Friday, September 5, 2014

How Ex-Gov Modu Sheriff sponsored Boko Haram- Falana

Yesterday, a former governor of Borno state, Mr. Modu Sheriff addressed a press conference at Abuja where he attempted to play on the collective intelligence of Nigerians by denying any link with the dreaded Boko Haram sect. He was apparently reacting to his indictment by Rev Stephen Davis, the international negotiator engaged by the federal government to dialogue with the Boko Haram sect to secure the release of the abducted Chibok girls.

Erasing Nigeria From the World Map is Almost a Forgone Conclusion ?


The story we are hearing about the performance of our counterinsurgents is that of gloom and doom, and it appears erasing Nigeria from the Map of the World is a foregone conclusion. The latest is the capture of Bama , by Boko-Haram, in addition to Gwoza already declared as Islamic Caliphate by the insurgents.
For example, a resident of Bama Muhammadu Mai Tumatur said;

Woman Ate Flesh And Blood of Her Grandson

Crazy things happen everyday but this one is bizarre! This is the utmost form of pure wickedness! In all my years of being a blogger, I have not seen a relative do this to another relative…it’s evil!

A woman in Niger state has been arrested for killing and consuming the flesh and blood of her grandson. Leadership reports that the incident occurred at Doso Village in Doko District of Niger State.

Photos: NANS honours Pres. GEJ as Grand Commander of Nigerian Students

 National Association of Nigerian Students, NANS, today visited president Jonathan at Aso Villa where they honoured him as the Grand Commander of Nigerian Students. See more photos from the ceremony when you continue  after the jump...

FG denies chossing Stephen Davis as Boko Haram negotiator

 FG has denied claims by Australian hostage negotiator, Stephen Davis, he was hired by the Nigerian Government to negotiate for the release of Chibok girls.
Speaking through the Coordinator of the National Information Center, Mr Mike Omeri, today Sept. 5th in Abuja, FG said the choice to hire a negotiator will be made public when they decide to do this and they have no plans to question those alleged to be Boko Haram sponsors by Stephen Davis


Leader of terrorist group al-Shabaab killed in airstrike in Somalia

The Somali prime minister said on Friday that Ahmed Godane, head of the Islamist militant group al Shabaab, was killed in a U.S. strike on Monday, although the group that is waging an insurgency against the government has yet to comment.

U.S. officials had said on Wednesday that they were still checking to see whether Monday's U.S. missile strike on an al Shabaab encampment had killed Godane, who was appointed leader in 2008 after his predecessor was killed in a U.S. attack.
"We tell the Somalis that Godane is dead," Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed said on his Facebook page, the first government confirmation of his death. (Reuters)

Fraudster in EFCC Den for Abuja land grab

See the EFCC press statement below...
A suspected fraudster who attempted to fraudulently assume ownership of a prime plot of land in the Maitama district of Abuja, belonging to a member of the famous Dantata family of Kano has been arrested by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC.
Mohammed Awwal alias Nasiru Abdulkadir Dantata was arrested by operatives of the Commission sequel to a report from the Department of Land Administration, Federal Territory Administration (FCTA) Abuja. Conti....

Photos: Doctors Without Borders in Port Harcout to help fight Ebola

 Nigeria's Minister of Health Professor Chukwu arrived Port Harcourt today to see the Ebola Isolation & Emergency Operation Centre. Pictured above are doctors from humanitarian group'Doctors Without Borders'who are still in Port Harcourt to simply help fight the deadly disease. More pics following the jump...

Third American Ebola patient arrives U.S for treatment

The next American doctor to be identified as having the Ebola virus arrived Nebraska about one hour to start his treatment. Dr Richard Sacra (pictured above) contracted the deadly virus while employed in Liberia. Dr Sacra wasn't treating Ebola patients when he was infected. He was today flown to the Nebraska Medical Center's biocontainment patient care unit, among the four facilities in America designed specifically to deal with patients confronted with extremely dangerous infectious organisms. Two other Americans were recently treated of the deadly virus utilizing the experimental drug, ZMapp.

'Go ahead and sue me' - Australian negotiator tells Alimodu Sheriff

Australian negotiator Stephen Davis has dared former Borno state governor, Alimodu Sheriff to sue him for saying he's among the sponsors of Boko Haram. Mr Sheriff had threatened to sue at a media conference on Wednesday.

Speaking with TheCable today, Davis said if Alimodu Sheriff would go to court, evidences to prove he's connections with the sect is going to be produced.

"He is worried, is he? He knows that if he goes to court, the evidence will be produced and he cannot escape justice. Let him go to court if that is what he wishes. It is his right to do so. He will not be able to avoid close examination and then the facts will be known. Good luck to him if he decides to sue me in Australia. He can’t buy the judges here. Truth is not for sale. Australia has zero toleration for those who might sponsor terrorism."

Nigerian Targeted Email list - Latest technology !

Gone are days when names and addresses of individuals were noted to send them any type of information. With the upcoming of latest technologies Internet marketing has seen an immediate growth. Email marketing is an important section of online marketing, since it knocks the inbox of an individual individually to make him/her aware in regards to a particular good/service. Email marketing can be quite a big success when you yourself have the mailing lists of one's targeted audience. Emails disseminate information of any sort to a big amount of people across the planet through Internet. Email addresses of individuals are collected to whom the emails need to be mailed. Collecting email addresses on a typical basis forms a huge email list that represents a big targeted audience.

