For the oppressed people of the world subjected to exploitation and the forces of imperial powers Russian President Vladimir Putin has become a real hope for a return of multi-polarity and the mutual respect of all nations. Decades of US imperial attempts at achieving global hegemony by force, illegal methods and endless aggressive war have had the reverse effect that the US global imperialists had hoped for. The main weapon for the US in its strategy was the use of aggressive war and regime change.
In Yugoslavia the US/NATO designed a blueprint to disguise aggressive war as humanitarian intervention and much of the world was fooled into believing it. Since then the US/NATO have destroyed countries with impunity. In the Voice of Russia's interview with the former Foreign Minister of Yugoslavia Živadin Jovanović he is asked his opinion of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
This is John Robles, I'm speaking with Živadin Jovanović. Last comment if you could, sir, on Russian president Vladimir Putin. He, I think, is now what I would say a hope for many people all over the world who have been repressed, oppressed and subjected to Western colonialism, regime change operations etc. And many people in the world see him as someone who can bring about return to rule of law, to respect for international conventions, to respect for the Geneva Conventions, the United Nations and the real international community. If you could what is your opinion on Russian president Vladimir Putin?
Jovanović: A couple of years ago I was asked by your colleagues in Belgrade: "Why does the Serbian public like Putin so much?"
And I said: "Probably, because of the feeling that Serbia although it is a small country would like to have its own Putin".
Putin has become a symbol of dignity of nation, a symbol of a leader who doesn’t aim, in politics, from today to tomorrow, symbol of a politician of long term strategy and a long term perspective for Russia, for Europe and for the world.
And I think that he is widely respected what I can surely witness he is highly respected all over Serbia and in the region and exactly as a hope for more justice and more peace, stability, for hope for respect of law and basic conventions as you said, respect for the United Nations.
Therefore I think he first of all needs and I believe he enjoys full the support of Russia’s population and of countries surrounding Russia bit I think that his role should also be to encourage international bodies such as the Unied Nations, such as the OSCE and international forums to join forces for just world relations.
Russia is certainly a big power, she is already a superpower. Putin is certainly a leader opening the hopes not only the Russian population but of many oppressed peoples and countries all over the world that there is need to initiate movement and movement of all constructive and peace loving forces in the world and especially international bodies.
So that the other even formally accept this struggle for peace, dignity, equality and partnership.
Robles: Thank you very much, sir.
Jovanović: Thank you for inviting me although I believe there are many people who will speak their minds even with a greater wisdom than myself.
Robles: Thank you, sir. I really appreciate it.
Jovanović: Ok, bye bye.
Robles: Ok, thank you, sir, thank you sir. Good luck, good night.
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