Thursday, October 1, 2015

As China Rises, US Deploys Most Advanced Aircraft Carrier to Boost Japan

The US Navy deployed one of its most advanced aircraft carriers to Japan to strengthen ties between Washington and Tokyo.

The USS Ronald Reagan, carrying a crew of 5,000 sailors and around 80 aircraft, docked at Yokosuka naval base on Thursday.

The nuclear-powered Reagan, which is equipped with the latest targeting and defense radars, integrated weapons systems and command and communications technology, marks an upgrade from the ship it is replacing, the USS George Washington.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Russia Approves Use of Armed Forces in Syria

Russia’s Federation Council unanimously approved the use of the country’s armed forces abroad.
Russia’s upper house of parliament on Wednesday approved the country’s armed forces to be used abroad.

The decision includes only the use of the Air Force and does not foresee any ground troops operations, Kremlin Administration Aide Sergei Ivanov said Wednesday.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the UN 70th General Assembly (Updated with transcript!)

Mr. Secretary General,
Distinguished heads of state and government,
Ladies and gentlemen,
The 70th anniversary of the United Nations is a good occasion to both take stock of history and talk about our common future. In 1945, the countries that defeated Nazism joined their efforts to lay a solid foundation for the postwar world order. Let me remind you that key decisions on the principles defining interaction between states, as well as the decision to establish the UN, were made in our country, at the Yalta Conference of the leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

We came, we saw, He Died: How will Washington react if Assad repeats fate of Gadafi ?


Following the death of Muammar Gaddafi then-US State Secretary Hillary Clinton jokingly said: "We came, we saw, he died." However, now amid the massive migrant crisis in Europe, Washington would unlikely react the same way if Syrian President Bashar Assad repeats the Libyan leader's fate, author Brian Cloughley believes.

The US invasion in Iraq, as well as NATO-led airstrikes in Libya and support of the so-called Syrian moderate rebels have backfired. Not so much on Washington, but its ally Europe, which is suffering from the largest migrant crisis since World War II, with hundreds of thousands fleeing violence in war-torn regions in the Middle East and North Africa, author and expert in political and military affairs Brian Cloughley noted. According to Brian Cloughley, the US war in Iraq has displaced about 1 in 25 Iraqi citizens, while the violent expansion of the ISIL jihadist group contributed to more Iraqis fleeing their homes.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Interesting but ambiguous video

This video was supposedly made near Homs and supposedly shows a “large Russian aircraft and 4 escorts”.  Maybe.  The large aircraft could be either Il-76 (transport) or Il-78 (refueling).  The four smaller aircraft are not escorts, but probably SU-24, and if that guess of mine is correct, then this is interesting.    Careful now!  Iran also has Il-76 and SU-24s, so we don’t know for sure that these are Russian.  But if these are, indeed, Russian SU-24s that would significant as the Syrian Air Forces does not have such aircraft.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Iceland Counters US Military Claims of 'Russian Flights'

Iceland's foreign ministry countered US defense department claims that Russia has increased activity around the country and that it is interested in "military cooperation."

The US government attempted to convince Iceland to accept a higher US military presence over what it called increased Russian military flights in the region, Icelandic media reported.

Iceland's foreign ministry released figures showing that Russian military flights anywhere near the country's airspace have actually decreased more than five times compared to 2007. None of the flights breached Icelandic airspace.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Operation Unthinkable 2.0? Pentagon Updating War Plans Against Russia

According to State and Defense Department sources speaking to Foreign Policy, the Pentagon is "dusting off," reevaluating and updating its contingency plans for war with Russia. The publication explains why all of this is Russia's fault, and where things may go from here.

The article, written by well-known Russian politics critic and self-confessed Russophobe Julia Ioffe, explains this is "the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union" that the Pentagon has decided to review and update its contingency plans for war with Russia, based on revised appraisals of the country as a potential threat, rather than a potential partner, to NATO.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Athens Denies US Request to Close Airspace for Russian Aid to Syria

Moscow requested and received Athens' permission to conduct flights to transport humanitarian aid to Syria in the period from September 1 to September 24, according to a diplomatic source.