To get this targeted List

Joan Rivers: Clinic where She Stopped Breathing Targeted with Death Threats

The clinic where Joan Rivers was undergoing a throat procedure last week is under fire, because fans are blaming the staff for her death and are making it clear they're out for blood. Sources connected to the Yorkville Endoscopy clinic in NYC tell TMZ death threats have been coming in droves since Joan was rushed to the hospital last week. Some of the threats have included -- "If Joan dies, so will you," ... and ... "I hope you people die, you killed an icon." Reports say the clinic has been shutting down early on some days to send employees home and additional security's been hired. The NY Health Dept is already reviewing the clinic to see if a full scale investigation is warranted. Meanwhile, following Joan Rivers' death, the future of her widely watched TV fashion show "Fashion Police" is uncertain. Issuing two statements, E! said the network needed to mourn the loss of the sharp tongued comedian before a decision could be made.

Twin boys stabbed to death by their brother who then killed himself

9 year old twin brothers Patrick and Thomas O'Driscoll were stabbed to death yesterday September 4th by their older half brother Jonathan, 20, who then killed himself about an hour later. Read the full story below...

Nine-year-old Patrick and Thomas O’Driscoll were dressed in their school uniforms when found dead in separate bedrooms by their younger brothers, aged three and five.  Their half-sibling Jonathan, 20, sped from the scene in Charleville, Co Cork, and was discovered hanged 15km away.

Atiku Abubakar officially registers interest in contesting in the 2015 presidential election.

Political massacre for APC???

Ex-Vice President Atiku Abubakar has finally declared his interest  in contesting in the 2015 presidential election on the ticket of the APC. Atiku said he'll declare officially on Wednesday, September 24. This is in a statement issued by his Media Adviser, Mallam Garba Shenu, in Abuja this morning. 
"The Turaki Adamawa will contest for the ticket of the All Progressives Congress, in the 2015 presidential elections. The former Vice President will be making the declaration on Wednesday September 24." the statement read in part

Russian REN-TV News Crew Comes Under Fire In Donetsk

 Russian TV crew from REN-TV television channel came under fire in Donetsk, according to REN-TV official website. “REN-TV reporters came under fire in Donetsk. One day before a ceasefire comes into effect, Ukrainian Army has shelled city center,” a statement on the website reads. Press freedom in Ukraine has steadily deteriorated since Kiev launched military operation in southeastern Ukraine aimed at suppressing independence supporters. Journalists have been detained, kidnapped, tortured and killed.


Expert: Implementation of Sanctions Against Russia Is Wrong Strategy

 Implementation of sanctions against Russia is a mistake, French oil and gas company Total Chief Executive, Christophe de Margerie said in his interview to Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper.
“We cannot let them persuade us that Russia is our enemy. Our energy supply depends on this country. If Americans, based on the historical reasons and internal political motives, want to escalate the conflict, then it is their choice. But we, Europeans, have to deal with this crisis in a different way, not painting everything in black and white only,” de Margerie said as quoted by the Sueddeutsche Zeitung.

Defense Budget Constraints May See US Shedding Allies: CSBA

If the US Defense Department is going to adjust to the current threat environment while operating within current military budget constraints, it may be forced to back out of security contracts and shed allies, Todd Harrison, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic Budget Assessment (CSBA), said at a press conference.
According to Harrison, the downsizing could occur “by shedding missions, by coming up with innovative concepts to execute missions with fewer resources.”

Rasmussen: NATO Not Involved in Member States’ Decisions on Military Aid to Ukraine

NATO as an alliance is not involved in member states’ decisions regarding military assistance to Ukraine, as the alliance does not possess military capabilities, according to NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. «NATO as an alliance is not involved in delivery of equipment because we do not posess military capabilities. This are possessed by individual allies. So such decisions are national decisions and we are not going to interfere with that,» Rasmussen said ahead of Ukraine-NATO commission consultations. On 

Slovakia Asks EU to Cut Sanctions Against Russia

Slovakia speaks against some sanctions against Russia, proposed by the European Union, according to the Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico. “We have addressed the EU, asking them to remove some clauses from the sanctions proposal. We want a number of products included in the list to be exempt from sanctions, so that we can continue exporting them to Russia,” Fico said during press conference after a special meeting dedicated to the discussion of new EU sanctions against Russia. The ministers, who took part in a meeting, spoke against proposed export ban on goods that can have both military and civilian use, aimed for Russian private companies. 

Russia Bans All Ukrainian Candy, Confectionaries Imports - Consumer Watchdog

Russia’s consumer watchdog, Rospotrebnadzor, has decided to ban imports of Ukrainian candy and confectionaries beginning Friday.  “In line with providing consumer rights, Rospotrebnadzor has suspended the import of Ukrainian confectionary goods into the territory of the Russian Federation beginning September 5, 2014,” the consumer watchdog said in an announcement. Earlier in August, Moscow suspended imports of Ukrainian alcoholic beverages to Russia, citing violations of consumer rights.



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