by Mindfriedo
From the start of the conflict in Syria, one thing has been conspicuously absent: Balance, tit for tat, and eye for an eye. Hafiz Al Assad understood these concepts well. He kept his friends close and his enemies closer. The Israelis and the great powers understand balance, at least when dealing with equals. Bashar was overtly loyal to Iran and the resistance, he should have seen things coming. His father would have. The Saudi's failed bid to woo Syria was the harbinger to Syria's ills.
Bashar also did the one thing his father never did. He opened his doors to Turkey. Two states that have always harmed Syria, and every Syrian will tell you this, are Egypt and Turkey. With friends like these who needs Israel.
The resistance has been fighting defensive. Slowly and self assuredly the empire, and it's bully in the region, Israel, along with the other big crime families: Saudi, Qatar and Kuwait have been escalating the conflict against the resistance with impunity. The current advance of the Shia Houthis in Yemen, is a late yet visible response to the Empire's Daash (ISIS) project in Syria and Iraq. It has now forced the Saudis to talk to the "snake" Iran. Saudi Arabia may soon need its "moderate" 5000 strong Sunni army in the east rather than in far away Syria.
The steadfastness that the "spear tip" of Iran (Hezbollah) has shown has frustrated Israel at every turn. Israel has vented its frustration by hitting Gaza hard and by proving to the world that "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me." It has also baited Hezbollah by pressing hard on Gaza. But has realised that the next war it fights will involve an invasion of Israel.
But the Shia resistance, aided by Sunni fighters of Assad, and backed by Russia, has frustrated the Americans even more. One thing that now seems very clear is that what the US wanted, more than anything, was boots on the ground in Iraq. The Shia political leadership in Iraq could be bought---as was the military leadership on the eve of Iraq's collapse---but not the older, deeper, and wise Hauza. Sistani's insistent opposition to any extension of US occupation, Sadr and Iran aiming for the same, made sure that the US could not stay. Maliki became immaterial to the US after that.
Another approach was needed, and in came Daash. Like a disease incubated, the leadership of Daash coalesced while under US "detention." The United States provided humane living quarters for psychopaths and degenerates that should otherwise have been killed. Sistani's call to arms prevented Baghdad from falling, an eventuality that would have had Obama come to the rescue.
Turkey is brazenly and self assuredly playing with fire. The Kurds in Syria are now fleeing to Turkey. Turkey that is inhuman enough to at first close its borders. Turkey that is making money off blood oil. Turkey that has had its hostages released. Turkey that wants a greater role and is unwilling to fight Daash. Turkey that is the strategic depth of Daash to the north. Turkey that is headed for disaster. For there is bound to be some move like the Houthi one against Saudi. Without balance the picture skews to one side. And that is naturally unacceptable. There is enough of an Allawi population in Turkey to start something as is the huge Kurdish refugee population. When and how the resistance pulls this off is going to be very interesting and heart warming. Like Ariel Sharon, Erdogan, a winner so far, is going to be loathed once he starts to loose (he is already loathed by half of Turkey's population).
In Iraq, everything is now pretence but transparent. The mask has now come off. The United States did not gets its reward(oil) for bringing "democracy" to Iraq. The oil is flowing in the wrong direction, and no body is paying the bill. So Iraq has to pay in lives. At a recent Sadr rally in the south of Baghdad, ( ) Shias and Sunnis said the same thing: Daash is CIA. The air strikes are placebos. The Great Satan is up to no good.
The game, Empire against the Resistance, is on.
PS: SITREPs will begin tomorrow, but will be twice a week
Excellent further reading:
Two interesting stories from Syria's Ba'athist past:
Ali Duba was Hafez Al Assad's head of intelligence. So renowned/feared was he that when the uprising/project against Bashar started, Bashar is rumoured to have said to his people to get in line or he would bring back Ali Duba.
The first story is when Duba's son was kidnapped. The intelligence apparatus of the Syrian state was fast enough to locate the kidnappers in a village on the Syrian Lebanese border before the boy could be carried over. Duba surrounded the village with tanks and made the villagers an offer they could not refuse. He said either my son walks out, or nobody does. His son walked out.
The second was when Hafiz was visiting his home town. A neighbour of his, an old Allawite lady approached him and said that her conscripted son was posted far away from home. And that he as President could perhaps do something and bring him closer to home. When Hafiz remonstrated that his own sons were serving far away, she asked him not to worry, it was ok, she would ask Ali Duba.
In tomorrow's SITREP: the downfall of Ali Duba
To know very little about the man:
Iran is next. These games will spawn unintended consequences (miscalculations) and lead to direct conflict between the major players, in short order. This no doubt is a game of utter desperation on the part of the Empire.
