Monday, December 23, 2013

Syria Crisis: 75 motor vehicles Transfered by Russia

"75 motor vehicles and other property was transferred to Syria between December 18 and 20 for transportation and further disposal of chemical weapons," 
Russia's Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has reported to the Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Justine Sacco apologizes for unpleasant AIDS tweet after being fired

Justine Sacco, the PR Executive at InterActiveCorp, who tweeted "going to Africa, hope I do not get AIDS' has written a statement, apologizing for making the expensive joke. She wrote the statement to South African paper, The Celebrity, a day after she got fired by IAC. The apology after the break...

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Muslim brotherhood Movement: 15,000 Trek From Katsina To Zaria

A large number of Muslim brotherhood Movement from Zamfara, Kebbi, Sokoto and areas of Katsina State on Saturday began an 83-kilometre trek to Zaria in Kaduna State.  Talking with newsmen at the starting place in Funtua, Katsina State, leader of the exercise, Malam Qasim Sanda, stated that the exercise was to commemorate the martyrdom of the grandchild of Prophet Muhammad, Imam Hussaini ibn Aliyu, who was simply killed in Karbala in the current Iraq.

Just In: President Jonathan Replies Obasanjo #OBJLetter #GEJLetter

By Goodluck Ebele Jonathan
December 20th 2013
His Excellency,
Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, GCFR
Agbe L’Oba House, Quarry Road,
Ibara, Abeokuta.
I wish to formally acknowledge your letter dated December 2, 2013 and other previous correspondence similar to it.
You will recall that all the letters were brought to me by hand. Although both of us discussed some of the issues in those letters, I had not, before now, seen the need for any formal reply since, to me, they contained advice from a former President to a serving President. Obviously, you felt differently because in your last letter, you complained about my not acknowledging or replying your previous letters.
It is with the greatest possible reluctance that I now write this reply. I am most uneasy about embarking on this unprecedented and unconventional form of open communication between me and a former leader of our country because I know that there are more acceptable and dignified means of doing so.

Game Over for Jonathan presidency

For the moment, please look away from the “Mummy Dearest” letter that Senator Iyabo Obasanjo-Bello purportedly wrote to her father, former President Olusegun Obasanjo. Even though it was a classic case of personality profiling that only Sigmund Freud can unravel, it should not be allowed to distract from the profound submissions of Obasanjo himself, on the state of the nation, and the jam that he thinks President Goodluck Jonathan has put himself. After weightier matters of state have been resolved, domestic matters of “Citizen Obasanjo House of Commotion” can be looked into.

Right now, if the hand of the President is stuck in a cookie jar, all care must be taken to extricate it without breaking the jar. In his letter, Obasanjo observes that Jonathan, as President, occupies five strategic positions in Nigeria: As leader of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party; political leader of the nation; Headship of the Federal Government; Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces; and Chief Security Officer of the nation. These are positions, whose duties may be delegated, but  the responsibilities remain with the President.

The letter, “Before It Is Too Late,” reminds one of those seminal salvos that the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo used to send to disconcert military Head of State, Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo. The concerns of the letter are fivefold: First, Obasanjo is personally disappointed that after God, as he claims, had used him to install Jonathan as President, he is being systematically relegated from the sphere of influence. He laments that fawning sycophants, unpatriotic compatriots and latter-day friends (or “frenemies”) now hold sway in the Presidency. He says that he wants nothing from Jonathan, but that he should run the polity well, and boasts: “I have passed the stage of being flattered, intimidated, threatened, frightened, induced or bought.”

But he must be sufficiently worried if his relatives and friends are harassed, and for his personal safety. After all, there are reports, he says, that the Presidency is keeping political watch over some 1,000 Nigerians. He admonishes the President not to misuse the military and security apparatus, as he recalls his prison experience under the watch of the most fiendish dictator Nigeria ever had.

Secondly, Obasanjo is peeved at reports of allegations that the President engaged in anti-party activities, and worked against the interests of members of the Peoples’ Democratic Party who contested, in recent gubernatorial elections in Lagos, Ondo, Edo and Anambra States. He warns that if the party collapses now, it will be the first time that a ruling party collapses while in office, apart from an external cause of a military coup. He therefore counsels the President to move to the centre of the party, carry everyone along, and not allow PDP fall into the hands of criminals, jobbers and discredited touts. This, he, warns, may cause men and women of honesty, honour, principles, morality and integrity to step aside and rethink. Already five sitting PDP Governors and 37 sitting members of PDP have decamped to APC, and many more are expected to follow.

Third, Obasanjo fears that the President’s actions may jeopardise the national interest. He alerts that danger may be lurking in the corner, and points out the need to deemphasise geographical and religious differences. He observes that foreign investors are worried, and are holding on to their investment purses. Some, like the International Oil Companies are transferring oil and gas investments and are moving away from Nigeria to invest in second choice Angola. Foreign direct investors worry about the security situation, especially the Boko Haram terrorists, high level of corruption, and the breach in the integrity of the security of Nigeria’s coastal waters. Obasanjo warns that Nigeria must not degenerate to economic dormancy, but take advantage of current favourable international interest in Africa.

