The genocide of the indigenous peoples of North and South America continues to this day and the Indian Nations continue to fight for their very existence.
The US Government has never rescinded standing orders for the complete extermination of the Indian People nor has it ever allowed the true owners of the lands that the "Americans" are squatting on to achieve any sort of redress. In monetary terms the "Americans" owe the native people over $700 trillion yet they continue to rape the land that is not theirs to begin with. Mark Maracle and Elder with the Mohawk Natition and an Iroquois spoke to the Voice of Russia on these issues and more. Mr. Maracle stated that the Great Law of Peace that was given to the Iroquois was given to the whole world and he invites people to come and listen and learn.
The US Government has never rescinded standing orders for the complete extermination of the Indian People nor has it ever allowed the true owners of the lands that the "Americans" are squatting on to achieve any sort of redress. In monetary terms the "Americans" owe the native people over $700 trillion yet they continue to rape the land that is not theirs to begin with. Mark Maracle and Elder with the Mohawk Natition and an Iroquois spoke to the Voice of Russia on these issues and more. Mr. Maracle stated that the Great Law of Peace that was given to the Iroquois was given to the whole world and he invites people to come and listen and learn.
Hello this is John Robles, you are listening to an interview with Mr. Mark Maracle, he is an Elder with the Mohawk nation and a member of the Wolf Clan of the Six Nations community. This is part two of an interview in progress. You can find the rest of this interview on our website at
Robles: It's almost impossible to redress something this monumentally horrific, but there must be some redress...
Maracle: That’s what the Great Law… The Great Law teaches us the power is in the people, by the people coming together. When he first came and he formed the Five Nations, he told them, he says: “You are a union and the power is within the people”.
All of the people that stood up in Russia against Germany that was the power in the people.
Robles: What about what is going on in Ukraine now? I'm sure you are following the events. These are not the people that have taken power.
Maracle: I know they don't put the truth out here in all of these news networks. I don't even bother watching a lot of these news stations because it is just, it’s all propaganda, it is all controlled by the government, it is all controlled by the FCC. Any time that they want to get out and tell the truth there, they can just shut them down, you know. I give Kahentinetha Horn so much credit for the stuff she puts out on the Mohawk Nation News.
Robles: Yes, she is not afraid to tell the truth and you have an elegant solution for dealing with it. I've been asked myself, I've been writing about media manipulation and everything else and some people have asked me: “What can we do”? And your solution is the most elegant I've heard – just turn it off, just don't watch it anymore. And if they don't have an audience they are going to be powerless.
Maracle: The news is mind numbing and it's just programming peoples' minds. They keep hammering away at you, every day and day out, after a while you are going to believe al of their propaganda. They are no different than what Hitler did.
Robles: Except they pretend to be just, they pretend to be fair, they pretend to be balanced, they pretend to be what they are definitely not. They have women doing this, they have a black president doing this and people are fooled.
Maracle: Like I said they are delusional. Our old chiefs a long time ago, they told us: “You are dealing with people with two faces and two tongues”.
Robles: What did they tell you, how to battle with them?
Maracle: We did battle. We battled hard, hundreds of years. The Mohawk people are still battling, a lot of the people down in Mexico, the native people down there are battling. It is ongoing. I told Kahentinetha: “We have the greatest weapon in the world and that they will never have, we have the truth. That is why she writes the things she does, she pumps out the truth.
Robles: I think we are seeing now especially in Ukraine that the truth is what they are afraid of.
Maracle: Oh, yes. That is the greatest weapon in the world, is the truth.
Robles: And it is something that they cannot defeat. And when the truth begins to come out and people accept it and wake up. I think people are beginning to wake up from what I've seen.
Maracle: Like I told her might is not right because we've stood up against their mighty armies and their police forces with no fear. There’s one thing about my people – we have no fear when it comes to confrontations against them.
Robles: What would your advice be to people, to the Ukrainian people right now who are facing an attack on their land and their people?
Maracle: They have to do the same thing we do. They have to stand up with no fear and just use the truth, just believe in the truth and you will win, and ally yourself with people that believe in the truth.
