Following his arrest last week for allegedly mutilating the corpse of a 13-month-old baby boy in his hospital, a 37-year-old woman identified as Cordelia Ifechukwude, has alleged that she suffered similar fate at the medical centre of a Lagos-based doctor, Babawale Joshua.
The Aniocha North, Delta-born mother of five narrated her experience:
The incident happened at the No 1 Ajike close, branch of the medical centre, a few metres away from Amje bus-stop, Alakuko, a suburb of Lagos. According to Vanguard, she said “It happened in year 2000 when I took in with my first baby.
"I registered at Ayinke House, Ikeja General Hospital, but because I was advised to also register at a clinic very close to our house, I registered at Ajike hospital at Amje bus stop, Alakuko. We lived at Ajegunle bus stop, not too far from the clinic.
"I registered at Ayinke House, Ikeja General Hospital, but because I was advised to also register at a clinic very close to our house, I registered at Ajike hospital at Amje bus stop, Alakuko. We lived at Ajegunle bus stop, not too far from the clinic.