Although the US officials claim there is no "confirmation" of the American mercenaries' presence in Ukraine, the US war veteran Michael Prysner believes that the contractors have been already involved in a Ukrainian turmoil. Private US armies are carrying out their "dirty work" globally, according to Mr.Prysner. He warns that the American private military forces pose a serious threat known to be "a very rare breed of ultra-violent individuals."
According to Michael Prysner there is no law in the world that the Pentagon recognizes, not mentioning its "dirty little secrets" regarding its corporate hitmen. Numerous US mercenaries are illegally operating in all parts of the world, and if the US has an intention to meddle into domestic affairs of another country with its own hands "clean", it sends mercenaries to conduct their "job" there. Mr.Prysner believes that recruiting of private contractors is a result of a certain shift in the American military strategy in the last decades. Iraq war veteran has no doubts that right now the squads of the US mercenaries are taking part in military operations on the territory of Ukraine.
It should be noted that earlier a source cited by ITAR-TASS reported that the Ukrainian authorities had decided to attract foreign mercenaries, allegedly Greystone Ltd. (a structural part of Blackwater) in order to suppress the protest movement of Southern-East regions of Ukraine.
Answering the question why the Kiev authorities have need to deploy the American mercenaries Michael Prysner stressed that the new Ukrainian semi-fascist government is extremely unpopular in major part of Ukraine and being threatened by the possibility to lose control over the state self-proclaimed Ukrainian leadership is willing to sell off the entire country to the West.
"The US and the EU very much want to secure the results of their operation to bring Ukraine into their sphere of influence. Neo-cons like John Kerry and John McCain of course have already been pushing for arming these, largely dominated by right wing forces who have taken control, and of course we know them to be wanting to favor even with direct military intervention," he said.
However, while the direct military intervention is impossible, the US administration is using its private military forces to invade the country. Thus they revoke themselves from the responsibility.
There are about 150 of foreign mercenaries operating in Ukraine and they pose a significant threat to the civil population, according to Michael Prysner. "These are soldiers who are coming out of the special operations forces of the US military and other militaries, those who are highly trained in ambushes, in sabotage, in psychological operations. Those who are in mercenary forces are known to be a very rare breed of ultra-violent individuals," he noted.
Military contractors have seriously discredited themselves during the war in Iraq, shooting innocent people and angering the population against them. The Nisour Square massacre had become the vivid example of the US mercenaries numerous atrocities, according to the war veteran.
"Myself, when I was in Iraq in 2003-2004, regular army soldiers hated the mercenaries that were there because they were known to be so reckless," added Michael Prysner.
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