He sternly warns that the President must not be seen to be assisting murderers to evade the law, or thought to be promoting or fraternising with known drug barons (who are obviously seek legitimate avenues to launder their ill-gotten wealth, or) even obtain political power. That is a grave concern. And though he is wary of Jonathan’s new love for the proposed National Conference, he will have to wait and see how it unfolds.

Fourth, Obasanjo thinks Jonathan must deliver on his personal integrity. He should not be saying one thing while his body language is saying the opposite. Obasanjo discloses that he decided to campaign for Jonathan in 2011 because the latter had assured him that he would not seek re-election in 2015; he would have ruled for six years, as his completion of the remaining two years of the Yar ‘Adua Presidency would have dovetailed into his own four-year term. That would have been sufficient for him, he had told Obasanjo. To now renege on that, and seek cover under some imprecise aspects of the constitution, may be legally correct, but morally wrong. Finally, Obasanjo thinks that the President’s seeming intention to breach a pledge, and the insults and threats thrown at other Nigerians by his Ijaw kinsmen, may not be the best way to making friends across the nation. But worse of all, it may foreclose the chances of another Ijaw, or minority, becoming President.

Now look at these: Five of the seven “New Peoples Democratic Party Governors”, 37 PDP members of the House of Representatives from Kano, Kwara, Sokoto and Rivers states, have defected to the All Progressives Congress, and there is speculation that another 40 may join. The leadership of the APC met with former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar, who is now  reportedly consulting with his political associates before deciding whether to join the party or not. You may recall that, in 2007, Atiku was the presidential candidate of the Action Congress of Nigeria, which merged with other political parties to form theAPC. The APC leadership has also met Obasanjo, who says that though he remains a card-carrying member of the PDP, he thinks the APC is necessary for deepening democracy in Nigeria. He admonished its members to play politics devoid of rancour and bitterness, but with decency. He vows that nothing will detract him from his commitment to Nigeria. Considering Obasanjo’s military career and political antecedents, this is not surprising.

But by accommodating the opposition, reporting Jonathan to Nigeria’s equivalent of Grandees or City Fathers, Generals Ibrahim Babangida, Abubakar Abdulsalami and Theophilus Danjuma, and former Vice-President Alex Ekwueme, and receiving the leaders of the APC, Obasanjo may have moved the pieces on the chess board against the President. If more PDP members of the House of Representatives join the APC, the party would have almost two-third majority in the House, whose PDP Speaker, Aminu Tambuwal, is perceived a sympathiser of the APC.

When your King is compromised in a game of chess, and there is no way to save it, wise players bravely call for an end to the game. The President may have done this in his rather sentimental reply to Obasanjo on Sunday. After denying some of the allegations, disclosing some positive actions he has taken, and spattered some of his own mud, he tells Obasanjo: “… You have done me grave injustice in your public letter in which you wrongfully accused me of deceit… dishonesty, incompetence, clannishness, divisiveness and insincerity.” But anyway you look at it, the democratic animal that Obasanjo describes as “game of numbers” will prevent Jonathan from succeeding himself in 2015.

Caption This Picture ( Nollywood Actresses - Fathia Balogun And Foluke Daramola Version)

What are they doing in this Pic ?

OMG!!! Only in Yankee: A University in the US where they have Blo*wJob 101 classes. ( Pictured)

This image is allegedly from the blo-wjob 101 school at Iowa University.hehe . 
What do you think about this School?
Would you send your wife or partner to this School ?

Saturday, December 21, 2013

OBJ welcomes APC, Tinubu Denies wooing OBJ.

Tinubu said that the APC had resolved to rescue Nigeria, appealing to Obasanjo to lead the mission.

“You’ve come out of tribulation and held the highest position in this country. We are here because of your courage. Nobody can say he has information more than you. You have surmounted a number of crises. Nigeria is divided more than before; to realise stable Nigeria, we want to encourage you to continue to speak the truth. We’re resolved and determined to rescue Nigeria. We want you as navigator,” he said.

Okotie acquires ₦120m Brand new Rolls Royce 2014 to mark pastoral anniversary

The Pastor of the Household of God Church International, Chris Okotie, recently bought a Rolls Royce Coupe, the 2014 Bespoke Edition, to mark his 30 years as born-again Christian and 27 years as a pastor, our source learnt on Saturday.

According Okotie's close aide, the pastor spent N120m on the true luxury car and had earlier spent N33m on a Range Rover Autobiography to mark a landmark of his church.

Controversial Letter to GEJ: Rd Gen. Gowon, Danjuma caution OBJ, others

A Ex-head of State, Gen. Yakubu Gowon (retd.) and a former Minister of Defence, Gen. Theophilus Danjuma, have cautioned Nigerians, specially those individuals who have held leadership positions, against creating utterances which may put the nation in to chaos.
Both talked in separate goodwill messages at the 6th edition of the Abuja Event of Praise held at the  International Conference Centre, Abuja, on Friday.  In a veiled mention of a 13-page letter published by ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo, Gowon advised Nigerians, specially previous and present leaders, against saying  things that could more destabilise the nation.  He said Nigerians will be the people to suffer, if there is no peace in the country.
 Continue to see what he said after the break.