ReplyDeleteAnd so Team Tony Blair pick another route to the 'downfall' of Assad (really the final defeat of the Humans of Syria). The irony is this...
ReplyDeleteAfter the false-flag of 9/11 (of which Tony Blair was the most senior known planner), Syria was very much a part of the "coalition of the willing", and bent over backwards (under Assad) to please the UK and USA in their invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Syria even accepted 'rendition' targets kidnapped by US Intelligence for imprisonment and light torture.
Assad thought, as Gaddafi later thought, and Saddam earlier thought, that by showing such spineless 'loyalty' to the USA, he was ensuring his own safety and the safety of his nation.
There is a forth nation that has made this fatal mistake- Pakistan- and Pakistan will be every much a target of Greater Saudi Arabia as will be Iran when the West finishes delivering Syria to the Whabbi monsters.
Pakistan Military Intelligence, in co-operation with the British, created the 'Bin Laden' 'cut-out'- the laughably fake individual chosen to live under the name of Bin Laden at a Pakistan controlled compound until the time came for a US President to capture/kill the (long dead) 1984-style bogeyman. The elites that have ruled Pakistan since its 'independence' are reassured by their British masters that such servile acts will protect them against future US plans.
The recent bombing of Libya by US controlled 'Arab' warplanes out of Egypt were a testing ground for the 'Arab' enhanced strikes on Syria.
The US and UK justify this sickeningly illegal invasion of Syria by referring to the recent CIA/MI6 produced fake false-flag beheading videos. The so-called victims are very much alive, and will be eventually 'rescued' in a 'Bin Laden killing' style blaze of glory by US special forces.
The laughable fake nature of these videos will be rolled out as proof that ISIS actually kept the victims alive for later possible negotiations, and the 'fakery' will be used as proof of how sophisticated and 'dangerous' ISIS actually is to the world.
The current 'coalition' of Whabbi controlled nations joining with the USA on their illegal attacks against Syria will be used as inspiration for a similar Polish led coalition of near Russian nations in Europe to enhance the neo-Nazi forces in Ukraine.
Tony Blair's Road to WW3 is perfecting itself again after a number of minor set-backs. Russia is about to suffer devastating new sanctions for NOT invading Ukraine, while Blair and Obama laugh like drains as they stick two fingers up to the rest of the world, and illegally invade Syria while Putin sits back and does nothing.
A very interesting opine yours, especially
Delete”Russia is about to suffer devastating new sanctions for NOT invading Ukraine, while Blair and Obama laugh like drains as they stick two fingers up to the rest of the world, and illegally invade Syria while Putin sits back and does nothing.
My view: there are moments in life – stock market trading, geopolitics, waiting for the fruit trees to mature -- when it is appropriate/wise to sit back “Wait. Do Nothing.” "To know how to wait; it is one of the greatest secrets to success."
Btw, ffs excepting Sisi, who listens to Blair ?
What would you like Mr. Putin to do ? If your “partner” declares you as her/his new enemy and you see her/him walking into quicksand why waste good energy to rescue?
Mr. Putin is very busy getting on with the business of Russia. {China to the east and the rest of the world - making money; and at home, maintaining family values. T
here is no need to respond to the most recent sanctions on the energy sector because while Obama publicly prohibited the major oils from their business with Russia, in private, they were quietly exempted.
The US EU are hinting searching for excuses to lift sanctions
In a word, Russia can not be isolated. Think BRIICS – Brazil, India, Iran, China, South Africa
Here are 2 links worthy of your time –
Forbes link below; a detailed analysis of the western stupidity in placing sanctions on Russia’s energy sector:
Why forcing ExxonMobil Out of Russia Isn’t Going To Help Anything
>>”No one should be convinced that Rosneft can’t develop the Bazhenov without these partners. Rosneft, after the $55 billion acquisition of TNK-BP in 2012, produces more oil than any other publicly traded company — about $4.1 billion a day. Rosneft has been partnered for two years now with Exxon — plenty of time for the sharing of ample materials and know-how[.]
Hard to believe that Rosneft couldn’t find service companies not covered by sanctions to do the work.
Where might Putin find such partners not covered by European and U.S. sanctions? China of course.[.]
De-dollarization Loss-Loss for the West
"Sanctions are forcing large volumes of trade and finance out of the ambit of traditional networks, weakening western control over such flows."
Western sanctions are having an unintended effect.
>>[.]The move towards a non-western world is happening most rapidly in the area of finance. This is hardly surprising because financial flows are easier to reroute – and replace – than say, a shipment of coal or an oil tanker.[.]
