western mass media and the security services are happy to allow
left-wing parties, activists and even subversive left-wing groups to
flourish, because they are in fact part of the system. The system is
controlled by bankers and the what might be labeled the New World Order
and when someone actually threatens their system, one largely based on
usury that person needs to be quickly shut up or even assassinated.
was stated by Mr. David Shayler, a former MI5 officer, in a recent interview.
this is John Robles, I'm speaking with Mr. David Shayler, a former MI5
officer turned whistleblower and truth campaigner. This is part three of
an interview in progress. Y
Robles: What
do you think about the FBI? They recently came out with a statement, or
the Director of the FBI had said that he was … theyare afraid, and I
know this is an issue in the UK as well, of British subjects or citizens
going to Syria, probably mostly Muslims, to fight Bashar al-Assad and
then returning home as terrorists. Is this a real threat; is this
is hard to tell. But generally speaking, from my knowledge of how
people work, people who go and join resistance forces are not the kind
of people who carry out terrorism basically. So, if they are going to a
legitimate theatre ofwar,and they are protecting people from occupying
forces, and again, they are doing God’s work and the law is on their
side. And those kind of people, generally, aren’t the same kind of
people who would let offan indiscriminate terrorist bomb.
fact, the only people it seems who set off indiscriminate terrorist
bombs or target civilians are people who carry out false-flag
operations, as we’ve seen with 9/11 and 7/7, but also with Operation
Gladios, where we had a bomb going off at a railway station and
civilians being gunneddown at a supermarket in Belgium.
you see,so again, there is more sophistication in these things. We can
talk about this threat from those guys, but that is all just a smoke
screen, it it’s all a smoke screen to get us stopped from just looking
at the fact that actually 9/11 was carried out by elements in the
American Government on behalf of the New World Order, in the same way
that 7/7 was orchestrated in Europe as well.
And all
again, to distract from the divisions of wealth and poverty that were
going on at the time. You know, while all those wars were going on we
were distracted. The Blair Government in the UK trebled the wealth of
billionaires. To be fair we are seeing the biggest divisions of wealth
and poverty that forever and againhad existed in human history.
got to look at all this stuff and it is all a distraction, and all the
stuff that goes on the main-stream, all these people who come on from
these so-called defense experts and so on, they are just in the pay of
the intelligence services, they are just out there to put out
propaganda, and it is in the interests of these private security
services to put these messages out there, and in principle because that
is how they make their money. It is not rocket science,
so you are not going to get these objective voices coming from them,
you are going to get a very slanted view.
Robles: So, you said that you see a change on the narrative of 9/11 where Saudis are going to be blamed, right?
is being floated on the Internet at the moment.That’s what they are
doing, as you say the tactic first - they don’t splash straight away
with the mainstream, they will float something around the Internet
first, to see how it bites. But also, it warns those people that they
could expose this in the mainstream any moment.
used to use the same tactics with Private Eye magazine in Britain. These
people using Private Eye magazine -it’s a small circulation magazine
read by journalists and politicos - you'd see something in that for
sometimes nearly a year, and then suddenly it’ll break into the
mainstream. And you’d always wonder why it was thissmall magazine for
years and then suddenly in the mainstream. And now I know, in most of
those cases, that person will have not complied with them; that person
would probably be their own man and as a result of that, they’ve
actually exposed him; they’vedisabled him.
Robles: I
see. I'm kind of concerned with that myself, because, I don't know if
you've followed my work, but I've done quite a lot on 9/11 interviews
and written my own articles and stuff. And this Saudi connection first
became known to me, in the current light that it is known,where they are
supporting Al Qaeda and there is the Israeli Mossad element and
everything. This was known to me, what about a year ago I suppose, and
is there any chance this is all disinformation as well?
again, I think it is, because what they did prior to 9/11 was they just
fedinloads of intelligence reports indicating these attacks were going
to happen, but never with any kind of specific information that would
allow you to take reasonable action to stop those attacks. But what they
also did was leave a paper trail, looking like the intelligence
services were ineffective in stopping this, whenin fact there was never
any information that the intelligence services had, and that again is,
you know, if there had been real intelligence,so why weren't they able
to use these agents to get more specific information?
as I say, they’re just going around the world, they’refeeding false
intelligence into intelligence services. You know, because they work in
their own little knowledge group, then faithfully report this to
government, and weof course don't know what is going on behind the
scenes. We see glimpses of that when we get the Iraq weapons of mass
destruction dossier and all the current intelligence in that turned out
to be what - a British, you have a category one targetfor all the
current intelligence know about weapons of mass destruction.
solved everything again with Syria where it emerged again, we have to …
you only had because we were again about to go to war, so they released
summaries of intelligence and again that all turned out to be nonsense. I
just wanted to say that these people protect you, but every time they
are actually publically scrutinized they are not just slightly wrong,
they are catastrophically wrong.
