Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Battles Of And For Idlib:

by Ghassan Kadi
If there was ever indeed a civil uprising in Syria, it would have had to be, by-and-large, in Idlib.
Idlib is an impoverished region of Syria. It is located in the north-west, inland from the coastal Syrian Army stronghold of Lattakia, and south of Aleppo; Syria’s second largest city and economic hub. Being predominantly Sunni and poor, the combination made it a lucrative recruitment spot for the various Takfiri groups.

Recipe Of The Day: How to Prepare Goat Meat Pepper Soup

Pepper soup is basically meat in a spiced stock, the exceptional taste originates from the flavor blend. pepper soup is normally made with goat meat or catfish. Making pepper soup is super easy, to the extent you have the pre-blended spice mix.


Friday, October 16, 2015

Paul Craig Roberts, “Only an idiot would believe” Dutch MH17 report. No black box, no air traffic control tapes, victims’ family barred from examining corpses

First the awesome Zerohedge comments on Paul Craig Roberts write up of the flawed and disappointing Dutch MH17 report…which essentially said nothing (can you say cover up), and ignored a lot of important information.
Once again Zerohedge commenters point out the obvious, that so many western zombies refuse to acknowledge.

Turning down Russian gas has already caused Poland huge losses

by: Olga Samofalova
translation by: Alena Scarecrow
“We are independent in the gas issue”, – happily announces Poland having finally built a terminal for receiving liquefied natural gas (LNG). However, the new marine way of delivering gas from Qatar instead of saving financial resources will entail even much higher costs than earlier. Warsaw is already paying – now, that it has not yet received one single cubic meter of gas.
“Poland has achieved her strategic goal: we are independent in the gas issue” said the Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz at the opening ceremony of the new LNG terminal in the city of Swinoujscie, obviously referring to the cherished dream of the Polish government – giving up Russian gas.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Interview of Sheikh Imran on Republika Srpska television (MUST WATCH!!)

In the meantime, in Nazi-occupied Ukraine

The dramatic developments in Syria have somewhat overshadowed the events in Nazi-occupied Ukraine.  True, nothing truly ‘major’ has happened there, but that in itself is a major development and a case of “no news is good news”.
Remember how close we were to a Ukronazi attack just a few months or weeks ago?
That attack never materialized.
This is, I submit, major news and something which most of us did not dare hope for.  After all, the Ukronazis had assembled a very large (some would say “bloated”) force all along the line of contact, the rhetoric out of Kiev was even worse than usual and all the signs were that the junta was poised to attack any day.  Then two things happened.


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