Ever since the first rumors began to circulate about an impending Russian military intervention in Syria the Internet and the media have been flooded with all sorts of silly rumors, myths and outright lies about what could/would happen. These rumors, myths and outright lies are still being spread today, and not only by pro-US interest groups, but even by supposedly pro-Russian “analysts”. All this nonsense completely obfuscates the reality of the Russian intervention in Syria (but maybe that was the goal all along?) and tries to paint the Russian operation as a failure. After three months of Russian air and missile strikes in Syria, it is a good time to ask the question of whether the Russians have achieved some tangible results or whether, as some are suggesting, this has basically been a big PR operation.
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Sunday, January 3, 2016
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Luxury Furniture: 3 Easy Ways for Checking High Quality Furniture
Ways for Checking High Quality Furniture
Shoppers who need to make their Naira or dollars extend farther ought to put resources into superb furniture that gives great worth to the measure of cash spent. In any case, in light of the fact that a merchant promotes that their Luxury Furniture is excellent and charges a high cost doesn't as a matter of course guarantee that the furniture being obtained ranks high on the quality scale. There are various ways a customer can figure out whether the nature of the furniture he or she is purchasing legitimizes a higher sticker price. Continue reading after the page break.
Wood Composition
Regardless of whether a bit of furniture uses wood in its development that is hardwood from deciduous trees or softwood from coniferous trees is not as critical as the wood's general sturdiness. Any piece of furniture that has an uncovered wood surface can be viewed as quality if the sort of wood chose has a tendency to be sufficiently hard to oppose scratches and scratches. On the off chance that a scratch can be made in the wood using only one fingernail, the furniture piece is sure to rapidly look old and scraped. Furniture that can be viewed as quality uses durable wood that is scratch safe or if nothing else nine-layered plywood for durability. Wood highlighting a various of bunches in the surface tends to split all the more effortlessly, so be careful about pine furniture. Stay away from furniture produced using particle board, fiber wood or pressed wood, which is a sign of shabby furniture.
Shoppers who need to make their Naira or dollars extend farther ought to put resources into superb furniture that gives great worth to the measure of cash spent. In any case, in light of the fact that a merchant promotes that their Luxury Furniture is excellent and charges a high cost doesn't as a matter of course guarantee that the furniture being obtained ranks high on the quality scale. There are various ways a customer can figure out whether the nature of the furniture he or she is purchasing legitimizes a higher sticker price. Continue reading after the page break.
Wood Composition

Regardless of whether a bit of furniture uses wood in its development that is hardwood from deciduous trees or softwood from coniferous trees is not as critical as the wood's general sturdiness. Any piece of furniture that has an uncovered wood surface can be viewed as quality if the sort of wood chose has a tendency to be sufficiently hard to oppose scratches and scratches. On the off chance that a scratch can be made in the wood using only one fingernail, the furniture piece is sure to rapidly look old and scraped. Furniture that can be viewed as quality uses durable wood that is scratch safe or if nothing else nine-layered plywood for durability. Wood highlighting a various of bunches in the surface tends to split all the more effortlessly, so be careful about pine furniture. Stay away from furniture produced using particle board, fiber wood or pressed wood, which is a sign of shabby furniture.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Week Twelve of the Russian Intervention in Syria: Zag!
This colums was originally written for the Unz Review: http://www.unz.com/tsaker/week-twelve-of-the-russian-intervention-in-syria-zag/
In last week’s review of the Russian military intervention in Syria I wrote that Kerry had lost every single negotiation he ever had with the Russians and that he had a record of agreeing to A only to come back to the US and then declare non-A. This time again, the Americans did not change their modus operandi, except that it was Obama himself who declared, yet again, that Assad must go, resulting in some commentators speaking of a “White House Schizophrenia”. Others, however, notedthat this could be simply a case of face saving denials. Personally, I think that both of these explanations are correct.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Is the Saudi monarchy coming apart at the seams?