Robles: Yeah,
but everything you are talking about there, I mean, I think things have
gotten a littledifferent lately, in the half a year or so. I mean, the
events you are talking about, the yellowcake and all that. That stuff
was all pretty much revealed to be false pretty quickly. I’m worried
that now the truth is having a harder time going out, possibly, and
would you agree with that? Do you think they’ve managed to stifle the
truth on the Internet at all?
only in the mainstream, that’s the point, this is why we have to have
leaks in our intelligence because it never gets scrutinized anywhere,
don’t they? It’s like when that whole Syria thing was happening – to me I
was talking to activists, people who work on UK projects - and one guy
said, he said:‘no one believes the Syrian Government is behind these
chemical attacks’. I said:‘no, no one we talk to around here does, but
everybody in the mainstream believes it.’
It is like
there is this division going on on the planet at the moment – the
nonsense that goes on on the mainstream and the truth, which you can get
at by using discernment on the Internet.
Now they
really see again how the society can maintain, and it’s just entirely
built on falsehood. And of course we know that that ties in with the law
it’s built on. Legality is not reality -legality is all about the legal
fiction. And that is the system of law they’re operating, so this thing
is again false accounting systems, double entry bookkeeping.They are
not actually … nothing is real about that system atall, it is not built
on anything. It’s not built on … you know, money is not built on gold.
The whole thing is just one shimmering illusion, one house of cards,
about to collapse from its own internal contradictions really.
Robles: I
see. So, would you say that the 9/11Saudi connection is real in the
end? Regarding 9/11 again, what is your opinion about who was actually
behind it? Do you think it was really the Saudi-Bush, New World Order,
neoconservative people or …?
think that obviously again there may have been elements of the Saudi
Government behindit, in the same way that obviously elements of the
American Government were behind it. But those people ultimately do not …
I wouldn’t think would be answerable to the regime. I mean, even if you
are selling oil at 10 dollars a barrel to the US, you are not going to
annoy the biggest military machine on the planet by committing mass
murder in broad daylight. It just doesn’t make any sense for any of
those regimes to do that.
The only people that 9/11
makes sense for is the war machine. And we know a year before 9/11 the
Project for the New American Century was saying they needed their
cataclysmic and catastrophic event like a new Pearl Harbor and then 9/11
happens. So, I don’t genuinely believe the actual official Saudi
Arabian regime was behind 9/11 in anyway.
But of course
whatwe’ve got to bear in mind is the way that things are organized in
terms of the intelligence services– compartmentalization and the need to
know. There may be people now in the US, in the military for example,
or somewhere else like research and development, that worked on things
that were used in 9/11, but to this day they have no idea that they were
complicit in those attacks, because the small element of work they did,
they didn’t realize that was how they were going to be used
So, yeah you see, with all this stuff
you’ve got to be very careful and that is one thing people misunderstand
about the nature of conspiracy. They assume that everybody in the
conspiracy knew of it, but it doesn’t work like that. It works on a need
to know basis and people only know their little compartmentalized bit.
Robles: I
see. Do you think - now I talked to Wayne Madsen not long ago - I don’t
know if you had a chance to read his interview or listen to him? And he
was talking about a pilot that was writing a book, he’s written several
books on 9/11. And he was going to write about this graveyard in
Arizona in the United States, and, apparently they arranged his…are you
familiar with that case, or …?
Shayler:And I’m not, no, no.
Robles: …
with what I’m talking about. The reason I’m asking, regarding for
example, 9/11… the Kennedy assassination apparently, I think the count
was about over 6000 people were killed who may have seen or heard or
been somewhere, known something. How long do you think they are going to
keep going after people who might know something about 9/11? Is there
any end to this, or …?
not really, no. That’s the point is that while you’re in Rome ... while
that remains secret – well 9/11 hasn’t been out to a large audience –
or notinto the mainstream, they can maintain their power. But if that
does start to come out, anybody who is doing that or is behind that,
they are going to come down like a ton of bricks. And as I say, I saw it
myself, you know you get on the wrong side of them and they will
literally kill you, rather than allow you to have your say, and if it is
something that genuinely will undermine their power.
are very happy to allow mainstream politics and left-wing parties and
activists, and even what would be considered, supposed to be subversive
left-wing groups to essentially flourish, because they really are part
of the paradigm, part of the system. When people are genuinely coming
out with a message that could undermine their system, more like what I
say about not paying your mortgage by using the law to say you don’t
have to engage in any relationship or contract that is based on usury.
