The coup d'état in Ukraine and its aftermath as well all of the events leading up to it are proving even to the casual thinking observer that the western corporate controlled media has lost any semblance of even a pretense at being fair, balanced and reasonable. News is about presenting facts and those facts are important for all of us to come to conclusions or formulate an opinion.
When the presentation of those facts is being done in a limited, selective and or tainted manner and/or outright fictitious information is being given in such a way as to seem credible and painting itself as truth this stifles debate and makes any dissention or wavering from the narrative seem disreputable and easy to be discounted. Sadly there is almost no alternative in the English speaking world to the state/corporate controlled media or its surrogates.
When the presentation of those facts is being done in a limited, selective and or tainted manner and/or outright fictitious information is being given in such a way as to seem credible and painting itself as truth this stifles debate and makes any dissention or wavering from the narrative seem disreputable and easy to be discounted. Sadly there is almost no alternative in the English speaking world to the state/corporate controlled media or its surrogates.
For those in the West (namely those living in zones controlled by NSA/US/FVEY corporate surveillance and control) and those living in the media bubble that exists there, there is almost now no access for the masses to the truth as almost every form of alternative media has already been compromised and taken over or has been made obscure by the search engines and other methods so that the little truth that is out there is almost impossible for the common consumer to access or even be aware of.
All of this has been done in mostly hidden and secret ways and when any resistance has been met the drum of patriotism is beaten, the bogeyman of terrorism is rolled out and the government censorship and stripping of rights and freedom of information is allowed in the name of security. The methods have been as benign as search engines deleting sites and material from their caches and not indexing certain sites (this occurred widely during the second Bush election and after 9-11) to attempts to pass far reaching legislation such as SOPA/PIPA and other instruments of authoritarian control.
One might say the current paradigm all started with an announcement by a previously unheard of "news service" called Fox News that George Bush had won the presidency after it had already been declared for Al Gore. This was the initial coup in the United States carried out by the neo-conservatives architects behind the PNAC which led to the total coup and usurping of all organs of power in the US that occurred after 9-11. The PNAC collaborators in 9-11 needed 9-11 as a catalyst for their plans which included: the introduction of a complete and total security and surveillance state, funding for the military industrial surveillance complex which was to expand to unheard of levels, complete control of the media and the world wide web, continuing operations to terrorize the populace into submission and allow for the passing of legislation, unification of corporations and government, total political control and the total control of all financial instruments and markets needed to fund their plans.
If one is to believe that 9-11 was not carried out by some Muslim terrorists operating out of a cave in Afghanistan due to the razor sharp precision and the almost perfectly timed choreography with which the most exacting demolitions in the history of man took place, then questions need to be answered. With regard to media control 9-11 showed how the media played a vital role, they first spread the Osama bogeyman lie (even though he himself denied involvement) then they assisted in the cover up that has followed since day one.
Such a crime of historic proportions needed an apparatus of historic proportions to cover it up and the crackdown on the internet and the mass media were those tools. The revelations by Edward Snowden may show the individual working parts and certain pieces of the puzzle but Edward Snowden would not have been allowed access to anything close to the final plan. In order for one to fully comprehend and accept that final plan requires the acceptance that the entire US/NSA security apparatus is designed for two principle purposes, protecting the crimes of the state and those in power controlling it and allowing for the carrying out of wars of aggression with the end goal of complete and total global domination. That is the final "solution" hence anything that is applied to that end is allowed to stand no matter how egregious or illegal, even the murder of 2,999 civilians.
To carry out their objectives, dictated by a small circle of tyrants hiding in the shadows who had seized power, control of the media and the flow of information was vital and the stifling of dissent as well. Hence Obama and his war on journalism, whistle blowers and anyone who seeks the truth. One has only to look at the history of Fox News (and their "Fox Security" operations, akin to the nazi brown shirts) and the spying and intimidation of journalists recently uncovered in the Verizon scandal. This complete control of the media is official US policy backed by Obama, and the current alternative universe reporting on Ukraine is a testament to their effectiveness if not believeability.
