Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Iran versus US: Iran Wins

The lifting of sanctions is an unequivocal victory for Iran, sealing its regional position, and leaving its nuclear capability intact

by Alexander Mercouris for Russia Insider.

Confirmation that international sanctions on Iran have at last been lifted is unequivocally a victory for Iran.

The sanctions should never have been imposed in the first place.

Israel vs Iran: Israel loses, *big* time

Today I have already posted to excellent analyses of the (possibly temporary) failure of the USA to submit Iran to its will: one by Alexander Mercouris, the other by Soraya Sepahpour Ulrich.  I shall not repeat their very arguments here, mainly because both see this as a conflict between the USA and Iran, whereas I see that as a conflict between Israel and Iran in which Israel attempted, but failed, to get the USA to fight on its behalf.  This is also, albeit to a lesser degree, a conflict opposing the House of Saud to Iran, and the KSA is the other big loser here.  But first, let us look at the real causes of this confrontation.

Britain Awakes to Reality: The European Crisis of 2016

by Henry Mangold

Britain, once a great world power, is now in most respects ruled from Brussels, as part of the European Union. This transfer of power was carried out, essentially, by a conspiracy. To understand how this conspiracy was possible, it’s necessary to understand the present British constitution.

In the eighteenth century, Britain had a hereditary king, who was responsible for defence and foreign affairs. Taxation and legislation were the responsibility of two houses of parliament, one of them elected (The House of Commons), the other hereditary (the House of Lords). The king could veto new laws. Equally the two Houses of Parliament had a degree of control over royal policy, through the power of the purse. Armies and navies cost money, which must come from taxation.

Some final thoughts – the day after

by Soraya Sepahpour Ulrich

Some final thoughts – the day after

Not the movie about a fictional war between NATO forces and the Warsaw Pact and a nuclear exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union, but the Day After the Implementation Deal of the Iran Nuclear Deal.

Although I said and wrote repeatedly in the past that the US stance toward Iran will not change, by now it should be obvious to all that this is the case.   America “thanked” Iran by imposing further sanctions on Iran for its defense capabilities – the ballistic missiles.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Why Ogbono Soup Can Help You Lose Weight

How To Prepare Delicious Ogbono Soup
 ( Buy 100g x 2 Ground Ogbono get one free)
As awareness grows on the effect of obesity, proper nutrition is becoming a priority in most kitchens. Eating generally is almost becoming a forbidden act in obese individual.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Idanre: Yoruba Mountain Climbing Festival

The sprawl of interlocked mountains that shield the town of Idanre protectively is stunning even to general guests, and amazing to novices. The Idanre mountains in themselves are a surprise, and it is said the name Idanre was a result of the wonder of Ife warriors sent to seek after a child of Oduduwa who departed suddenly towards Ile Ife with the crown taking after the passing of his dad. The warriors were astonished when the prince  vanished immediately and inexplicably on one of the slopes. (Idanre simply means "this is a wonder") .
See more photos when you continue after the page break

The Most Beautiful Natural Waterfall: Erin Ijesha (Olumirin)

Erin Ijesha (Olumirin) is a seven step waterfall in Osun State, Nigeria, the waterfalls is a new energizing and amazing experience with nature. Every progression of the waterfall has a flowing fountain that denote the magical way of the spot. The waterfall is a wonderful array of seven extraordinary levels, with every level giving a radical new standpoint when compared with the previous level. The water fall oozes a remedial feeling which only something natural can produce.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Obatala Festival Hosted By Ita Oosa Grows For 2016

Once again Ojise Obatala Edena – Oloye Oriyomi Ifagbenjo Orisagbemi and Ita Osa convene their annual Obatala Festival. Obatala Festival celebrates many qualities and attributes of Yoruba sacredscience practice and positive attributes. Among the many attributes and aspects that will be celebrated are those of creativity, transformation of planet Earth, molding of human beings,laughter,etc.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Week Thirteen of the Russian Intervention in Syria: debunking the lies

Ever since the first rumors began to circulate about an impending Russian military intervention in Syria the Internet and the media have been flooded with all sorts of silly rumors, myths and outright lies about what could/would happen. These rumors, myths and outright lies are still being spread today, and not only by pro-US interest groups, but even by supposedly pro-Russian “analysts”. All this nonsense completely obfuscates the reality of the Russian intervention in Syria (but maybe that was the goal all along?) and tries to paint the Russian operation as a failure. After three months of Russian air and missile strikes in Syria, it is a good time to ask the question of whether the Russians have achieved some tangible results or whether, as some are suggesting, this has basically been a big PR operation.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Luxury Furniture: 3 Easy Ways for Checking High Quality Furniture

Ways for Checking High Quality Furniture
Shoppers who need to make their Naira or dollars extend farther ought to put resources into superb furniture that gives great worth to the measure of cash spent. In any case, in light of the fact that a merchant promotes that their Luxury Furniture is excellent and charges a high cost doesn't as a matter of course guarantee that the furniture being obtained ranks high on the quality scale. There are various ways a customer can figure out whether the nature of the furniture he or she is purchasing legitimizes a higher sticker price. Continue reading after the page break.
Wood Composition
luxury Furniture- 

  Regardless of whether a bit of furniture uses wood in its development that is hardwood from deciduous trees or softwood from coniferous trees is not as critical as the wood's general sturdiness. Any piece of furniture that has an uncovered wood surface can be viewed as quality if the sort of wood chose has a tendency to be sufficiently hard to oppose scratches and scratches. On the off chance that a scratch can be made in the wood using only one fingernail, the furniture piece is sure to rapidly look old and scraped. Furniture that can be viewed as quality uses durable wood that is scratch safe or if nothing else nine-layered plywood for durability. Wood highlighting a various of bunches in the surface tends to split all the more effortlessly, so be careful about pine furniture. Stay away from furniture produced using particle board, fiber wood or pressed wood, which is a sign of shabby furniture.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Week Twelve of the Russian Intervention in Syria: Zag!

This colums was originally written for the Unz Review: http://www.unz.com/tsaker/week-twelve-of-the-russian-intervention-in-syria-zag/
In last week’s review of the Russian military intervention in Syria I wrote that Kerry had lost every single negotiation he ever had with the Russians and that he had a record of agreeing to A only to come back to the US and then declare non-A. This time again, the Americans did not change their modus operandi, except that it was Obama himself who declared, yet again, that Assad must go, resulting in some commentators speaking of a “White House Schizophrenia”. Others, however, notedthat this could be simply a case of face saving denials. Personally, I think that both of these explanations are correct.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Is the Saudi monarchy coming apart at the seams?

Originally appeared at Consortiumnews; Written by Daniel Lazare
Is the Saudi monarchy coming apart at the seams? Scholars and journalists have long predicted the kingdom’s demise, but this time the forecasts may finally prove correct.
Continue reading after the jump.


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