Friday, May 1, 2015

French soldiers accused of raping homeless and hungry children in Central African Republic - UN report

French peacekeeping troops have been accused of raping homeless and hungry children in Central African Republic. Some of the children included boys as young as 9 who were allegedly sodomized.
UK Guardian reports;

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

27.04.2015 Ukraine Crisis News: War in Ukraine. Donbass, Kiev, Russia, USA, Nepal

Myths and facts about special forces – a recent illustration (UPDATED!)

One of the things which always drives me crazy is that ironclad belief that Americans have that they are “the best”, and so are their country, their army and, of course, their special forces.  None of that is true, of course, but it especially not true in the real of special operations were the actual record of the US special forces is, at best, very average and, at worst, terrible.  I have met a lot of special forces types, I have worked with a Deputy Commander of Delta, I have become a friend of a Colonel of the Spetsnaz Vympel, I have had the chance to spend an entire night with Spetsnaz GRU operators, and I have had an Israeli-American specialist who worked with most of the best known special forces as a teacher during a full semester-long seminar dedicated to the study of military coups and how they are organized and executed.  But most of what I heard from them I cannot share. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Ukrainian analysis by the Saker: no hope for peace left

Today I will begin by quoting in full two posts from the blog of Colonel Cassad (we owe this translation to “SA” who has done it especially for this analysis literally overnight!):

About the intensity of the western “Voentorg”
Instructors from Canada have arrived to train Ukrainian security officers
The authorities of the Donetsk National Republic announce an increase in the number of foreign military instructors in the territory controlled by Ukraine.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

US will eventually bomb Iran as it bombed others - foreign policy expert

Ukraine SITREP April 24, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)DWN: Poroshenko will reimburse France for the damage of the Mistral”
DWN: Порошенко возместит Франции ущерб за «Мистрали»
The damage done to France as a result of failure to deliver Russia “Mistral” will fall on the shoulders of Ukraine and Poland

Friday, April 24, 2015

Ukraine War Crimes: Alleged “Azov” battalion troopers crucifying a “separatist supporter”

Friends, you want to very carefully consider whether you want to press the ‣ button and watch this video or not.  It is sickening: it shows a Ukronazi deathsquad crucifying and burning alive a “separatist”.  Also, while the authenticity of this video cannot be 100% confirmed, the Russian TV channel LifeNews has confirmed its authenticity.  LifeNews is a rather sensationalist outlet and I would not necessarily trust it).  The video will probably be removed by YouTube very soon, so if you do decide to watch it – do it now (it has been subtitled by Kazzura)
The Saker

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How NATO Kills Africans in the Club Med.

Humanitarian imperialism as applied to what the Pentagon loves to define as MENA (Middle East-Northern Africa) has led, according to Amnesty International, "to the largest refugee disaster since the Second World War."

You all remember that NATO/AFRICOM coalition of the willing, "led" by King Sarko the First, then President of France, with US President Barack Obama "leading from behind" and a former Secretary of State, now presidential candidate with a campaign chest of $2.5 billion, coining a gloating "We came, we saw, he died".

The History of US Imperialism – a 3 part video by Jimmie Moglia


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