Friday, February 6, 2015

Why Can't the American Government Stop Talking about RT?

Two reasons:

  • It is fully aware of the broad, global reach RT has 
  • The news RT reports is not the news the US wants people be informed of

In the current climate of political Russophobia, the American Government just can’t stop talking about RT News (Russia Today). Secretary of State John Kerry has blasted it as a “propaganda bullhorn“.

The Chair of the US Broadcasting Board of Governors labelled it beside Boko Haram and ISIS and now Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland has called it a broadcaster of “untruths…with a tiny, tiny viewership”.

The obvious question to ask is, why do they insist on talking about RT if it really is all the things they call it? The answer is just as obvious. It is because they understand that RT is the opposite of all of these things, and people are beginning to find out.


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