Acting Inspector-General of Police Suleiman Abba |
Initially, police said 35 officers were missing after the attack on August 21. Abba said some had since returned, without explaining how.
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Acting Inspector-General of Police Suleiman Abba |
We have noted with surprise, the unnecessary hue and cry raised by the All Progressives Congress (APC) and other bigoted critics of the Jonathan Administration over the claim that the President is “hobnobbing” with the former governor of Borno State, Senator Ali Modu Sheriff who was recently accused by the Australian, Stephen Davis of being one of the chief sponsors of the terrorist group, Boko Haram.
Our enemies are the political profiteers, the swindlers, the men inhigh and low places that seek bribes and demand 10 percent; those that seek to keep the country divided permanently so that they can remain in office as ministers or VIPs at least, the tribalists, the nepotists, those that make the country look big for nothing before international circles, those that have corrupted our society and put the Nigerian political calendar back by their words and deeds.
“We have been hearing thunderous explosions from bombs dropped by military jets on Michika,” said a Christian priest in Chibok, 20 kilometres (13 miles) from Michika. Chibok was the scene of a mass abduction by Boko Haram of more than 200 schoolgirls in April.Continue...
“The sounds of explosions are more intense at night when flashes of exploding bombs can be seen from Chibok,” said the priest, who asked not to be named.