Monday, January 20, 2014

Pastor puts the blame on The Devil After nabbed Printing Fake Notes (Youtube Video)
 It is incredible things people do these days, imagine an ordained pastor and his daughters and their boyfriend running a fake note printing syndicate and when apprehended the pastor was still quoting scriptures to defend his actions. really?? satan? Can somebody satan his face?

Subject: Five Reasons Why Every Nigerian Woman Must Never ask a Man Out!

I've heard it before... It's the 21st century! Gender roles don't exist anymore! Women can play the role of men! Bla, bla, bla.  But don't forget that while our mothers and our grandmothers didn't have the opportunities we have today, they did have something going for them - They well understood their role! And no, not in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. I mean, humble, meek, strong, not pushy, passive, yet passionate.

Australia enters shale boom race – Report

Shale boom race has gotten a new entry, Australia, according to a new analytical report, stating that all eyes would be on the country as it could turn out to be the most attractive venue for shale and tight oil and gas.
Meanwhile, Nigeria’s non-passage of its Petroleum Industry Bill, PIB, has continued to stall investment in the petroleum industry even as its petroleum minister was recently appointed as the alternative OPEC president
Apart from the non-passage of PIB, political upheaval, insecurity, lack of infrastructure development in Nigeria, has made potential investors to lose confidence in the system.  However, analysts in Nigeria’s petroleum sector are confident that the bill will be passed before the end of 2014, as earlier predicted.
According to Oilprice Intelligent Report, China, Russia and Argentina, have topped the list of potential venues for the next shale boom in recent time.

Diaspora Pro gay Professors Ask US, UK, To Punish Nigeria For Criminalizing Homosexuality

Twenty-Four leading Nigerian academics, researchers, and journalists, have spoken out forcefully against the Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Law recently signed by President Goodluck Jonathan, and which is drawing international rebuke to the country.

In a signed release from the United States titled “Nigeria’s Anti-Gay Law Is A Crime Against Reason” the academics slammed the Jonathan administration for the law, urging, “civil society and human rights groups to start a campaign that we hope will soon result in its abolition.”

HIV-Positive Student allegedly Videotaped Himself doing it With 31 People (Youtube Video)

According to prosecutors, a 22-year-old college student secretly filmed himself having unprotected sex with as many as 31 people, knowingly exposing them to HIV.
Video after the break.

Check out 3 Reasons You SHOULD NOT Check Your Partner’s Phone

Relationships are based on trust and if you have been tempted to snoop on your partner for whatever reason, it indicates that you don't trust him completely.

If you have a reason to doubt your partner, then there’s something seriously wrong and needs to be resolved at the earliest.

Smoking or Drinking During Pregnancy Can Make Your Baby GAY

A controversial new study claims that decisions made by women when they are pregnant can affect their babies brains including determining their sexuality, intelligence and chances of developing autism.

The suggestion that the lifestyle of an expectant mother can affect their offspring's development has been put forward in Professor Dick Swaab's new book We Are Our Brains.

Federal Court bars House of Reps from changing leadership

Breaking news report from The Will Nigeria

A Federal High Court in Abuja presided over by Justice Adeniyi Ademola has issued an order stopping the House of Representatives from changing its leadership pending the determination of a suit filed by the leadership of the embattled Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) seeking to block the move. Justice Ademola further ordered the leadership of the House to maintain the status quo until further notice. The ruling frustrates moves by the opposition All Progressive Congress (APC) to take over the leadership of the House following the defection of about 37 members of the PDP to it which gave it majority in the House.

Actress Lesego Motsepe of South Africa, dies in her home at age 39

  Actress Lesego Motsepe best known as "Letti Matabane" on South African/Mnet soap Isidingo has passed away. The motivational speaker and AIDS ambassador died today Monday January 20th, in respect to a statement released by her family. She was found dead at her home in Randburg, South Africa by her brother, Moemise, today at 11:00 and paramedics confirmed that she died of natural causes at about 13:00.She was aged 39. The actress has been coping with HIV/AIDS since 1998. She is survived by family and friends.

May her soul rest in peace ( and the soul of the founder of the HIV/AIDS Virus live forever without dieing to bur*n in Hell), Ase.

Dino Melaye's wife took to tweeter as he declares intention to run for Senate

Former House of Reps member, Dino Melaye has declared his intention to run for work of a Senator-elect in the 2015 general elections. Dino in a media parley yesterday spoke of his intentions.
"My plan for 2015 is that by the grace of God I will be running for the Senate. My posters are already out. I have almost rounded off my consultations. And by the grace of God I'm going to run  to win to represent Kogi West Senatorial District in 2015” He said
His estranged wife, Tokunbo Fabiyi took to Twitter a few minutes ago to speak out on their on-going divorce/child-custody battle and also talk about a few of Dino's side chicks.
Her tweets after the break...