Originally appeared at Consortiumnews; Written by Daniel Lazare
Is the Saudi monarchy coming apart at the seams? Scholars and journalists have long predicted the kingdom’s demise, but this time the forecasts may finally prove correct.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Check out Top 10 Business Tips For Newbies
It's a smart ideo to choose an area which you as of now have an interest for, for various reasons. You as of now have some knowledge and expertise in this area which is precious and you won't as a matter of course be beginning without any preparation. In the event that you picked an area which is as of now of enthusiasm to you it won't inexorably feel like work, particularly when difficult situations arise. Regardless of which zone you area you will without a doubt have harsh patches, when this happens you are much more prone to move forward on the grounds that you have a connection, a personal stake and an enthusiasm. On the off chance that you have no hobby you'll be considerably more likely to quit at the first sign of inconvenience.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Week Eleven of the Russian Intervention in Syria: a step back from the brink?
This article was originally written for the Unz Review:http://www.unz.com/tsaker/week-eleven-of-the-russian-intervention-in-syria-a-step-back-from-the-brink
This has been an amazing week. While last week I concluded that “The only way to avoid a war is to finally give up, even if that is initially denied publicly, on the “Assad must go” policy”. Now it is true that various US officials, including Kerry, did make statements about the fact that Assad need not go right now, that a “transition” was important or that “the institutions of the state” had to be preserved, but of course what I, and many others really meant, was that the US needed to fundamentally change its policy towards the Syrian conflict. Furthermore, since Turkey committed an act of war against Russia under the “umbrella” of the US and NATO, this also created a fantastically dangerous situation in which a rogue state like Turkey could have the impression of impunity because of its membership in NATO. Here again, what was needed was not just a positive statement, but a fundamental change in US policy.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Ukraine SITREP December 13th, 2015 by Scott
It’s been over a month since my last Ukraine SITREP.
and the Saker’s Ukraine SITREP covering the latest “democratic” elections in Ukraine.
and the Saker’s Ukraine SITREP covering the latest “democratic” elections in Ukraine.
Nothing has changed since then. It seems that Ukraine experiences Groundhog Day over and over again. Even worse, since Russia has commenced its fight against ISIS in the Middle East, since the beginning of the Middle Eastern and African refugee crisis in Europe, since the Paris terror attack and since the closing of the EU borders and the establishment of the European Union army, Ukraine has been all but forgotten in the Western media. Unfairly so, because everything that’s going on in Ukraine, starting with the fascist putsch in February 2014, is a horrifying sick farce, but a very European farce nevertheless, with its brutal anti-culture, anti-history, and anti-Russian nature.
The Petro-Islamic extremism phenomena
In its July 2013 report [1] the European Parliament identified the Wahhabi-Salafi roots of global terrorism, but the report conveniently absolved the Western powers of their culpability and chose to overlook the West’s role in nurturing Islamic extremism and violent Jihadism all over the Islamic world, especially when it used the Jihadists as proxies during the Cold War against the erstwhile Soviet Union; and even today, during the Libyan Jihad against the Gaddafi regime in 2011 and the Syrian Jihad against the Alawi (Shi’a) Assad regime. It is an incontrovertible fact that the US-led Soviet-Afghan Jihad gave birth to the Islamic extremists like Al Qaeda and Taliban for the first time in history and then again the Libyan and Syrian Jihads 2011-onward spawned myriads of Islamic jihadist groups especially the Islamic State.
EU Sanctions on Russia to be Extended – No Veto or Discussion Allowed
This article was originally written for Russia Insider: http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/eu-sanctions-russia-be-extended-no-veto-or-discussion-allowed/ri11858
In conversations with Russian news agency TASS EU diplomats and officials outline the undemocratic means whereby the decision to extend the sanctions will be imposed.
by Alexander Mercouris
Recently I wrote a piece for Russia Insider discussing how the EU really works.
I pointed out that the veto small states supposedly have over key EU decisions is a fiction.
Decisions are made by a small group who decide things between themselves and who because they control the EU’s bureaucracy can impose their decisions on everyone else.
