Floods of angry mobs, buildings ablaze, and chaos around every corner are ordinary incidents in war-torn Syria. However, Ukraine is starting to see the same mess unfold in its nation where US-supported rebel groups are responsible for bloody battles and seized government buildings.
Rebels have occupied and set fire to government facilities including the trade union center, the central post office, and political party headquarters in Ukraine. Weapons were stolen from a military depot by rebels who began pulling the trigger and aiming the firearms at police, leaving ten dead.
Emerging reports claim that reinforcements are showing up to assist the rebel side with "bulky backpacks near the scene of the latest protests," are mysteriously reminiscent of the "Internet in a Suitcase" scheme monetarily supported by the US government.
The project aims to provide resources for "activists" in nations where regime-change is taking place. The US has in the same way trained and given tools to help out the Syrian rebel groups.
While the rebels in Ukraine, armed and supported by the US, can be found throughout uncountable amounts of photos with weapons shooting at police, the imagery and details come out differently in Syria. The US, for example, secretly provided weaponry to Syria while giving the green light to Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other known "friends of Syria" to hand over even more resources to them. One Russian official reportedly placed the blame on the US for providing firearms to the Ukrainian opposition.
Likewise in Syria, where US Ambassador Robert Ford took to the rebels' side from the very start of the insurrection, US officials cleared the pathway for the Ukrainian rebels by offering up support and assistance. Senator John McCain had dinner with Svoboda Party president Oleh Tyahnybok. According to inforwars.com, Victoria Nuland, who is the US Assistant Secretary of State, was recorded as planning to overthrow the current Ukrainian government power and replacing it—with Nuland supposedly getting help from Geoffrey Pyatt, the US Ambassador to Ukraine. Pyatt though bravely and with assurance proclaimed that his recorded scheme to overthrow the present Ukrainian government was just "helping to build bridges between the government and the opposition".
Syrian rebel groups are advertised as a moderate sort of aspiring democrats looking for political reform. Ukrainian rebels are looked upon as a group of pro-Western, pro-EU "peaceful demonstrators". Both nations, it shows that the radical rebels seem to have the upper hand as they take to the streets, having a considerable amount of contact with US officials.
President Assad, in response to the unrest, submitted offers of compromise including one which would agree to hold a constitutional referendum, putting an end to decades of one-party rule. Ukraine's President Yanukovych gave into unsettling protestors by granting them amnesty, fired his entire government as it was a request from the opposition and even suggested that opposition heads be part of a new interim government. One step forward to compromise with the rebels was matched with heightened levels of violence and increasing demands.
President Obama gave warning to the Ukrainian government against restoring order, "We expect the Ukrainian government to show restraint, to not resort to violence in dealing with peaceful protesters." He alluded to the possibility of US escalation by stating "We'll be monitoring very carefully the situation, recognizing that, along with our European partners and the international community, there will be consequences if people step over the line." Syria's president received a similar-like alert against taking action to protect the nation against armed and dangerous rebels battling for it to be overthrown.
Obama has strongly urged the Ukrainian government to make sure the "Ukrainian military does not step in to resolve issues that could be resolved by civilians." What is perhaps most fascinating are the wide variety of similarities between the Syria conflict and what is unfolding now in Ukraine's seemingly unstoppable crisis.
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