 Greece denied on Sunday US request to close Athens airspace (FIR Athens) for the flights of Russian aircraft with humanitarian aid to Syria, a diplomatic source in Athens said.

US Requests Greece Close Airspace for Russian Aid Flights to Syria

Athens confirmed Greece has received a request from the United States to deny the country's airspace for Russian aid flights to Syria, Reuters reports.

A spokesman for the foreign ministry in Athens said on Monday that the request was being examined.
A source in the Greek Foreign Ministry confirmed media reports that Athens had received a US request to close down its airspace to Russian aid flights into Syria.

Friday, September 4, 2015

The Economist Slams Party of Mandela for Speaking Truth on US in Ukraine

London-based weekly news magazine The Economist is outraged over a recent policy document from South Africa's ruling African National Congress party, labeling the party of anti-Apartheid hero Nelson Mandela "clueless and immoral."

Suggesting at the outset that its criticisms mark the fact that the ANC and South Africa have "strayed from Nelson Mandela's legacy," the magazine proceeds to bash the party, citing a recent paper on foreign policy drafted ahead of a key policy conference next month.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

SITREP: grenade attack in Kiev – a US PSYOP?

Check out this interesting footage of the hand grenade attack against the security forces guarding the Rada in Kiev: I would like to add a couple of comments here:

Yemen Map of War, August 28 Update

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Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the Islamic State in Iraq and al Sham (ISIS) continue to use Saudi-led coalition victories as leverage to increase their territorial control and recruitment in Yemen. Coalition forces have been attempting to strengthen Saudi-controlled President Abdu Mansour Hadi’s ability to govern and control recently captured territories in southern and eastern Yemen.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Protesters Attempt to Break Into Ukraine's Parliament, Clash With Police

 The clashes come shortly after the Ukrainian parliament has approved President Petro Poroshenko's proposed constitutional amendments on decentralization in the first reading.

A blast has been heard during the protests near the Verkhovna Rada after several shots had been fired, 112.Ukraine TV channel reported. Local police told RIA Novosti that the reason of the incident is being investigated.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

New Russian Spaceship to Be Ready Ahead of Schedule

Russian space manufacturer RSC Energia said that the first prototype of a new Russian manned spacecraft for launch to the International Space Station (ISS) and the Moon may be created ahead of schedule.

 — The first prototype of a new Russian manned spacecraft for launch to the International Space Station (ISS) and the Moon may be created ahead of schedule, president of Russian space manufacturer RSC Energia Vladimir Solntsev told RIA Novosti on Saturday.
The International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS 2015 is currently underway in the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow, and is due to finish on Sunday.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Nigerian Electronic Passport Application Process ?

December 31st 2010, proclaimed another era  in the West African electronic passport versus the Nigerian e-passport or e-travel permit, as the due date for the utilization of the Old Nigerian Machine Readable Passport (MRP Passport) became effective.
This inferred that any individual who flew out back to Nigeria from any remote base/Country on the old MRP identification would not have the capacity to fly back to their base abroad without being in control of the Nigerian electronic passport.
For all Nigerians situated in Russia, UK, USA, China, Republic of Ireland,others the tenth of November 2010 denoted another disclosure, as the new e-travel permit machines have been installed and completely tested.

US May Hit Syria With Ship-Based Tomahawk Missiles - Analyst

The additional deployment of US Aegis-equipped warships in the Mediterranean Region could be considered a precondition for further offensive against Syrian leader Bashar Assad, security analyst Dmitry Efimov told Sputnik Radio.

The US will send an additional warship equipped with the Aegis combat system to the Mediterranean Sea to protect Turkey and its NATO allies against ballistic missile threats, Anadolu reported. The redeployment is scheduled to take place this fall, Navy spokeswoman Commodore Pamela Rawe told the agency.

