It is a rhetorical question but one that has to be asked again and again; what would be the US Government’s response, if for example protestors went into the Democratic National Committee, burned it down to the ground, occupied government buildings, shot police who were unarmed and then placed themselves in the seats of power by force? he fact is there would be a bloodbath and the authorities would open fire on the “peaceful demonstrators”.
According to Mr. Joseph Zrnichik it is ridiculous that uniformed Americans continue to buy into the “Putin is an evil guy meme”. He believes the US is growing desperate and lashing out irrationally as they see their empire collapsing.
Hello! This is John Robles, I’m speaking with Mr. Joseph Zrnchik. He is a political analyst and geopolitical commentator.
Robles: Hello Sir!
Zrnchik: Fine thanks.
Robles: I’d like to ask you some questions regarding Ukraine, starting out with the financial elements. It began with an EU agreement that would have given the country approximately $1 billion over 7 years and the Russian Customs Union which would have given the country $100 billion over that same period. Now the US has come up with their $1 billion loan again. Ukraine currently owes Gazprom $2.5 billion for just gas alone. Can you comment on that please?
Zrnchik: What is being offered right now by the EU and by the US is a chump change. And really, I believe that a large part of what is being offered is only so that the IMF and the EU could further get their hooks into the Ukraine. And I really believe that it is just a method to do what they’ve been basically throughout the entire world, which is being able to get them in debt and then you’ll cause them to surrender their sovereignty, and then be able to exploit that country, and be able to suck wealth out of that country.
The US has done that through the IMF, the World Bank. I mean, that’s the kind of stuff that they do. It is really just a global loan sharking operation. And I think that is very short-sided of Ukraine to fall for this. And I’m really surprised, because one of the other things that I and other people were considering is the fact that the main thing behind the EU is to cause countries to surrender their sovereignty, so that they can be put under the thumb of the EU with Van Rompoy.
And now we are looking at the exact opposite taking place here. We have ultranationalists taking over the country. And the question is – are they going to pay back and what their response is going to be when the IMF or the EU comes in and says: “Well, now we are going to implement austerity measures, we are going to start forcing you to sell off parts of your country.”
And I think it will be really interesting to see what is going to happen in the long-term. I think there’s going to be much more unrest than what we are seeing now.
Robles: I’d like to comment on what you said and add… I didn’t know if you are aware of several facts here. Now, their leader Yatsenyuk – the leader of these neo-Nazis – he is aware and they said he would just be selling Ukraine off if they sign the EU agreement. I don’t know if you are aware of this, parts of this EU agreement entails handing over 100% of the gas pipeline that runs from Russia into Europe through Ukraine, handing that over to Exxon oil, 100%. It also calls for handing over 50% of key mineral resource industries to German concerns. So, if they sign that agreement they are basically guaranteeing that they are just giving away their country. They know what they are doing.
Now, you raised an interesting issue. How is the US and Europe, how can they possibly trust these people. I guess $1 billion is not very much of a loss if they lose it. But do they really trust these people who are ready to sell off their own country, that they are not going to stab the US in the back?
Zrnchik: And that’s why they always maintain that they work at developing ties with other groups. Their connection with the fascists was really a marriage of convenience that they were using in the short term to try to destabilize the Ukrainian Government. You know, they have a whole other group of people that they were hoping they were going to work with.
Of course, just as it happened in Syria, the US tied its boat to one of Jihadist groups that they had considered was going to be a moderate group. And then, what happens is that that moderate group was literally wiped out and when they had the Geneva-2 talks, there was one representative and there was no organization behind him.
So, it is really kind of a joke and I think the same thing is going to end up happening, that the people that the US had hoped for aren’t going to be there and in the long-term this is going to blow up in their face. So, again, it is short-sidedness. The US doest look at second and third order effects of what it is that they are doing.
Robles: In Libya, they wanted to get rid of Gaddafi, they supported some extremists, Islamists and NATO was their support for them. In Syria they wanted to do the same thing. They supported these Al Qaeda people and these Islamic lunatics who were murdering Christians and everybody else. And then they wanted to call in NATO support for them.
In this case they have Yatsenyuk, Klitchko and their neo-Nazi leader who was openly calling for killing Russians and Poles, and Jews etc, and blacks. Of course, there is not very many blacks in Ukraine, but they were calling for the killing of blacks as well. Then, they used these neo-Nazis as basically a military support for their little group and it’s gotten out of control. Or do you think they were planning to support these neo-Nazis from the beginning?
Zrnchik: Victoria Nuland was talking in Washington and she was bragging about the fact that the US had spend… in an article I’ve put $5 million. But then I researched that and I found out that they had spent $5 billion just to destabilize the government. To me that is incredible! Right now this country is on the verge of bankruptcy and they want to offer them $1 billion, while the whole country is ready to go down the drain. And yet they spent $5 billion just promoting the opposition groups inside it. So, there is so much blood money floating around that.
