Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Kiev Riot: Man reported dead after falling from column in Grushevsky Street in Kiev is alive

The man who fell from the colonnade of the Dinamo sports stadium during clashes in Grushevsky Street in Kiev, Ukraine, is alive, the channel reports quoting a source in a city hospital.
Earlier, Internet-based media outlets reported that an opposition supporter had died after falling from a column while trying to run away from police during Sunday clashes.  On January 19, a peaceful opposition rally went violent as some of the protesters attempted to break through police cordons stationed around government buildings. Protesters threw stones and Molotov cocktails at riot police officers. Dozens of law enforcers were hospitalized with injuries.
The situation in Kiev remains tense.

Do you work shifts or have a regular timetable?

If you happen to work night shifts that’s really health ruining in the long term, scientists argue. This distorts biorhythms and interferes in hormone activity, body temperature and muscle functions. Better stay away from that!

Photo : Residents Stone Suspected Robbers To Death In Lagos [JUNGLE JUSTICE]

McNeil Road: The suspects.
Two unidentified persons were stoned to death in the Sabo, Yaba area of Lagos State after being apprehended by youths for allegedly robbing a resident of his phones.

Reportedly, the alleged robbers attacked a 79-year-old man, Pa Emmanuel Thomas, in his apartment around 4am on Saturday.

The elderly man said that the robbers beat up his guest and demanded that he gave them all his money.

Another set of 20 out of 24 PDP Kwara lawmakers defect to APC

20 out of the 24 lawmakers that make up the Kwara State House of Assembly have all defected to All Progressive Congress, APC. The lawmakers who came into the house on the platform of the PDP announced their defection this morning.  Principal officers of the house including the Speaker of the House Mr Rasaq Atunwa, his deputy, Prof Yisa Mohammed were part of those that defected. The lawmakers said they decided to move to the APC due to the factions in the PDP.

Kwara State governor Abdulfatah Ahmed already defected to APC.

Check out Billionaire businessman Deinde Fernandez' lovely daughter

 Nigerian gemstone tycoon Antonio Deinde Fernandez is indeed wealthy, he's his pesonal Island. He also owns a mansion in Larchmont, NY, a residence in Brussels, a palace in Nigeria and a German shopping château that once belonged to Napoleon Bonaparte. He has  three individual planes and is worth about $8.7 billion. And the lady above is his child, 25 year-year Abimbola Fernandez, who lately joined the music industry. She released her first single 'Let's Take It Naked', just yesterday and aspires to be the next Rihanna. 
"I think that, unfortunately, everyone’s perception of socialites has been pretty accurate so far, which is what I want to change. People think I’m exactly like Paris Hilton, that I do nothing, I don’t work for myself, I don’t make my own money, I just spend my dad’s money, and I’m a spoiled brat. I hope they’re not right.” Bim as she's called explains why she's following her passion and going into music. See more photos after the break...

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

10 Most Beautiful Places In The World

Henshaw Kate narrowly escapes death -See Details

Movie star Kate Henshaw narrowly escaped an automobile accident in Lagos yesterday after an ugly encounter with a BRT Bus, in Anthony part of the state.   The ugly scene could have resulted to a ghastly crash involving the BRT Bus and Kate's car or even for divine intervention. Kate wonders if the BRT drivers receive any driving lessons…see her tweets and fan's reaction when you continue after the break........

Famous MTN Ambassador & Comedian Hafiz Oyetoro Sakas's Dad kicked the Bucket

The 50-year-old MTN Ambassador, Hafiz Oyetoro, also called Saka has lost his father to death.
Pa Dauda, his dad reportedly died on Saturday morning.  The deceased was laid to rest based on Islamic rites on Sunday at his country home in Koso, Iseyin, Oyo State.
May his soul rest in peace. Ase !

Se-x abuse files on 30 Chicago priests going public

CHICAGO (AP) — Thousands of pages of documents showing how the Archdiocese of Chicago handled the se-xual abuse of children by priests will be made public Tuesday, providing the broadest look yet into the details of what the church knew and did — or didn’t do — about the scandal.

