Many of the leaders in the United
States are beginning to realize that the policy of destroying countries
in the Middle East for Israel is not really in the US’s best interests.
Geopolitically the US would be better off dealing more diplomatically
with Russia but they continue to attempt to surround Russia with nuclear
weapons and try to achieve a first strike capacity while risking World
War III. Doctor Kevin Barret, one of the first people to suffer at the
hands of the US military industrial complex after speaking about and
questioning 9-11, spoke to the Voice of Russia about all of these issues
and more and places the blame for 9-11 on the neo-conservative Projest
for the New American Century (PNAC) and Zionists who have infiltrated
western security and intelligence services.
this is John Robles, I am speaking with Dr. Kevin Barret, he is a
Doctor in Arabic and Islamic Studies, the owner and manager of and a member of Scientific Professionals Investigating
9-11. This is Part 1 of a longer interview.
Robles: Do
you know Len Bracken? He wrote the book "The Shadow Government: 9-11
and State Terror". His conclusion was that it was a Saudi-Israeli-US
joint operation, so ...
Barret: Yes, I would agree with that.
Robles: It looks like it was a US, maybe planned, and ...
Well I would credit the Zionists with a little more of it. I think that
people who are kind of committed to Zionism have wormed their way into
influential positions in all of these western intelligence agencies and
apparatuses. I would imagine that people like Bernard Lewis who was the
Dean of British Orientalism and the chief formulator of western Middle
East policy.
far as the responsibility for 9-11; I think it is pretty clear that it
was in a sense a sort of US-Israeli-Saudi operation, and personally I
would credit the Israelis and their helpers around the world with the
prime impetus here.
like Bernard Lewis, who is an ardent Zionist and is the Dean of Western
Oriental Studies, as well as an advisor to the British and US
governments on Middle East policy, would seem to me to be a prime
think that the concept of 9-11 was probably worked out many decades in
advance by people like Lewis whose doctoral dissertation was on the
Ismaili Assassins, which was a radical sect that destabilized the
Islamic world and allowed the Crusaders to succeed in moving into it
during the Middle Ages.
Robles: Can I interrupt you for a second, regarding the roots going way back, do you think this goes back to Operation Northwoods?
Barret: Yes,
I think Northwoods style techniques were employed in 9/11. Northwoods
was a plan to set off all kinds of bombs in American cities, and sink
American ships and blame all these deaths on Castro and launch a war
against Cuba, and that follows with the kind of time honored path of
these false flags war-trigger operations, which in one sense or another
have launched every major US war since the Mexican war. And it is not
just the US that does it, other countries have done it as well, going
all the way back to Nero, burning Rome and blaming the Christians.
as far as the more specifics of 9-11, which was a very, very large
event that totally changed history, changed the form of government in
the US, changed the direction of future foreign policy, I think that
that was a product of neo-conservative thought, and two key figures
should be the Bernard Lewis side which is the Orientalist who argued
that radical destabilizing Muslim groups, like al-Qaeda, should be
created in order to continue Zionist and western penetration of the
Islamic world and hinder the Islamic Awakening.
is a barely veiled argument that Lewis makes in, among other places, in
an essay that was published in Netanyahu’s volume "Terrorism: How the
West Can Win".
double meaning of that title is quite illuminating, suggesting that
terrorism is precisely how the west can win this struggle with the
Islamic world, and then Bernard Lewis picks that up and runs with it and
puts forward this argument that terrorism is not characteristic of
Islamic societies, and the subtext being that the west needs to create
artificial extremist terrorist groups, modeled after the medieval
Ismaili Assassins, in order to destabilize the Islamic world and keep it
open to penetration by Imperialism, especially, Zionism, which is of
course the main concern of people like Bernard Lewis.
neo-conservatives were the other wing of this, would be the people
associated with Leo Strauss who founded neo-conservatism. Leo Strauss
was also an ardent Zionist and his students at the University of Chicago
spent the 1960s sitting around with him in after hours bull sessions,
and these were handpicked, almost all Jewish, almost all extremely
bright students, that he made his acolytes and sensibly had sexual
relations with some of them too, he was quite a dubious character.
