Friday, December 20, 2013

Boko Haram launches assault on Bama Army Barracks In Borno State, Many Killed

Several Boko Haram militants in the first hours of today attacked the 202 Army Battalion Barracks situated in Bama, about 40 kilometers outside Maiduguri town, and killed several women and children.

The Islamic sect, in accordance with a source in the barracks, struck around 3am local time, firing heavy arms and ammunition.

Amaechi lambastes Pres. Jonathan: Lists Out His Many Sins

Rivers State Governor Rotimi Amaechi has revealed the core of his frosty relationship with President Goodluck Jonathan, saying the state is being victimised. Amaechi, who is the Chairman of Nigeria Governors’ Forum, noted that he left the PDP for the APC to protect the interest of Rivers people.

Nollywood Actor In Deadly accident On Movie Set

 A future Nollywood actor reportedly escaped death on a video location. According to reports, the actor whose name is yet to be confirmed was active in the accident while shooting a kidnapping scene of a video being directed by Onyeka Ikechukwu. It was learnt that while on to the floor acting out his role, another new actor had jumped right into a waiting vehicle and while trying to flee from assailants, accidentally ran over his colleague.

Armed robbers storm Offa - 15 Policemen, Bankers, Bystanders Killed

Robbery In Offa - 15 Policemen, Bankers, Bystanders Killed

Armed robbers stormed Offa, Kwara State around 4:30pm on Thursday 19th December, 2013 and attacked commercial banks in the area.

They came fully armed with various guns and explosives with that they blew open the doors of First bank and GTbank.

The Christmas Bomber, Kabiru Sokoto, Bags Life Imprisonment

 Kabiru'Sokoto'Usman, the main suspect in the Xmas Time blast strike at E Theresa Catholic Church in 2011 that killed 44 persons and wounded a few others, has been sentenced to life imprisonment by  Federal high court sitting in Abuja today morning.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky released from jail after Leader Vladimir Putin's Pardon

MOSCOW (AP) — Tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky has been released from prison following President Vladimir Putin's pardon, his spokeswoman told the Associated Press Friday. Tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky released from prison following President Vladimir Putin's pardon

Olga Pispanen stated that the prison chief has confirmed that Khodorkovsky has been released but she did have no further details.

Tokunbo Melaye Proves she got married Legally to Dino Melaye in 2003, Shares photos

 Dino Melaye had stated through his attorney he did not wed Tokunbo in the court , expressing:  They are all ramblings of a lady who's in evident distress by Dino's ultimate choice to dissolve their traditional marriage. That was never performed in the Registry. Thus legalized just by the Nigerian opinions of conventional and bright wedding. He never took her to the court to marry her!' '  Effectively, listed here are images of Dino and Tokunbo's 2003 wedding plus court wedding certificate.
More after the break.

What is Wrong With This Photo ? ( Kiss your Mum Version)

What's wrong here ?

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Manila airport: Four killed in airport shooting - official

Four people including the mayor of a southern Philippine town were killed Friday in an ambush at Manila airport, its general manager said.

"The mayor and his family and some security escorts were attacked," Manila airport general manager Angel Honrado told reporters, adding one of the dead was the mayor of Labangan town.
Ukol Talumpa, a member of the political opposition, won a hotly contested electoral contest for mayor of Labangan in last May's elections.

Putin holds press conference with over 1000 media outlets - Details

Russian President Vladimir Putin has held a major news conference with 1,300 journalists from Russia and abroad. This is Putin's ninth Q&A session as the head of state.

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has invited journalists to the traditional annual press conference December 19. Long since, these meetings are reasonably called 'big', because they gather over a thousand media representatives and last for more than 4 hours.

Obama's 'boycott' of the Sochi Games: so much worse than in 1980…

The announcement made by the White House staff that US president Barack Obama would be "too busy" to attend the winter Olympic Games, which are to be held in the Russian seaside city of Sochi, was received in Russia as sad, but not entirely unexpected news.

Obama did not give other reasons for his non-show at the Olympic games, but the choice of members for the American Olympic delegation lets one make an easy guess about his motives.

Over 80 injured in roof collapse during performance at London's Apollo Theatre

Emergency services said more than 80 people had been injured in a packed London theatre on Thursday when part of the ceiling collapsed during a performance, bringing the city's West End theatre district to a standstill.

The audience was showered with masonry and debris following the incident at the Apollo Theatre, where about 720 people including many families were watching the hugely popular play "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time".