What Else Are They Scared of? Russia, China Again in US Media Spotlight

Russia and China are once again in the spotlight of the US media: let’s have a look at what they fear the two will do next.

Only recently, the US voiced its concern over the possible development by Russia and China of a new generation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), capable of “negating America’s advantages in stealth aircraft.”
Now American media outlets are analyzing whether the two would jointly develop “some of the most sophisticated types of naval vessels on the planet.”

Thursday, August 27, 2015

President Bashar Al-Assad’s al-Manar August 25, 2015 Interview


DAMASCUS, (ST)_ The terrorists are the most important real tool in the ongoing aggression against Syria, outlined H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad .

In an exclusive interview with the Lebanese al-Manar Satellite TV, aired Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m. (GMT), President Al-Assad pointed out that encountering Israel deems it necessary for us to encounter its tools in the interior, asserting that Israel from time to time carries out acts in support to terrorists .

“What the terrorists have been perpetrating is far more dangerous than the Zionist enemy has been doing,” added H.E. President Al-Assad, pointing out that the Syrian experience is like the Lebanese one in the sense that there exist Syrian groups which accept to deal with the enemies.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Is an Ukronazi attack imminent? Yes! So what else is new?

Novorussian officials have called a press conference today to warn about the high risks of an Ukronazi assault on Novorussia in the very near future.  I have asked our translation team and friends to subtitle the video of this press conference and I hope to get it in the next 24 hours or less.
The press conference was unique in that Edward Basurin, the Deputy Defense Minister and spokesman for the Novorussian armed forces showed a map with what he described as the Ukrainian attack plans:

Lost Nigerian Passport: How to Replace, Renew or Apply for New One
Has your Nigerian Passport been lost, stolen or need renewal? Try not to freeze or panic! I will walk you through the procedure of rapidly replacing your lost or stolen travel permit, notwithstanding or whether you're at currently abroad or set to  go on a worldwide tour.

Step by step instructions to Replace Your Passport Abroad - Overview
1)Report your international Nigerian Passport loss to the nearest police headquarters and make a meeting with the nearest Nigerian embassy office or Consulate
2) Gather documents to demonstrate your character and Nigerian citizenship
3) Pay the international Nigerian passport and get your new travel permit (by going to Nigerian Passport service )

*See bellow for more details of each step
Tip & Warnings About Lost or Stolen Nigerian Passports
In case you're abroad, having a photocopy of your Nigerian Passport page makes getting another travel permit less easier. Thinking about to what extent it takes to get your Nigerian travel permit replaced? It can take as meager as under 24 hours. It relies on upon how soon you require your Nigerian
International Passport and how rapidly you can demonstrate your citizenship and identity.

Loss of Nigerian Passport Abroad or Theft - Detailed Instructions on How to Replace Your Passport From Overseas. The following is the regulated definite guidelines to help you rapidly supplant your lost or stolen travel permit in case you're right now abroad.
Continue to see 5 steps ===>

Friday, August 21, 2015

North Korea Fires Shells at South Korean Military Base

North Korea has fired shells at a South Korean military base across the demilitarized zone, local media reported Thursday.

North Korea has threatened to start military action if South continues "propaganda warfare", the Yonhap news agency reported Thursday.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Is Ukraine On The Cusp Of A Real Uprising?

by Andrew Korybko

It’s been discussed since the civil war first began last spring, but Ukraine might finally be on the verge of a legitimate people’s uprising against the government. The Color Revolutions in 2004 and 2014 were organized from abroad (despite the misleading mass media representation that they were popular movements) and aimed to achieve concrete geopolitical objectives on behalf of the West, thereby discrediting them as real grassroots actions and exposing their ulterior nature. Although Ukraine has thus far not experienced a single genuine (as in organized by Ukrainians and for Ukrainians) revolution to date, it doesn’t mean that one couldn’t be forthcoming, as all the proper ‘ingredients’ are currently in effect. Three recent developments indicate that the country is a lot closer to a real revolution than most observers might believe, and if the people take the initiative in seizing the opportunity in front of them, they might have a chance at reversing some of the regime’s most disastrous policies before it’s ultimately too late.