guys would hang around after hours at the University of Chicago
plotting a coup d’état in America, that is how could the Zionists take
over in a representative democracy in a coup d’état. This turned into a
book by a leading neo-conservative military strategist called "Coup
D’état: a Practical Handbook" – the author’s name is escaping me
briefly; it will come back to me in a moment.
anyway, since the 60s the neo-cons have been plotting a 9-11 style coup
d’état in the US designed to turn the US in a much more hard-line and
much more permanent pro-Zionist hard-line imperialist direction in
future Mid-East policy.
so this was all set out. So that is why I think that when we say that
it’s a US-Israeli-Saudi operation, it is really being done primarily by
people whose first loyalty is to Israel and they are doing it in order
to create a 100 years’ war by the west against the Islamic world and to
keep the Islamic world destabilized and in chaos.
is not really in the national interests of the US or even Saudi Arabia.
And I think the US and Saudi Arabia have been pawns of these Zionist
forces which are very strong in western politics and finance.
Robles: I
just thought I would mention, I was doing research for an article I
wrote not long ago on 9/11 and I went to the project for a new American
century’s website, here from Moscow, and within 6 hours the site went
offline. It’s been online since 1997. So, I don’t know if they are
trying to cover their tracks or what is going on there.
Barret: Well
PNAC shut down after they were exposed. I think they shut down in sort
of around 2005 or 2006 officially. They might have had their website
Robles: Right, right. Yes, they had a skeleton crew keeping the site up.
Barret: Yes,
well they shut down because they were exposed by David Ray Griffin’s
book "The New Pearl Harbor", which really popularized that phrase and
pointed straight at PNAC as the likely perpetrators of 9-11. And it is
interesting that PNAC was actually … when they put out that "Rebuilding
America’s Defenses" document calling for a new Pearl Harbor in order to
get regime change across the Middle East and to militarize America.
were actually just rewriting a document that many of the same guys had
already written for Benjamin Netanyahu in the mid-1990s. And that was
called the Clean Break Document and it argued for really the same
things, only it was much more straightforward in pointing out that this
was all being done in Israel’s interest. So they repackaged extensively
for the American viewpoint in this rebuilding America’s defenses
document but, again, all of these guys are Jewish hard-line extreme
Zionists whose first loyalty is Israel.
Robles: Originally
I had wanted to speak with you about other issues, but this is
something that is not going to go away until the people that are
responsible are forced to take responsibility for their actions.
Regarding everything that’s going on right now, and there is a lot going
on in the Muslim world, in the Middle East and in particular Iran, if
we could, Libya, Syria.
do you think now Iran’s nuclear threat, which I would say was never a
threat to begin with, is now gone, NATO says now there are 30 other
countries that pose a threat, so they have to continue surrounding
Russia with their missile batteries. About Iran, if we could a little
Yes, I think there is a struggle going on in the US policy-making
apparatus between the sort of hardline neo-con Zionist faction that did
9-11 and a more realist faction led by people like Brzezinski and those
people actually are much more concerned with going after Russia and
Robles: Sorry sir, you are saying that Brzezinski, he’s the more "realist faction"?
Yes, Brzezinski is a relative moderate. Which tells you how crazy
American foreign policy is. Brzezinski used to be the ultimate extremist
lunatic hawk who was out there arguing to create and fund al-Qaeda,
radically anti-Russia, he is from Polish nobility and he never really
liked Russia very much.
he used to be considered extreme radical hardliner. He has mellowed a
bit but I think the problem is that these even more insane people have
risen to the highest levels of power and so now he looks relatively
moderate by comparison. That is what has happened across the board in
American politics.
was proposing a national minimal income of what would now be $25,000
dollars a year. Nixon would be a radical leftist, civil libertarian
communist by today’s standards. That is how terrible things have gotten.
anyway these "realists" notice that the Zionist strategy of demonizing
Islam and putting all of America’s energy into fighting pointless wars
in the Middle East to destroy the enemies of Israel, which is what the
whole Middle Eastern policy has been since 9-11 is really fruitless from
a larger western US geopolitical perspective and people like Brzezinski
who are kind of hawkish regarding the grand chessboard and who trying
the rule of the world from North America, means that you have to grab
the middle of Eurasia where the majority of the world’s population
productivity is, the guys like that are noticing that this neo-con
policy of demonizing Islam and smashing up the Middle East for no good
reason is completely insane.
