The first one is of a young but very talented Novorussian commander known has “Givi” who is one of the two commanders tasked with securing the Dontesk Airport (the other one being “Motorola”). In this video Givi explains what that problem is:
Hopefully this will be the first of many Latin America SITREPS. The Saker has given us a valuable opportunity to speak out and offer you our view on the current stories developing in our continent.
Mainstream MSM, as we all know, have done a well known job on misinforming, deforming and distorting the last 15 years of Latin American awakening, it’s key importance and fundamental role in the constitution of the Global South (a non-geographical, global entity) and the negation of the historical subject that has been the central nerve of the Latin American epoch change: the poor of the earth, as Cuban patriot and apostle José Martí once said.