Sunday, September 1, 2013

PDP crisis: Nuhu Ribadu thinks forming a new faction of the PDP is good for democracy ( What do you Think?)

 Ex-VP Atiku Abubakar, ex-governors Olagunsoye Oyinlola and Bukola Saraki, and seven other serving governors today formed a new faction of the PDP.  . 
See more Tweets after the break..

US marine ships join Navy destroyers in Mediterranean for possible Syria attack

The USS San Antonio, an amphibious assault ship carrying about 300 Marines, has joined five Navy destroyers in the Eastern Mediterranean for a possible US strike against the Syrian government.

The San Antonio has not received specific tasking, but it is being kept in the area as a “prudent decision should ship capabilities be required” during a Syria contingency, a defense official said.
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Obama seeks Congressional approval to bombard Syrian Government

US President Barack Obama does not need congressional approval to order strikes against Syria, but that option is disadvantageous to him, Chairman of the Russian State Duma International Affairs Committee Alexei Pushkov told Interfax.

“The law obliges the president to seek congressional authorization in case of war, but in a whole number of cases in the past the law was ignored on the basis of Congress’s resolution 1973 which authorizes the president to launch a military operation overseas for up to 60 days under emergency circumstances without seeking permission from Congress if immediate action is necessary,” Pushkov said
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Britain to provide US with intelligence to support Syria strikes despite the British parliament’s rejection

Britain will provide the United States with intelligence data collected by a Cyprus-based electronic surveillance station to support possible military strikes against Syria, the Sunday Telegraph newspaper reports.
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Nigerian Police Insert Metal in woman's private part.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

"PDP has blessed Nigeria", says Jonathan ( Do You Agree ?)

President Goodluck Jonathan,yesterday, described the 14-year-rule of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, as a blessing to the country. In a speech to the Special National Convention of the ruling party,  Jonathan noted the strides in various sectors of the polity including communication, power, education and transportation as progressive developments that only those in the critical segment of the opposition have refused to acknowledge. The President, in a speech covering 3,735 words, said the task before the party was “difficult, thankless but ultimately rewarding.”

RESPONSE TO DEPORTATION: A cure worse compared to illness -

As the cliché goes, all this would have been laughable if it is not so tragic. In the heat of the subsisting venom and vitriol, it seems nobody now cares that the first set of “deportees” from Lagos were no other than Yoruba indigenes of Oyo and Osun states.

Just Forget About 2015 Ambition ––The Patriots Meet Jonathan

These are the words of Prof Ben Nwabueze after a meeting of The Patriots with President Goodluck Jonathan on the state of the nation at the Aso Rock Villa in Abuja on Thursday:

Saudi Master Lavishes Hillary Clinton With $500K (₦81 Million) Price Of Gems

Saudi King Abdullah kicked it extremely old school in terms of diplomatic glamour by lavishing then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with $500,000 in white gold jewelry encrusted with rubies and diamonds last year, according to the Federal Register. 

Video: PDP breaks; Atiku, Amaechi and 6 other governors form new factional Party

Nigeria's former Vice President Atiku Abubakar and five other governors walked out of the Peoples Democratic Party’s Convention that held in Abuja today and went to form a faction of the party. The governors who left the convention with Atiku are: Governor Mu'azu Babangida Aliyu of Niger state, governor Sule Lamido of Jigawa State, governor Aliyu Wamakko of Sokoto state, governor Musa Kwankwaso of Kano state, and governor Abdulfatah Ahmed of Kwara state.
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Cannibal cult leader who drank girls' blood is hacked to death. Cliford Orji

A cannibal cult leader calling himself Black Jesus, who slaughtered his 'Flower Girl' followers and drank their blood, has himself been murdered in the jungles of Papua New Guinea.  In flowing robes, Stephen Tari, 40, a failed Bible student, once led 6,000 'disciples' through the mountainous regions of the country, but was accused of killing at least three young girls and, as their mothers were forced to watch, drinking their blood.
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Check Out Tips To Keep Your Baby Safe

The arrival of a baby means the parents need to look at their home in a whole new light. Babies and young children are naturally curious and parents will need to assess their home and the outdoors for lurking dangers. Parents should not wait until disaster strikes, instead they should take steps to ensure that their home is safe.  Dr Sumana Rao, consultant pediatrician at The Cradle gives us the best tips for baby safety and ways to prevent accidents.
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Claims of chemical weapons use by Syria regime 'utter nonsense' - Putin

According to the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, allegations that Assad's government used chemical weapons in Syria are largely ungrounded. "Syrian government troops are on the offensive and have the opposition contained within several areas. In this situation, to give those calling for intervention such a trump card is utter nonsense," - Putin told journalists in Vladivostok.