The list of victims of those who have suffered at the hands of the regime in the United States is much too long to list here and there are thousands who have fallen and that we will never know about these include members of Anonymous and Hacktivists such as Jeremy Hammond, publishers and truth seekers such as WikiLeaks and Julian Assange, over 600 people who witnessed events on 9-11 and then died in mysterious circumstances, what were reported to be over 9,000 Americans who were rounded up and held under conditions of secret arrest after 9-11, whistle blowers and truth seekers (many of whom I have had the honor to talk to and interview) including Jesselyn Radack (one of the first post 9-11 victims), Bradley Manning, Wayne Madsen, Dr. Kevin Barret, Edward Snowden and the list goes on and on(if I have neglected to list anyone I apologize).
Ukraine: the straw that breaks the back
The US operation to overthrow Ukraine may be the final downfall of the Brezhinsky architects (in my own opinion) and the architects behind establishing US hegemony on the planet. Not only will the US suffer a military humiliation if they decide to attempt to "glue together" their little "project" through open military means but this may finally be the straw that sees the mass murderers in Washington being forced to face an accounting for every crime they have committed since and including 9-11.
Economically they are weak, militarily they are over extended and no matter how much NATO attempts to paint a picture of itself as a "global strike force" their support is waning and they do not have enough force in pace to bring their plan to an fruition. Even if they attempt to obtain control of space and the Arctic they will have to contend with Russia, China and a growing number of countries that have simply had enough of America, their stealing of resources and endless war.
The planners of the Ukraine operation, i.e. Nuland, in all honesty should have been fired. In planning their coup not only did they use all of the instruments and methods that the world is already familiar with and that the "brains" at the CIA think are "top-secret" but they allowed for those plans and intentions to be leaked and not only in the Nuland/Pyatt conversation and the Klitschko e-mails but in hundreds of other ways as well.
Just like the CIA thought Russian intelligence did not know that the Chechen terrorists were controlled by Saudis so they think all of their mercenaries and instruments in Ukraine are secret. Russian intelligence knows far more about 9-11 and all of the plans for global domination that the US has and there may come a time when those responsible will have to account to the world for everything they have done. That is my own personal firm belief.
The Big Ukraine Lies
Back to the media but first let me say I am sorry dear reader for being long winded, this is a matter that is of utmost importance and affects each and every one of us. For we are all human beings, we all desire peace (most of us) and prosperity and we all have a right to live in a world that we can be proud of, free in, and where we can determine our own fates.
The western media coverage regarding Ukraine has been so egregiously falsified that if the general public learns the level at which they have been lied to the consequences will be far reaching and negatively impact the medias future ability to "get their message out" to the world's public.
The lack of objectivity and outright lies in the western press are so insidiousness as to be nauseating and the fact that the actions of the western architects and their operatives in Ukraine have caused death make the press who is covering up these crimes possible criminal accessories to murder before during and after the fact.
Had the media been doing its job on the day Fox News appeared and annulled the popular vote of Al Gore, hundreds of shattered lives would have been saved today in Ukraine, millions all over the Middle East and 2,999 innocent people on 9-11. But let's not go there? As Obama loves to say "let's look forward"! Will that wash this time? Not likely.
Big Lie 1
The EU integration agreement offered nothing positive to Ukraine. It required Ukraine to basically shut down all of its manufacturing and machine building sector. It also required Ukraine to almost cease all trade agreements with Russia and it would have had a hundred more damaging effects on the population including the gutting of the entire agricultural sector and the raising of gas prices. In numbers the EU agreement would have given Ukraine $1 billion dollars over 7 years (the same $1 billion Obama is offering Ukraine now with thousands of political strings attached). The EU agreement and their money would also effectively subvert the sovereignty of Ukraine making Ukraine nothing more than a cheap hooker for the West.
