Jinko Solar Panel 550W Mono Crystalline A grade with 25 to 30 years warranty is one of the top selling Brands one would find value for money. Before forging ahead, let me first of all explain what the terms KVA,kW, kWh and kilowatt/hour stand for new buyers planning to go solar.
One of the very common sourced elements of confusion I encounter when conversing with non-electrical people about solar-powered energy relates to the terms kW and kWh. What do they mean? And what’s the difference between both? Read below to get out. We are a specialized supplier of Jinko Solar Panel 550W products in Nigeria. As a rule, we use what we sell in powering our solar pumps and it works like a charm.
Folks who’re confused also throw the definition of “kilowatt/hour” into the mix. I’ll deal with this doozy in this footnote 1.

Beginning with the absolute basics before buying our Jinko Solar Panel 550W Mono Crystalline.
Please excuse this post if you were to think I’m explaining the bleeding obvious! But I believe that it is vital to create an article that describes these key units of electricity in ways that need zero prior familiarity with anything electricity-related.