At the same time Putin notes that next week's G20 Summit in Russia's St Petersburg could be a good platform to discuss Syria crisis.

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Syrian rebels braced for offensive coinciding with foreign attack

According to Arab media, the Syrian rebels are braced to launch an all-out offensive minutes within the widely expected American attack on the Assad regime. They are reported to be going to seize Damascus and oust Bashar Assad from power. The rebels have already amassed forces outside Damascus and in northern Syria. The Syrian armed forces said on Saturday they will fight to the bitter end in the event the Americans launch an aggression against their country.

"Chemical weapons" crisis in #Syria - LIVE updates - Putin Praises British Leaders (Photos + Video)

International pressure has been building for a military strike on Syria in the wake of an alleged chemical weapons attack in a Damascus suburb. The West blames President Assad, as UN inspectors probe the site of the attack.

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21 year old Polish woman dedicates her life to having $-ex with 100,000 men - ( Polish readers, pls register asap. hehe)

21 year old Polish woman, Ania Lisewka, (pictured above) has vowed to travel to every city across the world in a bizarre quest to sleep with 100,000 men.According to reports, Ania, who has a serious boyfriend, has already embarked on her mission and has slept with 284 men so far, starting with cities in her home country, Poland.  Anna told the Austrian Times: 'I want men from Poland, Europe and all around the world. I love s-ex, fun and men. In Poland the subject of s-ex is still taboo and anyone who wants to fulfill their s-exual fantasies is considered a deviant, a w**** or mentally ill.' Ania is so determined to complete her task that she's set up a Facebook page and a website to keep people (interested in her exploits) up to date with her s-ex marathon.

Actress Omoni Oboli Author Of "Omotola the trailblazer " -

 An article written by Nollywood actress Omoni Oboli and published in today's Daily Independent. Read below...
I am Omoni Oboli and I represent Naija!
Our country is littered with success stories that have shaped us into who we are. We have icons that have, through their consistency, paved the way for many of us to walk right through. Many have done it unwittingly by just focusing on achieving their personal goals and in their resolve to break through the stereotypes, disenfranchisements and stigmas they have shown the  rest of us the endless possibilities in their chosen fields. Others have done it with a plan to leave a trail for others to follow.
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Do you think Nigeria will Survive 2015?

This question was first provoked by a United States security analysis in 2009 which said, in effect, “No!”.
And the Government of Nigeria, bristling with outrage, asserted otherwise.
The truth is that we have never lacked words in Nigeria. But words are not action, nor do they correct the impact of negative actions. As we inch towards the political watershed of 2015, the dissonance between words and action, along with insincere, incompetent and malicious governance, could make seers of the Americans.
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Female Passenger Causes Panic Aboard Aero Flight Yesterday

Barely one week after a teenage boy, Daniel Ohikena caused a scare when he stowed away on an Arik Air plane from Benin to Lagos, another woman took over last Friday. Passengers aboard an Aero Contractors aircraft scheduled to take-off from Lagos to Benin were Friday thrown into confusion as one of the female passengers started screaming on top of her voice that she was no longer travelling. She was initially ignored by members of cabin crew and passengers alike but when she continued screaming, her persistence led to panic and suspicion among the passengers.

Vanguard reports her strange behavior led to the delay of the Benin- bound aircraft for two hours as all the passengers were asked to disembark while the plane was screened again.
All the checked-in luggage were also off-loaded for proper screening by both Aero and Aviation Security, AVSEC, of the Federal Airports authority of Nigeria, FAAN.

But despite the re-screening of the already checked in passengers and their luggage, nothing suspicious was found on board.
According to an eye witness:

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Fake CNN Reporter Swindles Bayelsa Government, Officials

 Paul Yempe, who passed himself off as a journalist working for the US-based Cable News Network (CNN), succeeded in swindling key officials of the Bayelsa State government, SaharaReporters has discovered. Our sources in the state and within law enforcement disclosed that the fraudster obtained various sums of money running into millions of naira from state officials who were desperate to receive favorable coverage about the state beset by rising insecurity and incessant kidnappings.


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