Book Banning

Kiev has taken the decision to ban a handful of books by certain Russian authors, notably the works of famous anti-Color Revolution crusader and historian Nikolai Starikov and presidential advisor Sergei Glaziev. These two individuals in particular have been extremely critical of the regime, and it appears as though Kiev views them as ideological threats to its rule. The book banning comes amid already existing political oppression against all dissident voices, be they politicians , the media , or even average citizen s. The authorities are plainly expressing that no counter-views will be tolerated under their rule, and that they seek to control the flow of information that the population receives. This can be read as nothing more than a fear of its own citizenry, since if Kiev and its representatives were secure in their rule, there wouldn’t be any need to be so authoritarian. The fact that they’re now taking the publicized and extreme step of banning a small number of books speaks to their heightened paranoia, which in turn can be read (pun intended) as the serious threat that they believe they face from the people. The thing is, it might not just be paranoia, but an objective reality that some elements of society and not just the Neo-Nazi battalions (albeit for their own separate reasons ) are getting ready to turn on Kiev.

Russian Food Embargo Threat

The latest news coming out of Moscow is that Medvedev announced that the counter-sanctions campaign “has been extended to Albania, Montenegro, Iceland and Liechtenstein and, subject to special conditions, Ukraine”. Specifying matters, he warned that if Ukraine goes forward with the economic component of the EU Association Agreement expected to enter into force at the beginning of next year, its agricultural products would also come under the same restrictions. A ban on fruit and vegetable imports from last October already threatened to wipe out up to $51 million of market loss for Ukrainian producers, and expanding it to include all agricultural goods could be cataclysmic for the already crippled economy. According to Business New Europe , agriculture is the country’s largest industry right now (due mostly in part because of the manufacturing losses incurred from the War on Donbass) and the only one to show any growth last year, so if exports to Ukraine’s largest trading partner are cut off, then the consequences could very well be fatal for the country.

As an additional point on this topic, it must also be noted that it’s highly unlikely that Russian-destined exports could be reoriented to the EU, because domestic producers there are already howling in pain at the economic misery inflicted by Russia’s counter-sanctions against them and are heatedly competing amongst themselves in an oversaturated market. It would thus be a poor political move on the part of any EU government to prioritize Ukrainian agricultural products over their own producers’, even more so since the EU is suffering its worst dairy crisis in three decades and can’t possibly absorb any Ukrainian imports of this kind, for but one example.

If Ukraine can’t sell its products in the EU, then the excess that should have originally gone to Russia will stay in the domestic market and precipitate a rapid price collapse that could serve as a prelude to the sudden collapse of the entire agricultural industry. This would in turn affect the country’s capability to feed itself, meaning that more expensive foreign foodstuffs (probably GMO-laced products from the US) would have to be imported to meet the demand. With farming no longer a profitable venture for many by this point, farmland can be sold for bare-bottom prices to foreign companies (again, likely American, specifically Monsanto ), thus ushering in the complete foreign takeover of one of the most rich agricultural regions in the world. This calamitous scenario can be avoided, however, provided that Ukrainians take urgent action in changing their government before the end of the year, which leads to the final examined development.