New York is among the richest and most happening cities of the world.

New York is among the richest and most happening cities of the world.

New York is fabled for the New York Stock Exchange, the Statue of Liberty, nanotechnology and microchip making, its vineyards, its cut diamonds, and its orchards. New York's gross state product is more than $ 1 trillion. It's said when New York was an unbiased country alone, it will be the 16th largest economy in the globe. New York is just a flourishing city and Times Square is among the liveliest spots of New York. The non-public per capita income of New York is more than $ 46,000. Hence, most those who reside in New York are really affluent except people who reside in the ghettos of the city. The New York hotels, like another establishments of New York, are plush, posh, dazzling and overwhelming.

Reuben Abati Anti Pres. Jonathan: How Jonathan Got His GCFR #MUSTREAD

Whoever came up with that explanation about how President Goodluck Jonathan got his GCFR – the highest national honour in the land a few days ago must be thoroughly disingenuous. It is as follows. The setting was the last meeting of the Council of State. Someone had proposed that the President should take the GCFR title. He already has the GCON.

He reportedly demurred citing an extant law (possibly the National Honours Act No. 5 of 1964) which says only a sitting President can confer the title of Grand Commander of the Federal Republic or Grand Commander of the Order of the Niger on another. A former Chief Justice of the Federation, Alfa Belgore then advised that his was a special case in the sense that he, Jonathan, took over from a dead President. But so did Obasanjo in 1976.

US deploys 45 troops to South Sudan, amid fear of civil war

The United States has deployed 45 troops to South Sudan, amid intensifying fighting between rebels and government forces and fears the country is sliding toward civil war, the White House said Thursday.

In a letter to Congress, President Barack Obama said the force was sent Wednesday to protect US citizens and property "will remain in South Sudan until the security situation becomes such that it is no longer needed."

Sign translator at Nelson Mandela's Memorial Service, admitted to a psychiatric hospital - Media

The sign translator at Nelson Mandela's Memorial Service, who had been accused to be fake, and creating their own signs, has been admitted to a psychiatric hospital, local media report. 
Thamsanqa Jantjie's wife reportedly took him to a psychiatric hospital near Johannesburg for a check-up on Tuesday December 18th, and the doctors suggested that he be admitted immediately, Johannesburg's The Star newspaper reports.

Senator McCain mixes with Nazis?

Russian Jewish organizations in the US are indignant about the conduct of Senator John McCain. The support which he offered to a Ukrainian opposition leader, Oleg Tyagnibok, has served as a reason for their criticism. The point is that the Ukrainian opposition leader is well known for his nationalist, to be more exact, anti-Semitic views.

In both Ukraine and abroad he has gained renown for his politically incorrect statements. Admiring the fighters of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), he said that they had fought against the "moskali" (Russians), the Germans, the Yids, and other scum of the earth. In many countries the use of such words by a politician would mean the end of his (her) career, and he (she) would be jailed. However, as it appears, John McCain found nothing insulting in these words.

Syria: The end of Christian civilization?

The ousting of Christians from the countries of the Middle East is a sore spot of the modern world. Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt and Syria are in the midst of a civil war – these are only some of the countries where Christian civilization is currently being destroyed. Experts contemplate the issue of who benefits from this and whether Christianity has a chance to survive in the Middle East.

The Syrian city of Homs, the third in the country in terms of population, has almost completely lost its Christian population. Thousands have been killed and about a million have fled. The situation is similar in Damascus, Aleppo, Hama, Latakia and other cities. It is a real religious war, which is being carefully ignored by the world community, thinks Eugeniy Satanovsky, president of the Institute of Middle East:

4 Friends Died at Ikotun On Their Way Back From A Night Club

Barely one week to Christmas, four friends returning home after enjoying themselves at a night club in Ikeja died in a car accident which happened in the early hours of Tuesday at Ikotun area of Lagos State, western Nigeria. Read the rest of the story after the break

Woolwhich killers, Adebowale and Michael Adebolajo found guilty

Woolwich killers, Michael Adebolajo (left) and his friend, Michael Adebowale (right) have been found guilty of the murder of British soldier, Lee Rigby.  25 year old Rigby was attacked by the Muslim extremists on May 22 outside his military barracks in Woolwich South London. They first run the soldier down with their car while he was returning from an errand, then mutilated and nearly beheaded him in a crime that happened in broad day light.


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