Ex-BBA Zainab Sheriff Wants you to see her Oranges, Exposes almost everything In A Bandage Dress (Photos)

 Sierra Leonean style design and ex BBA Celebrity, Zainab Sheriff
Reveals Her Bo*bs In A Bandage dress..
See another photograph after the break.........

"Obasanjo Is Puzzled, Irritated & Furious" - Chief Edwin Clark, Ex-Minister of Information

Chief Edwin Clark, the Ex-Minister of information has shared his view on Obasanjo's controversial 13-page letter to Leader Jonathan urging the Leader to answer former leader Olusegun Obasanjo's letter to satisfy Nigerians.

Clark considered as Leader Jonathan's political godfather, claimed in London recently he must answer the 13-page letter not because of Obasanjo, but due to the basic dilemmas elevated therein.
The godfather of the leader identified Obasanjo as a  "confused, frustrated and angry man", Chief Clark claimed the former leader feels he'd stay in Ota and rule Nigeria, dictating to Aso Rock.

What is wrong with this Photo ? ( English Grammer Version)

What is wrong with this Photo ?

APC visits Obj

Leaders of the All Progressives Congress will visit former President Olusegun Obasanjo today, punch correspondent has learnt. A leader of APC, who pleaded anonymity, told punch correspondent on Friday that some leaders of the party, including some of its governors will meet Obasanjo at his home in Ota, Ogun State.
At the residence of a former Vice-President, Atiku Abubakar, on Wednesday, former Head of State and a chief of APC, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, hinted that the next stop of the party’s leadership in its visits to notable Nigerians would be Obasanjo’s residence.

Don Jazzy Dedicates Award to D’banj & Wande Coal

Irrespective of the sort of ‘beef'Don Jazzy may have experienced together with his former colleagues, D'banj and Wande Coal, the young man certainly surprised  lots of people when he pretty much, dedicated an award he won during the weekend to them. He received the Flytime Entertainment Legend Awards given to him during the just concluded Harp Rhythm Unplugged and while on the podium Don Jazzy expressed surprise he was considered for the awards.
 “I did not even know that they give award to people at Rhythm Unplugged,” he said.

GEJ approves commencement of purchase of Nigeria's 4 refineries.

Nigeria's president Jonathan on Friday approved the commencement of the privatisation of the country's 4 refineries by Bureau of Public Enterprises [BPE].

In a statement introduced & signed on Friday by Chigbo Anichebe, Mind, Public Communications, BPE, said: In furtherance of the economic reform plan of his administration, President Goodluck Jonathan has approved the commencement of the privatization of the nation's four refineries by the Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE). This is in keeping the Transformation Agenda, which seeks to catalyze and offer an allowing environment for the personal industry to function as individuals of economic development in the country.

'I was pushed to cover a godfather(OBJ) ₦10m regular as governor' - Mbadinuju

Former Anambra state governor Chinwoke Mbadinuju (1999 to 2003) tells Saturday Punch:

Well, a godfather has many connotations. You could have  positive godfathers and negative ones. The good ones work towards making things work and succeed but if you have a godfather that is always challenging, he wants to make appointments, if you have 10 commissioners, he would want to have three or four. After you have given him two commissioners, he will say he wants Special Advisers, Special Assistants and he will even want to choose their portfolios but I said these things are not done like that and they said it is done like that, that is controversy.

I'm Not A thief , I Only Give Robbers Info – 28-Year-Old Man Opens up

A 28-year-old person, Nonso Egbuzobi, who had been caught by agents of Unique Anti-Robbery Squad within a robbery operation in Lagos State, has pleaded with the authorities to release  him, stating he was only an informant and not really a member of any robbery gang. Police authorities had claimed Egbuzobi and three others were element of a group that killed three policemen during an ATM robbery at an Entry Bank branch in Ayobo, Ipaja part of their state on Nov 20, 2013.

Friday, December 20, 2013

US drone assault on Yemeni wedding: criticism of dangerous 'error' hits Internet

Notwithstanding heated emotions directed contrary to the US worldwide as a result of civilian deaths from US drones, the attacks have continued. On December 12 an American UAV "mistakenly" murdered 17 people attending a marriage in Yemen. Images from local media surfaced a week ago on social networking depicting graphic consequences of the deadly mistake. Criticism and debate online over the utilization of drones in Yemen has widened whilst the attack has been dissected.

Citing local security authorities, Reuters reports that people attending the wedding "were killed in an air strike after their party was mistaken for an al-Qaida convoy."

Pastor Chibuike Nabbed and dragged to court for molesting Pregnant Girl In Lagos

Following his charge by the authorities, Pastor Chibuike Isreal, 28, appeared before an Ejigbo Magistrate's Judge on Thursday in Lagos, over so-called unlawful carnal knowledge and stealing.

The accused, who lives at the Ijegun Section of Lagos, is experiencing three-count charge of sexual harm, taking and obtaining by fake pretences.

    The prosecutor, Femi Adeleye, informed the judge that the accused, Pastor Chibuike, unlawfully had intercourse with the girl, while she was eight weeks pregnant on her behalf husband.


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