Jason Njoku is the founder of iROKO which is worth millions of dollars today. Here he writes about how in 2010 he had less than N10,000 in his account and how not giving up on his dreams changed his life. He shares his story and encourages others to keep fighting. Read below..
"My wife persuadedContinue...forcedme to do a little spring cleaning this weekend. As I was going through my thingsrubbish, I came across this old account statement for an iROKO Partners Ltd bank account in London. If you look at the date its 13 July 2010. The statement is for June 2010. That’s right. £60.25 paid in. £60.00 (my feeding money) paid out. And an ending balance of £0.25. That’s right folks. I literally had £0.25 in my account that's $0.42 or N63.