It was just like with Syria. I mean, weapons ended up going in all these other groups’ hands. The same thing with money. That much money was being thrown into Ukraine and some of that money was going towards these fascist elements. And I don’t think the US had a real good handle on it, not more than they had a handle on what types of jihadist groups in Syria were ending up with weapons that were coming from Saudi Arabia or from the EU.
Robles: The people in Kiev right now, they are…I don’t know how else to put it, they are just thugs. They forced the government out, they put themselves in the seats in the Parliament and they are pretending to be the Government.
Zrnchik: They were holding prosecutors and legislators at gunpoint. And there is not a word of that in the Western media. I mean, it is disgusting, it is useless, it is worthless and when you read it here, it is so skewed. I wrote an article just about skewed the media is in reference to what is going on in Ukraine. It was called “The US Media's Warped and Twisted Coverage of the Ukraine and Crimea”.
And in it there are active quotes. I’ve got it here and I want to read it really quick. There are quotes from the CIA talking about how they control the major media. And here is one by Deborah Davis. She was quoting the CIA agents that she interviewed. And she said: “the reason why the US media is so bad is because you could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred bucks a month”. And that was in a book that she wrote, called Catherine the Great.
And then, another one where the CIA agent says: “The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media”. And that was by William Colby. He was the former CIA Director. Another quote was: “There is quite an incredible spread of relationships. You don’t need to manipulate Time magazine, for example, because there are CIA people at the management level”. And that is by William B. Bader, who is the former CIA intelligence officer, while he was briefing the Senate Intelligence Committee.
And then it says: “The Agency’s relationship with The New York Times was by far its most valuable among newspapers, according to CIA officials”. And that was in a book “CIA and the Media” by Carl Bernstein.
So, you see, the CIA brags about what it does. And here is one by Robert Gates. It says: “PAO (Public Affairs Office of the CIA) now has relationships with reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly and television network in the nation”. And that is by Robert Gates.
So, you see, the media that we have here is…in the height of the Soviet Union the West used to talk about how poor their media propaganda was. Well, I’ll give the US one thing – they have become so sophisticated in their media propaganda that the Americans are just flooded with nonsense and the truth about what is going on is just not getting out in the mainstream media.
Robles: How do you get some of the truth? Because, obviously, you’ve seen some real reports coming out of Kiev. Where did you find your information?
Zrnchik: Well, there’re some people who write for and, people who are former government officials. Look at Ron Paul. Here is the previous presidential candidate. He ran as a republican and he is saying the exact same thing and making the exact same arguments that Putin is making. So, how crazy can it be what Putin is saying and what the Russian officials are saying, when Ron Paul a presidential candidate is backing up exactly what they said as being the truth?
Robles: Yes! Crimea, I mean, this is not part of the media dialog in the US, but Crimea has always been very close to Russia. Crimea was actually part of the Soviet Union until Brezhnev gave it to Ukraine. And these Bandera Nazis have openly threatened to kill Russians. They’ve actually killed, there is a report of a bus load of people that were killed.
Zrnchik: Some media here has covered what has happened and they spoke about the fascist opposition hiring thugs to execute, to assassinate and snipe at both the police and the protesters.
Robles: Right!
Zrnchik: And the people here, some of the writers said – what would be the US Government’s response, if with Obama they went into the Democratic National Committee, burned it down to the ground and then occupied government buildings, shot police who were unarmed and were here with a gesture to try to deescalate the situation and make sure there were no injuries.
And I don’t know. As bad as it was, that the police were getting killed, I could imagine what would have happened if the police were armed. They would have blamed all the slaughter strictly on the President. And now they are trying to go ahead and have him tried as a war criminal, which, again, it would be another US kangaroo court.
Robles: Well, they tried it anyway. You know what would happen in the US if some supposed political opposition went in and started…there was about 89 police officers killed by sniper fire.
Zrnchik: There would be a blood bath. They would open fire on the protestors.
Can you imagine if 89 unarmed policemen were killed in the US and, then these people took over the US Congress, for example, kicked everybody out of the Senate and put themselves…I’m just speechless that they could support anything like this!
Zrnchik: I tried to speak with people about it and the overall ignorance of the Americans and how much they just buy into this “Putin is this evil guy meme” is ridiculous. The fact of the matter is – the EU and the US want to be able to exploit everybody. They are at the end of their rope, they are going broke and they are becoming so desperate that they are behaving in an irrational manner. And they are like a little kid, when it gets to the point where he has no argument left, he just starts doing crazy things. And you wonder what they are doing. And I’m kind of thinking, that’s where the US is right now.
In fact, I remember Noam Chomsky said that things are getting so bad for the US that he could see him just hitting everything with the sledgehammer just to see what is going to happen, because they already know what is going to happen if they don’t do anything. And the fact of the matter is that the way things are can’t continue. And that is the problem that they have right now, that the country is going broke, the international money system with the US dollar being the global currency is going down too. They are worried about Putin putting in oil alliance and they need to control that and they are worried about the trade pacts. What is it, the Eurasian?
Robles: There is now a Eurasian Trade Union that is coming up, right. There is the Customs Union. There is the BRICS countries. Of course, that’s a worry for the US, I suppose.
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