It is now abundantly clear to Moscow that the US-UK evil twins are not content with symbolic sanctions but are really out to destroy its economy. Anticipating this blow to its financial jugular, Russia had in July drawn up a law that would create a local equivalent of SWIFT.[.]
”Years from now, westerners will ruefully look back at the sanctions as the tipping point that ushered in a world without the West.”<<
= = = = =
(where applicable, the emphasis added are mine)
In my view, ISIS is a joint venture of Israel and Turkey, maybe with private wealthy persons from Qatar and Saudi Arabie involved. While fighting of Asad and Hezbollah is obviously Israeli wish, fighting Kurds abroad an Turkish dream, I can't find any direct logic, why should USA support such uncontrollable element as ISIS is. BTW, a product can't be smarter than its creator - and we know how stupid American puppets usually are (see to Kiev, see to South Vietnam, see to Al-Kaida...).ISIS strategy is far superior to anything bureaucrats in CIA could craft. US horse in region is an-Nusra and similar offsprings of Al-Kaida (=CIA). It's losing horse, so it needs a help (=bombing of ISIS and Asad). There is also widening gap between Israel and USA who failed to be an Israeli fist against Syria and Iran. So Israelis crafted another fist which does it for them. And finally, there is the thing with "Caliphate" on the table. USA would never plan something such independent and powerful as Caliph is in sunni world. It (again) looks like multifunctional Turkey's device which can be played not only against Shias but also against powerful Sunni leaders in Gulf States. And no problem with Caliph for Israel...
ReplyDeleteThe US think they can control it. They believe that ISIS will do their dirty work and once ISIS is done, they will just destroy them from the air or via drone.
DeleteWhere is Russia in defending Syria? Why did Russian and Putin cancel the S-300s? Is Russia going to sell out Syria and Novorussia?
ReplyDeletewhy should USA support such uncontrollable element as Al Ciada...
ReplyDeleteSince even we have videos of its creator saying he sent in the terrorists to get the USSR to invade Afghanistan, we know the US funded and trained them. So there is no doubt that Al Ciada was the merc force used in many places as shock troops. not only in Afghanistan. They were still funding it near the end of 2001 from what I could tell..
RE: Pakistan will be every much a target of Greater Saudi Arabia
ReplyDeleteIn case you dont know.. Saudi Arabia funded the Pakistani nuclear research and has dibs on the weapon. The Saudi's were even offered them but never accepted maybe because the US told them not to.
The Pakistani army IS the Saudi ARMY! They protect Saudi Arabia. They have a standing agreement that Pakistan will send in ground troops to protect Saudi Arabia and most of its armed forces are manned by Pakistanis now anyway. When ever Pakistan has a war with India, Saudi Arabia sends its war planes and Pakistani pilots to fight.
Azerbaijan in 1993. There a pro-Moscow president was ousted after large numbers of Arab and other foreign mujahedin veterans were secretly imported from Afghanistan, on an airline organized by three former veterans of the CIA’s airline Air America.
ReplyDeletein Libya in 2011 we see a more complex marriage of convenience between US and al-Qaeda elements: one which repeats a pattern seen in Bosnia in 1992-95, and Kosovo in 1997-98. in all three cases American intervention in fact favored the side allied with al-Qaeda.
In all of the countries mentioned above, there are signs that some American and/or western intelligence groups were collaborating with al-Qaeda elements from the outset of conflict, before the atrocities cited as a reason for intervention..
Brzezinski did not hesitate to play the terrorist card against the Soviet Union: he reinforced the efforts of the SAVAK (the Shah of Iran’s intelligence service) to work with the Islamist antecedents of al-Qaeda to destabilize Afghanistan, in a way which soon led to a Soviet invasion of that country.
For in Libya, as earlier in Kosovo and Bosnia, there are alarming signs that America has continued to underwrite Islamist terrorism as a means to dismantle socialist or quasi-socialist nations not previously in its orbit: first the USSR, then Yugoslavia, today Libya. Gaddafi was using the wealth of Libya, the only Mediterranean nation still armed by Russia and independent of the NATO orbit and to make the whole of Africa more independent of Europe and America.
Bosnia, Kosovo, and Now Libya: The Human Costs of Washington’s On-Going Collusion with Terrorists
Its a doozy to read!
After 911 at an investigation in India to the connections of Pakistan in relation to 911, It was found that US NGO's were planting the seeds of separatism and terrorism on remote tribes in north east India who would attack police stations and bomb government offices and that still occur occasionally in 2014. After it was printed in a major news paper the matter was dropped from circulation. Since the area is sparely populated and without anything like trains or airports the matter is more to dump onto the Chinese as they claim it as their territory. So the US is not beyond creating Terrorists in democratic and supposedly friendly/neutral countries.