The Committee For Salvation Of Ukraine

Last but not least, one of the most important, if underreported, aspects that could push Ukrainians towards a real revolution is the establishment of the Committee For Salvation Of Ukraine (CSU), essentially a government-in-exile based in Moscow. As the saying goes, “better late than never”, and it seems quite suited to this case. From what can be discerned, the CSU is the brainchild of former Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, and although he’s not the leader (Vladimir Oleynik is), he seems to be running the show. Azarov promised that if it comes to power, the CSU will immediately hold new, free, and fair elections, but in order for this to happen , he “ask[s] all citizens, political parties, labor unions and social movements to unite and restore order in our home by joint efforts”. The point, it seems, is to unite civil society organizations and average citizens into a coordinated anti-government campaign, believing that it could prove to be the pivotal tipping point for the regime. Just about every observer would agree that Kiev would never relinquish power without a fight, but Azarov makes no mention of resorting to violence in the upcoming struggle, although it can be understood that this would be a logical response to harsh state suppression, should some of the participants so choose to react in this way.

Right now the CSU doesn’t seem to inspire much enthusiasm from anyone, but all of this could change with time. After all, the organization isn’t perfect (and much of its makeup and activity is still mysterious and undeclared), but it symbolically stands as the first realistic form of opposition to the Maidan government, and it’s helped by the fact that it’s based abroad and is thus safe from Kiev’s clutches. Most importantly at this point of time, however, is that the organization is likely building a network of supportive cells inside of Ukraine in order to construct a unified anti-government platform from which to challenge the state. This means that the CSU could essentially function as a coordinating committee in managing outreach campaigns across the country, public demonstrations (when the time is right), and perhaps after that, if they’re violently suppressed, even Hybrid War military operations as well. To speak on the protest part of the CSU’s assumed responsibilities and interests, if there ever was a perfect social environment to test Gene Sharp’s “ From Dictatorship To Democracy ” and “ There Are Realistic Alternatives ” protest theories, then it’s contemporary Ukraine, which is undoubtedly a dictatorship with a capital D. If a legitimate people’s revolution ever does occur in Ukraine, then it’s a sure bet that the CSU will have a leading role in it and will likely use the event to help catapult itself and its leadership from Moscow back to Kiev.

Concluding Thoughts
Never before has Ukraine been closer to a legitimate grassroots revolution than now. Many citizens were fearful of the new regime after the February 2014 coup, but not many of them outside of Crimea and Donbass publicly demonstrated against it. When they did, such as in Odessa in May of that year, they were horrifically killed and the perpetrators never brought to justice (purposely so). Some people, unsure of what they could individually do to resist the regime, decided to passively “give it a try” and see what it could ultimately do for their well-being. Nearly 18 months later, the Maidan authorities have done nothing except split the country with civil war, kill thousands of civilians, and crash the economy, and enough time has passed for their ridiculous ‘blame Russia’ tirade to grow stale and unbelievable among most of the population. The problems Ukraine has gotten itself into since the overthrow of Yanukovich are entirely of its new authorities’ making, and it seems as though some Ukrainians might finally be wising up to this, ergo why Kiev is making yet another paranoid push to suppress independent thought and go as far as outrageously banning a handful of books.

Average Ukrainians might be politically misled, but most of them are smart enough to realize that the country is falling apart in front of their eyes, and that it’s becoming ever more difficult to make simple ends meet. With Russia’s counter-sanction ultimatum to Ukraine, some of them might finally feel desperate enough to consider going against the government, despite being aware of the likely beat-down (or worse) that they’ll receive for doing so. Still, these individuals presumably lack a sense of organized direction, which is where the CSU comes in. It’s assumed that it wouldn’t have gone public had it not established some kind of shadow presence in Ukraine first, no matter how small, and one can draw the conclusion (using Azarov’s own words) that it’s in favor of mass anti-government activity and will do its best to support them. Building upon this logic and putting two and two together, the CSU could very well be organizing such a movement itself, gathering the disaffected segments of Ukrainian society to help engineer a regime change push before the year is over. If the Maidan authorities remain in power and don’t walk back the economic component of the EU Association Agreement by that time, then Ukraine will be plunged into an even deeper domestic crisis that might unwittingly turn Kiev’s regime change paranoia into a solid reality.


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