Sunday, April 20, 2014

A large number of American soldiers engaged in rape while on duty especially in Iraq where rape of Iraqi women had increased dramatically.

Source: BBC
A large number of soldiers engaged in rape while on duty especially in Iraq where rape of Iraqi women had increased dramtically. These same soldiers then returned to their families as if nothing happened while leaving the families in their occupied countries traumatized.

According to official records of Iraq's Interior Ministry during the American occupation:
★The number of Iraqi female prisoners: 5130
★The number of rape victims, 65% among them: 3330

★The number of those who got pregnant as a result of rape, and given birth in prison: 1200
★The number of those who had to undergo Forced Abortions: 1830
★The number of those killed due to mass rape: 180
★The number of those killed under torture: 120
★ 4000 Disappeared!
After the U.S. intervention in Iraq in 2003, thousands of young women and girls were kidnapped to other countries for the purpose of prostitution. Between 2003 and 2010, out of four thousand young women and girls, an estimated 20% were under the age of 18 when they disappeared. The usual pattern is to be raped and sold as a sex slave.
Surely, these numbers will be rejected by some.
For the callous and the gullible, a look at the situation of women IN THE US MILITARY might shed some light as to what the people under US occupation might face:
"According to several studies of the US military funded by the Department of Veteran Affairs, 30% of military women are raped while serving, 71% are sexually assaulted, and 90% are sexually harassed.
The Department of Defense acknowledges the problem, estimating in its 2009 annual report on sexual assault that some 90% of military sexual assaults are never reported."


  1. 1. This is unproven.
    2. The source is BBC. A fucking Britcuck source. Completely untrustworthy.
    3. What kind of retarded savage name is Omo Oodua?

  2. these are fake photos it's a porn film called "sex in war" and the porn actress's name is "tara tyrell"



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