Thursday, April 16, 2015

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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Anonymous Posts List of ISIL Websites and the US, UK Firms That Host Them

The hacktivist collective Anonymous has published a list of websites used by the self-proclaimed Islamic State for propaganda and recruitment along with the companies - many based in the US and Europe - hosting them, in an effort to push for their removal.

This is the latest in a string of recent actions dubbed #OpISIS, in which the hackers — in particular an Anonymous faction known as GhostSec — have taken aim at the online resources of the internet-savvy Islamic State propagandists.

White cop shoots unarmed black man 5 times in the back, handcuffs his dead body. (American Police always on drugs ?)

Unbelievable! The video of this shooting is so shocking. And all this happened because of a broken tail light.

The moment a white police officer in North Charleston, South Carolina shot a fleeing unarmed black man five times in the back then handcuffed his lifeless body after he crumpled on the ground has been captured on tape. The video, shot by a pedestrian, was sent to the New York Times.


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