That threatens their whole system, and it’s so simple and so peaceful,
and so speaking a language they understand. So they are not going to let
me go on BBC 1 in this country and start telling ten million viewers
that, are they?
Robles: No, I’m sure they are not. Governments, secret services – they never forget this stuff, do they, in your opinion?
Shayler: No,
well these people they never forget, they never forget. And as I say
they will only be happy when people are either dead or they’ve given up
the ghost, or given up the fight basically. That’s what they … that’s
the thing they want. So, if you constantly keep protesting out in a
meaningful way, in an effective way, not in just going through the
motions. You know, you keep getting, getting under their skin, and that
works you know.
And listen, I’ve always said that
you’ve got to essentially take the attack to them. These people are not
particularly clever or bright, or anything else, they’ve just got a lot
of secret knowledge and influence in key places. But all that influence
and knowledge is all based upon the … on one big governments and big
banks, because if we start to undermine that foundation, we start to
undermine the whole fabric of the surveillance state.
that is the only way it will happen, because you can’t reason these
people. Once you have security, and big security, there is always a need
for more security. And if there is nota need for more security, like
when defense spending went down in the late1990s– they will invent
another reason for you to spend defense money. It is effectively welfare
for the rich, it really is.
So, as I say, the only way
to really relate to these systems is to completely change the nature of
the way we are governed. No political party is going to change that.
People in this country are looking at the UK Independence Party, but
once they get into power, they’ll be just the same because they are
essentially puppets of the bankers. They are essentially working through
the official receiver or the administrator of the bankrupt entity
United Kingdom Limited.
And so they have to obey what
official receiver says, and therefore policies which work in the
interest of banks will be funded, policies that don’t work in the
interest of banks won’t. And there again, it’s not rocket science to see
what is really going on, you’ve just got to do your research.
Robles: So, David, so how is your life going, I mean personally? Have they backed off on you at all, or?
still totally broke basically, as ever, and trying to make ends meet,
and keep my head above water. I have been trying to get my books out
there. It’s very … hopefully I’ll be getting, I’ve got some interest
from an online publisher. So, Spies, Lies, and Whistleblowers will be
republished online along with my research into the Law, and also some
other stuff.
Robles: Can you tell us about your books? How many books have you written?
essentially it’s the … it’s Spies, Lies, and Whistleblowers, I wrote
but it was published under Annie Machon’s name. It’s the three parts of
The Third and Final Testament, part of which is my novel, which is a
novel about a journey to a spiritual redemption.
Robles: What’s it called? Here is your chance to plug it, if you want. I’m interested.
Shayler:Well a lot of that is in … it is the third part of The Third and Final Testament, but it also called The Organization.
Robles: The Organization.
had coverage in the media before. If you put in “David Shayler The
Organization” you’ll see there’s excerpts on the Guardian’s website. And
there’s been coverage of it in the local media in Middleborough, and in
the Observer newspaper. So, this book has been covered quite a bit, but
it’s never found a publisher, and again you wonder why a novel… I mean
even if it’s a load of rubbish written by an ex-intelligence officer,it
would sell. It’s never been published, and again, that’s my evidence
that I’m blacklisted. But as I say I’m trying to get that out through an
online publisher now and make a bit of money from it, so I can make
ends meet.
But, at the same time, I’ve been writing to
people like the High Sheriffs in the UK. People tend to think these High
Sheriffs of each county are ceremonial titles. But these people are,
they have a responsibility for the enforcement of Common Law. And so,
I’ve just been sending my research into the Law to them, pointing out
that they delegate law enforcement to a Chief Constable of a
constabulary in a county. So, the High Sheriff who is responsible for
Common Law, comes above it with him going on.
So, this
is opening a, hopefully, some kind of relationship in which we can point
out to people who are supposed to be enforcing law, what their duties
are and how they’ve got to stop the enforcement of legislation, which
isitselfper se unlawful.
is John Robles, you were listening to part 3 of an interview with David
Shayler, a former MI5 officer, a truth campaigner and a whistleblower
and truth campaigner. Thank you very much for listening. You can find
the rest of this interview on our website in the near future at
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