that is the conflict in the American policy-making circles and
gradually the sort of relatively realist faction has been taking their
power back since the 9-11 coup d’état by the Zionist faction.
problem is that these realists are not moral or really offended by
things like 9-11 or really interested in peace and stability. It is more
that they are actually going to use the extra-state power, the extra
military money, the surveillance capabilities that 9-11 generated and
turn those away from Israel or Middle East where they have been focused
until now and fight this rear-guard action to maintain the US-western
empire in the face of the rising power of the BRICS axis and these other
non-western countries, the collapse of the US dollar which has been
underpinning the whole global system.
they are desperately trying to prop up this crumbling imperial power
and I think they notice that this Middle Eastern stuff is not getting
them very far. It is maybe helping Israel by smashing every independent
country in the Middle East. That has enough independence to oppose
Israel but it as for larger western geopolitical interests it doesn’t do
any good.
they are now doing this pivot to Asia where they are concerned about
the rise of China and all of that, trying to manage that and then they
still have this insane policy of being so bellicose with Russia which
doesn’t really make much sense. You’d think that geopolitically they
would be better off dealing more diplomatically with Russia but they
have to surround Russia with nuclear weapons and try to achieve a first
strike capacity and they are risking World War III.
I don’t really know what is wrong with these people but if you tell me, I will be grateful.
Robles: I don’t know either. Some people I know say they are not even human, so that is why nobody can understand them.
I’ve had radio guests who make that argument in all seriousness. David
Jacobs is a professor in Pennsylvania who was always considered the
leading American scholarly expert on the UFO phenomena from a
folkloristic perspective.
the respectable academicians turned to his work to look at that
phenomenon, and I studied him as part of my folklore minor for a PHD.
But at the time I was studying him I hadn’t realized that just a few
years before that he’d come out with his new book called "The Threat",
which argues basically that there is this evil alien invasion of Earth
going on and that they are kidnapping people and creating hybrids that
will inherit the earth after some kind of massive destructive episode
and of course it sounds completely paranoid and insane, especially when
you get into the details of "oh these aliens can float people through
solid walls and they can erase people’s memories" and all this stuff. It
sounds just like the most outlandish paranoid hallucination, but Jacobs
is a very well-spoken careful guy who never said anything like this
until the mid-90s when he finally came out and said "I think I figured
out what is going on".
and more people are saying that there is some kind of ET aspect to
things, but precisely what that is, is still fairly unclear but I do
think that sensible people around the world should be supporting the
disclosure movement which is pushing for a complete declassification of
all UFO related information in all countries of the world and starting
with the US, where it seems like there is the biggest and most nefarious
think that is a serious issue and maybe we will find there is really
nothing there once we declassify all of this, but my guess is that there
actually is something there and that would explain a fair bit of what
is going on.
I’ve come to the conclusion that all the UFO-sightings and all that
stuff, because it’s particularly going on in the US, it is all tied up
with CIA kidnappings and sex slavery and children being sold, testing of
secret aircraft, but I think it is foolish and I think it started
incredibly arrogant and imbecilic to believe that we (If you want to
call us as a human race "intelligent") are the only intelligence in the
universe. If that is the case, it is a very sad, sad fact. But if you
followed scientology, it would make sense, wouldn’t it? Some alien cold
and calculating force that can come in and take over human bodies.
There are probably people like this who I deal with, like veterans
today, which is a haven for folks from the US military intelligence
services who have gotten fed up with the nonsense. It is full of people
who really believe this stuff, who claim that they have had classified
briefings and stuff that supports this.
actually was on the phone with a fellow named Leo Wantas who claims to
have single-handedly brought down the Soviet Union by some kind of
currency scam.
story goes that he discovered a loophole in the way that the Soviet
currency was traded and so he was able to engineer this massive vacuum
cleaner operation, suck all the value out of the ruble and supposedly
pile up an excessive 10 trillion on dollars which then got embezzled by
the Bush crime family. That is the story he tells.
That was the end of part one of an interview with Dr.
Kevin Barret, he is a Doctor in Arabic and Islamic Studies, the owner
and manager of and a member of Scientific Professionals
Investigating 9-11.
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