All over the world our message gets out. I've been in confrontations and I knew that if they came in and they started shooting all my people, the rest of this country would wake up and come around. I know they will, they have. They've shown that in the 90s in Canada. They shut down transportation all across Canada, from coast to coast. The native people did that.
It's like this pipeline they are putting through there. The native people can stop that and the nonnative people that know the difference between right and wrong can stand alongside, the original people in this country, to protect the environment, they can stop it.
Robles: How is that effort going? Can you give us some details?
Maracle: It is really a difficult.. it is a difficult fight because… the reason it is difficult is because they have created so much unemployment in this country. It is worse than the Great Depression for unemployment in this country right now. And the people have got to have jobs and they have got to feed their families and that is what they prey on. Like I said, they are trying to get it back to 'rich and poor'.
And another thing they owe the native people in this country so much, if you want to put it in a monetary sense, it is way over $700 trillion, if you want to put it into money. Like I said, they continue 7 days a week, 24 hours a day to rape this land.
Robles: Are there any things that your nation is doing now internationally before the United Nations for example?
Maracle: No, UN is going to do nothing because it all goes back to the total extermination of our people.
The federal government is not going to stand up and say: “We have never rescinded the order to totally exterminate the native people in North America”. They are not going to do that. Besides the whole concept of united nation came from the Iroquois Confederacy, that is where that idea comes from.
Robles: But it has to be created again because what exists now I think has been completely corrupted, would you agree?
Maracle: Of course it is. The only true united nations in this country is Iroquois Confederacy and the other nations that exist across this country.
Total nations in this country have been exterminated, total nations.
And now they got the children in the school and they are murdering minds, they are murdering their own children's minds.
Just a reminder you are listening to an interview with Mr. Mark Maracle.
Robles: Is there any way that people that are in that system in the US, is there any way that they can learn the truth and learn some of the great laws?
Maracle: It is spelled out in the great law, that they sit under the great tree of peace and learn and they can reside, that if they seek to come under the great tree of peace and learn and they can reside they can seek protection under the great law. If they had lived by the great law there wouldn't have been these wars all over. That is what the great law teaches – to live in peace.
Robles: How could average people, I mean practically speaking, how could they, where could they go to learn more, or to maybe write their wrongs?
Maracle: There is a prophecy: when things are going to get so bad that the people are going to come to the native people and they are going to ask them: “What do we have to do to survive?”
And that is exactly what I'm saying about the great law. They can come and they can meet with the Mohawk people and they can sit down and counsel and they can be told and taught and they can learn.
Robles: I know we have Mohawk Nation News. Is there another way for the international community, maybe a website or an organization or something that people could contact to learn more?
Maracle: On Kahentinetha's website she has the Great Law on there, they can go to her website there, it is on there. There is also a good video on there that shows some of the actions that has been against our people.
Robles: Can you tell us a little bit about those? And then any finishing point you'd like to make as we are out of time almost.
Maracle: In one of the fights they sent thousands and thousands of Canadian soldiers against was in Okansadaggi against 72 or 73 Mohawk people. But there wasn't just Mohawk, there was other nations that came in and supported. And then when that was going on different nations from around the country came there.
We've been battling in Okwasossni, we've been battling Tidenadega at Six Nations and different parts. Different Nations across the country are having their own fights, you know. But uniting together stops all that. Our own people have got to understand that by uniting together that is where the power is, that is where the strength is.
Robles: What would your advice be to them, to the Nations, to people in the world who want to support the Nations?
Maracle: The Great Law that was given to the Iroquois wasn't just given to the Iroquois, it was given to the whole world. We were to get this message out to the whole world, the white roots of peace encircle the globe.
So it is not something that is just given to the Iroquois people. It was for everyone. We would invite anyone that wants to come and listen and learn.
All they have to do is contact Mohawk Nation News and she would give them all the information they need.
Robles: Sir is there anything you want to finish up?
Maracle: No, it was very enjoyable talking with you and I hope your listeners understand some of what I've said. If they want to know more they just have to go to that website.
Robles: Thank you. It was really an honor, sir. I appreciate it.
Maracle: Thank you.
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