We are speaking about the epitome of Serial Rapist Paedophile Priests here ... they don't directly engage with adult sized victims.
And have got so cowardly now that it's all 4th Generational Warfare ... using proxy force terrorists. Like Al CIAda ISIS, Boko Haram, fascist neoNazi militia plus cannon fodder conscripts from mostly Galician states ... and Academic psycho's who wont whistle-blow on their Abu Ghraibs or commit suicide in an embarrassing rash of soul destroyed conscience ...
We are speaking about the epitome of Serial Rapist Paedophile Priests here ... they don't directly engage with adult sized victims.
And have got so cowardly now that it's all 4th Generational Warfare ... using proxy force terrorists. Like Al CIAda ISIS, Boko Haram, fascist neoNazi militia plus cannon fodder conscripts from mostly Galician states ... and Academic psycho's who wont whistle-blow on their Abu Ghraibs or commit suicide in an embarrassing rash of soul destroyed conscience ...