The Customs Union offered Ukraine a minimum of $100 billion over 7 years with no political strings attached and the ability to maintain and expand the industrial, manufacturing and agricultural sectors.
Hence the need to destroy Ukraine. Now the house is burnt and the new owners can have a fire sale especially for Washington. The western media has not covered these aspects at all. Instead they are following the narrative of freedom, democracy etc ad-nauseum. When you think about it, $6 billion is pretty cheap for an entire country, especially the second largest in Europe, apart from the part of Russia that is in Europe.
Big Lie 2
The "peaceful demonstrators" are in no way part of a popular uprising. They are western backed, militarily trained and pursuing objectives that in no way represent the Ukrainian people. Unless of course the 99% of Ukrainians who are not Bandera Nazis do not count. I believe they would beg to differ.
Their invasion of Kiev and the overthrow of the government was not in any way a democratic or other justifiable process. It was an armed take over and insurrection and the ousting of the government and the president was a coup d'état. Plain and simple.
Big Lie 3
The next lie is repeated over and over again in the western media, like John Kerry repeating over and over again that Syrian President Bashar Al Assad used chemical weapons because they simply "know" (while failing to provide one piece of evidence), and just as attempted fabrication, it rings hollow. Lie number three is that those in power in Kiev are legitimate. Of course this is an old American style operational tactic that they have been using for over 200 years. It is how they committed genocide on the Indians and stole their lands. They burn the house down, send in the sellers who claim to own the property, call them legitimate and then buy the goods for nothing.
Having any business with these illegitimate bodies in Kiev may seem like in a good move to the American planners in their desperation to "glue the thing together" and they will no doubt carry out such moves, but they will not stand the test of time. In reality Ukraine was lost the minute it was revealed that Klitschko was a western puppet, but as Nuland said they had already invested $5 billion in Ukraine so they had to go forward. Hence no matter what, even if the nazis in Kiev start hanging Jews from street posts, the US will continue to call them legitimate.
The western media is also conveniently missing all of the reports about the snipers and that they were hired by the western-backed "opposition". These snipers were firing primarily on security personnel but were also used to kill demonstrators to give the West is pretext to criminalize the President of Ukraine as a mass-murderer. Reports are also ignored that one of the Maidan leaders was stopped and allowed to continue merriliy on his way after a M-16 based sniper rifle with a silencer was discovered in his trunk. Evidence of all of this was brought up to Catherine Ashton, the head of EU Foreign Policy, who responded by saying it should not be investigated, this too has been ignored.
Other evidence pointing to the illegitimate and outright criminality of the "new powers in Kiev" are the brown shirt nazi SA/SS tactics of the insurrectionists in Ukraine and they way they have terrorized, humiliated and are even slaughtering the populace. The openly murdered, shot and even kidnapped police and Berkut officers to be executed later. All that and their campaign of terror against offcials and mayhem in the streets are also being ignored. And finally, perhaps the most telling indicator as to the true nazi nature of the "peaceful demonstrators who represent the Ukrainian people", is the statement to the United Nations denying the Holocaust in Ukraine and their ridiculous arguments against the findings of the Nuremberg Trials. Of course all of these facts do not fit in with the "freedom and democracy" narrative so these facts are just ignored.
Big Lie 4
All activities by the US/NATO/EU and I mean ALL activities, that try to influence Ukraine into giving up its sovereignty are violations of international law and go against the UN Charter, in particular with regard to sovereignty and the rights of peoples to self-determination and to be free from fear of invasion. If one is interested please visit the UN website, the UN Charter is available on-line. If one strictly follows the UN Charter as a framework for international law then even the "operations" of USAID become illegal as they are designed to influence the internal processes of target countries.
The US has no "interests" in Ukraine, other than illegal ones. Russia on the other hand has millions of Russians living there and has military and governmental agreements that allow it to protect its real interests.
