, high ranking military officers and top administration officials have told PREMIUM TIMES.

Fuel queues may resurface by weekend

Queues of motorists at petrol filling stations may resurface at the weekend if the ongoing strike by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation branches of the Nigerian Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers and the Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria is not called off.

The strike, which commenced on Monday, was as a result of the withdrawal of the operating licence of the NNPC/Department of Petroleum Resources’ closed pension scheme.

Ogun: Amosun, Daniel clash over ex-gov’s state of origin

The Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun and his immediate predecessor, Otunba Gbenga Daniel on Wednesday traded words over the latter’s state of origin.
The governor, who was on a working tour to Odeda Local Government Area of the state had said while addressing the crowd of party supporters that Daniel was not a native of Ogun State. He claimed the ex-governor was a Nigerian of Isoko extraction in Delta State.

15 soldiers get 4yrs imprisonment for refusing to fight Boko Haram

15 Nigerian soldiers who refused orders from their superior to go to the war front and fight members of the insurgency group, Boko Haram in Adamawa state recently, were yesterday September 17th sentenced to 4 years imprisonment by a military court that sat at the 23rd Armoured Brigade in Yola in Adamawa state. The sentenced soldiers who had been in detention for over three weeks were convicted on charges ranging from insubordination, dereliction of duty and refusal to undertake order assigned to them in the war against the sect members.

PDP adopt Pres. GEJ as sole candidate for 2015 elections

Every politician seeking to contest in next year's presidential election should join other parties as President Jonathan has just been chosen as PDP's sole candidate for the 2015 elections. Members of the National Executive Committee, NEC, of the party adopted him this afternoon in a meeting (which continues to be going on) at the party's national headquarters in Abuja.
The President, VP Sambo, Senate President, and many PDP governors are in the meeting

Seized $9.3 million: Nigerian government’s explanations flawed – South Africa -

Investigators in South Africa have dismissed Nigerian government’s explanations of the purpose of the $9.3 million cash seized from two Nigerians and an Israeli as “flawed and riddled with discrepancies”. The suspects told South African authorities that the money was meant for the procurement of arms for Nigerian intelligence agencies. “…

Highly graphic Images : See pics of Boko Haram militants killed by Nigerian troops

 See more photos bellow.

Air France Cancels Over 70% of Flights to Russia Due to Strike

More than 70 percent of Air France's flights to Russia were canceled on Thursday because of a strike by its pilots, the airline stated on its website.

"Due to the call for strike action by several pilot unions, from September 15 to 22, our flight schedule operated by Air France is disrupted as of Monday, September 15, 2014," the company said in a statement.

Out of 16 flights to Moscow, only five will be carried out. One flight to St. Petersburg was also canceled. Overall, Air France plans to operate 42 percent of its flights on Thursday, company spokeswoman Catherine Jude told journalists Wednesday.

Russia Calls Law on Special Status of Donbas 'Step in Right Direction'

Russia views the recent Ukrainian law on special status of parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk region as a step in the right direction, the Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.
"This document is regarded by Russia as a step in the right direction and in line with the agreements outlined in the Geneva joint statement by Russia, Ukraine, the United States and the EU on April 17, as well as in the Berlin declaration of July 2," the ministry said in a statement.
"It creates a foundation for the launch of a comprehensive constitutional process in Ukraine, including the start of a dialogue aimed at facilitating the national reconciliation in that country," the statement said.

Scotland Decides Its Future as 5,579 Polling Stations Open

Polling stations for the referendum on Scottish independence have opened in Scotland at 7:00 a.m. BST (06:00 GMT) and will remain open till 10:00 p.m. BST (21:00 GMT) on Thursday.

"Polling places are busiest during the early morning and in the evening as people vote on their way to and from work. If you are able to avoid these times, I would encourage you to do so to ensure everyone can vote without having to queue," Scotland's Chief Counting Officer for the referendum Mary Pitcaithly states. A total of 4,285,323 people have registered to vote in the referendum and the turnout is expected to exceed 80%.

Scots ‘Deeply Fortunate’ to Be Able to Vote for Independence: Pro-Independence Campaign

The Scottish people are "deeply fortunate" to be able to express their desire for independence in a peaceful, democratic way, Stuart Nicholson, a spokesman for pro-Scottish independence leader, Alex Salmond, told RIA Novosti Thursday.
"We are deeply fortunate as a nation that we have the opportunity to gain our nation's independence in such a profoundly democratic way…and not through conflict as has been the case with so many nations, including the United States itself," Nicholson said.

Russia’s Rosatom Ready to Produce Fresh Water Using Nuclear Energy

Russia's Rusatom Overseas, the subsidiary of the Russian state-run nuclear corporation Rosatom, is ready to help fight global lack of fresh water by constructing water desalination facilities abroad, using the nuclear technologies and the unique competence of Russian experts, the company said in a statement Wednesday.

Delta state lawmaker walked out of Assembly for improper dressing

A Man in the Delta State House of Assembly, Keston Okoro, was  September 18th sent from the floor of the Assembly for improper dressing. Leadership reports that House Speaker Peter Onwunsanya gave the order after having a member of the house, Daniel Mayuku raised an objection to the mode of dressing of the lawmaker, saying that his dressing fell lacking the guidelines and regulations of the House.

Four people die in Kebbi after police rescue foreign national suspected of being a ritualist

Below is a press release from The Force Headquarters

Today at about 12noon, a group of villagers in Kamba, Kebbi State, were about to lynch a national of Niger Republic, named Adamu Gaya, on suspicion of involvement in an alleged ritual murder of a young girl. The Police rescued and brought him into protective custody. 

However, irate villagers attacked the Police station and destroyed the communication base. They also burnt two (2) Police vehicles, and nine (9) motorcycles.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

GEJ condems Kano bombing, assures people of enhanced security in the wake of attack on FCE

The bombing at the Federal College of Education today has reportedly claimed over 30 lives. Below is a State House press release on the incident...
President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan commiserates with citizens and residents of Kano State on the loss of lives sustained today during the attack by terrorists on the Federal College of Education, Kano.


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