The real John Walker: Check out Man Who Spent 11 Years Walking Around The World

 In his 45th birthday, Quebec native Jean Béliveau sought out for a walk. He crossed over Montreal's Jacque Cartier Bridge in Montreal, where he originally dreamed up the notion of escaping his life as a neon sign salesman nine months before, and kept going for 75,554 kilometers through 64 countries. He burned through 54 pairs of shoes but somehow managed to keep up his relationship along with his wife, Luce, who stayed at home while Jean spent 11 years running around the world.

Gays In Nigeria Might Start Committing Suicide – Gay Reverend Jide Macaulay

Gay Reverend Jide Macaulay is the Founder and Project Director of House Of Rainbow Fellowship. The man yesterday wrote to vanguard where he said after President Jonathan singed the Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Bill 2013 into law, he has been receiving so many calls, emails and online messages expressing fear, anger, anxiety and suicide attempts.  Here is what he wrote to Vanguard.

I Went Through Hell In Office, Evil Plots – Bamanga Tukur

The former National chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Bamanga Tukur, reflecting on his 21-month tenure said he went through hell in office.

He warned whoever was going to take over from him to be wary of “evil plots” by certain members whose mission is to completely destroy the party. He advised the person to be fearless, consistent and focused.

Lawmakers say white house surveillance plan won’t work

WASHINGTON (AP) — A chief element of President Barack Obama’s attempt to overhaul U.S. surveillance will not work, leaders of Congress’ intelligence committees said Sunday, pushing back against the idea that the government should cede control of how Americans’ phone records are stored.

Obama, under pressure to calm the controversy over government spying, said Friday he wants bulk phone data stored outside the government to reduce the risk that the records will be abused. The president said he will require a special judge’s advance approval before intelligence agencies can examine someone’s data and will force analysts to keep their searches closer to suspected terrorists or organizations.

Paedophiles Hiding in the name of Religion: 62-Year-Old Chief Weds A 15-Year-Old Girl (PHOTO)

Paedophiles are directly using culture and religion to cover up. A wedding ceremony between a 62-year old chief and a 15-year-old girl in Kwa Zulu-Natal province of South Africa took place within the weekend.  The appropriate article with a photograph (see above) was published on January 20, 2014, in ILANGA newspaper, which is really a historic national Zulu periodical covering diverse topics: human interest, politics, entertainment, lifestyle and health and sport, and etc.

Anti-gay law supporter : Bishop Matthew Kukah commends president GEJ

Social critic, commentator and the Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Bishop Matthew Kukah,  has commended President Jonathan for the express signing into law of the anti-gay bill that could criminalize all types of same sex relationships in Nigeria.   He expressed his approval and delight with the signing into law at a media roundtable held in Sokoto State. He also expressed his gratitude to the National Assembly for expediting action on the bill.  The bishop said;
"I also want to commend the National Assembly for the zeal and enthusiasm with which they passed the bill. As far as I am concerned, anybody who lives in Nigeria and most parts of Africa knows that culturally, religiously and morally, this is not our life and culture".

Snow Sport In Which Female Contestants Play In Only Pa*nties (Photos)

Would YOU ever sled down 97 yards of frozen track wearing nothing but undies and snow boots?  A bunch of crazy Germans would. The following month, the German town of Braunlage will host the fifth annual Naked Sledding World Championship, and they're actively trying to find this year's crop of clothes-free competitors.

 To apply, you should be ready to str*ip down for a grueling, semi-na*ked race on a toboggan. You will be laying on your stomach and propelling forward with both hands (don't worry– gloves are one of many few articles of clothing allowed) before a crowd of about 25,000 people. In the past, the top(less) male and female sledders each received about $1,000 in prize money. 

Organizers of the final Na*ked Sled chose only 30 participants from a swimming of roughly 5,000 applications. Apparently people who “look great naked” tend to obtain picked, and stipulations certainly are a bit strict: historically, contestants were chosen only from Germany, Austria or Norway, and Brits are forming their first team this year.
WA*RNING: N*UDITY in the photos below:
After the break.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Would you kiss me and get 1m k ( See pic)

Can you kiss any of the pic above for 1million kobo ?

PDP chair: Jonathan, govs choose Mu’azu

A  former Governor of Bauchi State, Alhaji Adamu Mu’azu, has been chosen as the new Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party by President Goodluck Jonathan and governors.
He will replace the former chairman, Alhaji Bamanga Tukur, who resigned from his position on Wednesday. Mu’azu was picked as a consensus candidate at a meeting between President Goodluck Jonathan and the governors of the party at the Presidential Villa in Abuja on Sunday night. The meeting ended at 1:22 am on Monday (today) morning.

Video Post: Pastor puts the blame on The Devil After nabbed Printing Fake Notes


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