An EU official – someone described as “close to the European Council” (the EU’s main policy making body) has basically confirmed as much in an interview with the Russian news agency TASS.
The subject discussed was the sectoral sanctions the EU has imposed on Russia, which are due to expire on 31st January 2016.
Chess in the Age of ISIS
by Tom Mysiewicz
“Iraq is breaking up before our eyes and it would appear that the creation of an independent Kurdish state is a foregone conclusion.”
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman to John Kerry in Paris, 26 June 2014
“The goal is to proclaim a ‘Kurdistan’ straddling the border between Iraq and Syria, and then expel the Syrian populations who live there, followed by the transfer of 10 million Turkish Kurds to this new state.”
Thierry Meyssan, 2015
Unfolding now is a multidimensional chess game comprising centuries-old animosities, petrodollars, pipelines, a neo-Ottoman sultanate, plans for balkanizing the Mid East into manageable ethnic states, Israeli energy plans and oligarchs, Neoconservatives, the U.S. military-industrial complex, Daesh-ISIS, NATO, the EU, Kurdistan, Ukraine and a gaggle of nation states. I first addressed this hard-to-fathom situation in my 2014 piece “War With ISIS: Multiplexing a New World Order.”
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Week 10 of the Russian Intervention in Syria: the “Assad must go” policy leads to war with Russia, Iran & Hezbollah
This column was written for the Unz Review:http://www.unz.com/tsaker/week-ten-of-the-russian-intervention-in-syria-the-assad-must-go-policy-leads-to-war-with-russia-iran-and-hezbollah/
The “news” that Israel and Turkey are systematically violating international law is hardly news at all. After all, we all know that Turkey has been regularly bombing the Kurds in Iraq and Syria, that Turkey still illegally occupies northern Cyprus just like the Israelis have been bombing Syria and Lebanon for decades and that they are still illegally occupying Palestine.
Friday, December 11, 2015
Swann Galleries Africa-American Fine Art Live Auction
This auction, African-American Fine Art, starts at 2:30 PM EST on Tuesday, December 15 and will feature 150 lots of exclusive artwork. Invaluable is teaming up with Swann Auction Galleries to allow remote bidding online. The style of art in this auction includes cityscapes, portrait, abstract.
Here are a few noteworthy lots:
Lot 49: Norman Lewis (1909-1979), Untitled
Estimated Price: $250,000 - $350,000
Oil on linen canvas, circa 1958. 1295x1625 mm; 51x64 inches. Signed in oil, lower left. This masterful mid-century composition is a newly discovered and important example of Norman Lewis's painting. In 1955 Norman Lewis won the Carnegie International Award in Painting making him the first African-American artist to receive this prestigious prize. Then in 1956, Lewis was selected to represent the United States in American Artists Paint the City, an exhibition of 46 works by 36. Lewis joined fellow Willard Gallery artists Lionel Feininger and Mark Tobey; he and Jacob Lawrence were the only African-American artists included.
Russia in an invisible war
Source: http://oko-planet.su/politik/politiklist/301881-rostislav-ischenko-rossiya-v-nevidimoy-voyne.html
Rostislav Ischenko
Translated by Seva
Russia in an invisible war
How could Russia in just 20 years, without wars or other perturbations, rise from a semi-colony to an acknowledged world leader, equal among the top ones?
Kitchen “strategists”, who sincerely believe that massive nuclear strike is the universal solution to any international problem (even the hottest one, close to military confrontation), are unhappy about the moderate position of the Russian leadership in the crisis with Turkey. However, they deem insufficient even direct participation of the Russian military in the Syrian conflict. They are also dissatisfied with the Moscow’s activities on the Ukrainian front.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
The Middle East War SITREP December 5th, 2015 by John Rambo
A quick note: I do apologize for how late this SitRep is. Unfortunately I too must obey the great capitalistic system and submit to their demands (holiday hours) and the CIA is not known for its Christmas bonuses.
