To begin with, Meyssan makes a list of five things claimed by the secret services which he deems illogical.
Continue after the break.

Firstly, according to the secret services, the impact of the chemical weapons is different on men and women. Secondly, they seemed to have been observing the process of the gas making without interfering, and only put a word in when the weapon had already been put to use. In other words, their primary goal was to punish the chemical weapon users instead of preventing the actual tragedy. Thirdly, the children who are claimed as victims of the August 21 appear on the video from earlier, and what’s more, they come from pro-Assad families. Also, the secret services, though claiming to possess the revealing phone call recordings, they were not the ones to have made them. Finally, though Obama’s “red line” paradigm only came to being recently, according to the joint committee of the British Intelligence service, Jon Day, Syria would have supposedly used combat gas 14 times in the past, and punishing Syria for the 15th time is quite bizarre.
Further on, Meyssan gives facts taken from the official documents presented by the American, the British, and the French sources, revealing inconsistencies and contradictions in their reports concerning the August 21 chemical gas attack in Ghouta, and claiming it was a fabrication.
Though the document published by the American government states at least 1429 dead after the attack, the French equivalent only 281 deaths are mentioned, which information was obtained by watching videos on the Internet. The same document states that a ’’non-government related’’ organization Doctors without borders, would have counted, that is, for the French government, 355 deaths in the hospitals surrounding Damascus.
Next thing is that if the videos are looked at closely, it becomes obvious some of them have been recorded prior to the attack. On YouTube, some of them were indeed posted on August 20th, which might have happened on the eve of the massacre, but not necessarily, if taking into account the time change of 9 hours between Syria and California, where the Youtube server is. What is clear, it is that the scenes outside are filmed during the time where the sun is at its highest. So, it was filmed around noon and can’t possibly have been recorded before that date, but these, again, are unproven facts.
The videos mostly portray children and men agonizing after the attack, but as far as women are concerned there are only two among the entire 1429 alleged victims. Obviously, it is a very arguable fact that the gas spared women of its deadliness.
One of the first things that strikes is that none of these children are supervised, which appears quite odd, because in the Middle East a person is never left unattended, children even more so.
But these children are without parents, later ending up in the care of people who is presented as medics, but it is hard to deduce what exactly the staff is doing. As a result, Meyssan concludes, that the children were not victims of a chemical attack, but the ones kidnapped two weeks before, in the beginning of August, in the Latakia region, 200 km away from the Ghouta.
They were taken during a jihadist attack on pro-Assad villagers. Most of the families were killed, and improvised cemeteries around Latakia saw over a thousand dead. These children, of whom no one has heard for two weeks, actually resurfaced on these videos. Several of the survived parents recognized their children on the videos and pressed charges for assassination. In reality, the children are not being treated, on the contrary, they are being injected poison and killed in front of the cameras.
The US, Britain and France claimed that the victims were gassed by sarin, which fact had been proved in their laboratories, but the UN experts who had also visited the site and taken samples, needed about ten days to make a final conclusion, this fact suggesting that the countries under discussion have a secret super-quick way of data processing, the one that’s unknown to the UN experts and the rest of the world.
James Clapper, one of the US’ intelligence officers, stated that in four days they had been observing Syria cooking the gas. If this is the truth, then Meyssan reasonably wonders why the American intelligence hadn’t stepped in and done something to prevent the attack.
The US, UK, and France also claim to have intercepted a phone call of a high official at the Syrian Ministry of Defense. However, it was not them, but the Israeli military and later broadcast on the Israeli TV, “The Israeli Defense Forces announce having intercepted the Syrian government’s communications that demonstrate that Bashar el-Assad’s regime is behind the recent chemical attack that made hundreds of dead civilians in a country devastated by war.”
While the victims on the videos are trembling and drooling, which a manifestation of the combat gas attack, the drool from sarin is yellow, not white, as it was on the video, which points to the fact that people were killed with a different gas.
Meyssan concludes by saying that “this case in completely fabricated. It is the consequence of war propaganda, which is, according to international law, the worst crime, since it is a crime against peace, the one which enable to perpetrate other crimes, including crimes against humanity.”