The archdiocese, one of the largest and most influential in the U.S., handed over last week more than 6,000 pages of documents to victims’ attorneys, who said they will show the archdiocese concealed abuse for decades, including moving priests to new parishes where they molested again.

Oyo Pastor Kills Friend After Accusing Him Of Stealing His Glory!

Pastor who operates and resides in Oyo State, Pastor Adepoju who was a former pastor at The Apostolic church, TAC, Oke Afata, Gbongan in Osun State has stabbed his pastor friend to death in his home. Adepoju left Ibadan for Osun State to meet with Pastor Julius Olusoji Oguntoye in Osun State pretending to be there for a courtesy visit.

Same S-ex Marriage: Who be government teacher? By Reno Omokri

An article written by Special Assistant to President Jonathan on New Media. Find below...

The criticism President Goodluck Jonathan has faced in some quarters for signing the Same-Se-x Marriage Prohibition Bill 2011 into law is in my opinion clearly misplaced. For one, these critics have to understand that the way and manner democracy works, at least in Nigeria, is that the Legislature makes the laws, the Executive implements it and the Judiciary interprets it. But be that as it may, in Nigeria, the President at any time is both a Head of State as well as the Head of Government, this is one reason why the President is called an Executive President. Continue...

"Nigeria set to export cars " - President Jonathan

President Jonathan said with the new National Automotive Industry Policy introduced by his administration, the country will be exporting cars to other countries. He said this while talking to a delegation of business owners from Anambra State led by the State governor, Peter Obi, who paid him a courtesy visit at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

Anti-gay bill: US threatens to sanction NIgeria

The US has threatened to sanction Nigeria following President Jonathan’s signing of the Same-S-ex Prohibition Act 2014. The world power is threatening to scale down its support for HIV/AIDS and anti-malaria programmes in Nigeria. This was made known yesterday Jan. 20th by James Entwistle, the US Ambassador to Nigeria.

Lagos State Government move to ban smoking in public places

The Lagos State House of Assembly yesterday January 20th passed a bill seeking to make smoking in public places illegal in the state, with first offenders having options of paying a fine of N10,000, three months in jail or both. The bill which is waiting the approval of Gov. Fashola to be signed into law prohibits residents from smoking in places such as libraries, museum, public toilets, schools, hospital, day-care centres, public transportation, restaurants among others.

My Husband Is Addicted To P*rn0graphy! Are All Married Men Like That? Pls advise

I am a 34-year-old woman who has been married for 9 years and I’m of the opinion that my husband is addicted to looking at pornographic materials on the internet. He told me that he first did this after I gave birth to our first child and we couldn’t have se-x for a while. I’ve registered my displeasure about this but he says it arouses him and that I “benefit” from the consequent “action”! This makes me feel as if I don’t turn him on anymore. Are all men the same? Do they all like Indecency? My husband is the only man I’ve slept with, so I don’t know what other men like or do. Kindly advise.

List of ministerial nominees Pres. Jonathan sends to Senate for clearance

President Jonathan today Tuesday Jan. 12th officially presented the names of 12 ministerial nominees to the Senate for screening and approval. Senate president, David Mark, announced the names on the floor of the Senate at the resumed plenary session for the year 2014.

See the list after the break.

Ex-PDP chairman Bamanga Tukur now Chairman Railway Corporation

Immediate past chairman of the People's Democratic Party, PDP, Bamanga Tukur has been appointed Chairman Board of the Nigerian Railway Corporation by President Jonathan.   His appointment was contained in a statement released by Special Assistant (Media) to the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Sam Nwaobasi.  Alhaji Bamaga last week resigned as chairman of PDP. He was replaced with the former Governor of Bauchi State, Adamu Muazu.

Ejigbo 2: 12year old victim advocates death penalty for culprits

Photos: Street fighting continues in central Kiev

The confrontation of power and opposition is taking place in the center of the Ukrainian capital. On the Hrushevskoho street there are about two thousand protesters, many of them wear gas masks. Protesters do not respond to calls to stop the confrontation, not to commit crimes and to keep public order. The protestors throw stones and firecrackers at the police. Tens or even hundreds of people are hurt both from the side of the pr

Video Post: Of Ukraine Protesters Trowing fire at Police in Kiev


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