It seems great events unfold every 2 weeks in Syria. The downing of a Russian Su-24 by a Turkish F-16 fighter has been the highlight. Russian retaliation has been a complete exposure of Turkish connections within the Islamic States oil trade, the near carpet bombings and artillery barrages of the Islamist Turkmen frontline near the Turkish border inside Syria, and the a more active role in interfering in Turkish geostrategic opportunities. [Source] [Source] [Source]
The Western media quickly rewrote the narrative to obfuscate the facts and to reinforce falsehoods (such as the fabrication that the Su-24 was inside Turkish space when it was shot down and that Turkey responded appropriately). Turkey quickly ran to NATO to hold an emergency meeting.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
NATO Is A Terror Organisation By Any Standard ! See Proof
After this proof, If anyone ever had any doubts about the involvement of NATO (Turkey and Americans) in Daesh (ISIS) then that is no longer necessary. All evidence has been given. NATO is a terror organisation by any standard.

Russian Defense Ministry has presented photos of oil delivery convoys at Syria-Turkey border, the head of the Russian General Staff’s operative command said.
The general staff has irrefutable evidence on Turkey's involvement in illegal oil trade. Moscow has called on Turkey to open access to the places where, according to the retrieved Russian intel, Daesh oil trade centers are located:
"If there is nothing there — then the territories in question should be inspected," the Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov stressed.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
The NATO destruction of the RuAF SU-24 Fencer and Turkish murder of the Russian servicemen
Russia’s Interdiction of ISIS-Turkey Oil Trade and Attacks on Turkmen jihadi militants Poses Risk of Enlargement of Syrian Conflict
By: JiminNH
The increasing velocity of events in Syria indicates that the conflict may be ready to spill over into a larger conflagration and direct conflict between the forces of the AZ hegemon and the Resistance thereto. A couple of apparently un-related events have rapidly coalesced into armed conflict between an NATO member state and Russia, the consequences of which are yet to be revealed, but unlikely to be anything but more fuel on the fires of the not only the Syrian conflict but the war between the AZ empire and Russia.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Turkey Attacks Russia in Syria SITREP by Scott
Official statement of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Russian Su-24 aircraft shot down by Turkish F-16 fighter on its way to the Hmeymim airbase
The Russian Su-24 aircraft was shot down on its way to the Hmeymim airbase in the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic by a Turkish F-16 fighter.
Analysis of the objective monitoring data definitely showed that there had not been any violation of the Turkish air space.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Nigerian Passport Renewal: Renewal application form and fees.
Renewing a Nigerian passport can come from a lot of diverse reasons and can be done without breaking a sweat to government and the general population. Nigeria Passport renewal can be finished over the Internet, via mail, or in person at an a government passport office. (There is a great online Nigerian Passport Renewal service than can also help you with Payment and send all the necessary documents to you via e-mail for processing at the nearest Nigerian consulate or Embassy. There method of Payment is Paypal or Money transfer. See that service here)
Saturday, November 21, 2015
What is Daesh’s endgoal?
by Non-Zionist Anglo Observer
The Saker’s excellent analysis on the position in Syria ‘after Paris’ poses several possibilities as to why Daesh appears to have a death wish, but frankly confesses to finding none of them satisfactory.
Under such circumstances, it is usually the best policy to eschew inherently unprovable conspiracy theories (particularly since unrealistic ones do us all a grave disservice by potentially leading people to reject our points about the actually barely concealed and very real ‘conspiracy’ of the Anglo-Zionists and their allies to use Wahhabi terrorists as a weapon of foreign policy).
Better, I would suggest, to reach for the simple razor this predictive text stubbornly refuses me to allow to name!
USA SitRep November 21 by Auslander
SitRep, Auslander goes behind enemy lines
I have just returned from a trip to USA. It matters not why I had to go, it simply suffices to say it was not my choice and it will in all probability be my last journey west baring an emergency that requires my presence. I am getting old and such long journeys are pretty hard in regards to the time and strain of so many hours in flight.
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