However the US loves to claim "interests" or a "threat to its security" every time it invades a country. Where were the real interests in Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq? Its "interests" are the resources and the exploitation of the territories. But just like the US was founded on genocide, the stealing of Indian lands and resources and built by slaves, they continue in the exact same vein. If you doubt go back to footage and news reports before WWII and during the cold war, the US behaved almost in the same manner as it is now. Sanctions, meddling, supporting one side against the other, fumbling around like a bully not sure who to punch, supporting the nazis, then the allies then claiming victory.
Big Lie 5
The western press is screaming about a Russian invasion of Crimea and Ukraine and how the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is in some way guilty of exactly what the US has been doing for decades. Although thankfully the people around the world are finally beginning to wake up, the US media continues spreading these lies and ignoring what Bush/Obama have done.
The Armed Forces and the Government of the Russian Federation have treaties and agreements with Ukraine allowing for the Black Sea Fleet and the stationing of 25,000 military personnel in Ukraine. Dearest reader, there was no invasion. The troops have been there for over a decade.
The Russian President, as the Commander in Chief of the Russian Armed Forces has been given the right by the Russian Government with the support of the Russian people to call those forces into duty. He also has a request from the legitimate President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovich and the Parliament and the head of Crimea to activate the forces to protect the peace and the lives of the citizens. President Putin also has the legal basis under international law and would be in complete compliance with all international laws and norms to activate these troops, but he has not.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces, without a single shot being fired are now under the control of the only legitimate power in Ukraine, the Crimean authorities. There was no invasion or takeover by Russia. Russia was welcomed with flowers and open arms. Literally.
Some US based law scholars and others are seemingly in shock that Russia is operating legally and within the framework of international law, they continue to blame President Putin for the same illegality that Bush/Obama are guilty of and apparently assume that other countries ignore international law in the same way the US does. All they had to do was listen ro staements from Russia's leaders for the last 20 years: the Russian Federation, its leaders and its people support respect for sovereignty, international law, the rights of peoples to self-determination, the development of societies, foreign relations based on mutual respect and mutual assistance with no strings attached and above all to diplomatic and peaceful processes for conflict resolution.
These are the concepts that Russia lives by and conducts its affairs by. They are not abstractions and rules to be ignored and skirted, manipulated and subverted and applied only to others when the convenience arises as Washington has taken to doing openly.
The international lawlessness of the United States, a country that has sent 300 and more mercenaries in Ukraine to wage an illegal campaign of subversion and terror, can not be allowed to stand much longer. This lawlessness is exemplified by the illegal torture dungeon at Guantanamo Bay Cuba. No country, no leader, and no people anywhere in the world should support such a power, while that key symbol of US lawlessness is still standing, we know they scoff at you and me and the entire world and every single one of us who tries to live a peaceful productive life and follow the rule of law. Law is what makes us civilized and without law, what we will have is the coming of the Fourth Reich, and that Reich is not a German one, but the only thing that the US has that can be called "Made in America".
I would like to say that I am grateful to the Voice of Russia for allowing the truth to be printed and hope that you dear readers will see through the charade and support the people in Ukraine and the Crimea, who still have the right to self-determination, no matter what the Bandera nazis and their western handlers say.
I am also being accused of lying when I say that Russia has not invaded Ukraine. Please do a simple web search and you will find the agreements signed by Russia and Ukraine which allow for the stationing of approximately 25,000 Russian troops in Ukraine. These are not abstractions, but real concrete legally binding agreements under all international and national laws and conventions. Once you understand that simple fact, you will understand the level that you are being lied to by your media and I would then ask you to direct your rage at them.
I would also ask you, dear reader, to try to find coverage of the statements by the new Ukrainian authorities which amount to Holocaust Denial as they openly stated in front of the UN that the Nuremberg Trials were illegitimate, after that write to the White House and ask Obama how they can possibly support these people. As far as I know Holocaust Denial and denying the legitimacy of the Nuremburg Trials are still crimes in many countries that still follow the rule of law, including in Russia.
Please support the people of Ukraine and Crimea as they battle a new emergence of the nazi plague, something most of the world had thought was relegated to the history books.
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