Sunday, June 23, 2013

US Senator warned #Russia of 'serious consequences' if country wouldn't send NSA whistle-blower #Snowden back to US

As Snowden landed in Moscow after leaving Hong Kong, where the US
 had requested his arrest, leading Democratic senator Chuck Schumer
accused the Russian president of sticking a finger in the eye of the US.

US Senator warned Russian president Vladimir Putin of 'serious consequences' if country woudn’t send NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden back to US.

As Snowden landed in Moscow after leaving Hong Kong, where the US had requested his arrest, leading Democratic senator Chuck Schumer accused the Russian president of sticking a finger in the eye of the US, The Guardian reports.
"The bottom line is very simple: allies are supposed to treat each other in decent ways and Putin always seems almost eager to put a finger in the eye of the United States, whether it is Syria, Iran and now of course with Snowden," Schumer said on CNN's State of the Union.

Jonathan Places Ministers, Public Officers Under Watch Over Lavish Lifestyles

Apparently piqued with the ostentatious lifestyle of some members of his cabinet, President Goodluck Jonathan has directed the security agencies, particularly the anti-graft commissions, to keep an eagle eye on ministers and publicofficials in the habit of throwing lavish parties at home or abroad.
This directive is coming on the heels of the recent removal of the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Petroleum Resources, Mr. AbdulAzeez Musa, who allegedly threw a lavish wedding ceremony for his daughter in Dubai, United Arab Emirates a fortnight ago. President Jonathan said such ostentatious ministers must abide by the Code of Conduct for public officers or throw in the towel immediately.
Continue After The Break.

AUDIO: The U.S. is violating the Treaty of Svalbard – Bruce Gagnon

Kiruna Sweden will be hosting the 21st International Space Conference from the 27th to the 29th of June 2013, during which U.S. and NATO violations of the Treaty of Svalbard will be one of the hottest topics of discussion. Bruce Gagnon, one of the key organizers of the event spoke to the Voice of Russia about the event and the U.S.-NATO militarization of the far north.

Concerned activists and writers from around the world will gather in Kiruna, Sweden on June 27-29 to discuss how the ‘High North’ of Sweden has become one of the largest training places (called NEAT) for NATO war exercises and advanced weapons testing.
Continue After The Break..

Federal road in Kogi becomes Paradise for robbers, rapists ....

Abu Micheal, Chief Press Secretary to Kogi State deputy governor, looks at the hardship faced by people and commuters who ply Lokoja- Kabba-  egbe – Ilorin Road and stated the need for the Federal Government’s timely intervention to end the suffering of the people.
Bad roads are responsible for most of the accidents that happen on our roads. At the same time, bad roads hasten the process of tear and wear of various cars and impoverish the owners. Also, pothole infested roads are increasingly becoming the operational zones of criminals particularly, armed robbers.
This is true of the Obajana-Oshokoshoko-Kabba-Mopa-Isanlu-Egbe Road. This is a federal road that links most parts of the West Senatorial District to the rest part of Kogi State. It is also the fastest link between Kwara and Kogi states. The road is now in a deplorable state and it has also become a safe haven for armed bandits who now subject motorists plying the route to harrowing experiences.

Shocking: I am not PDP Speaker, Tambuwal fires critics over pro-Aregbesola Statements

The Speaker of House of Representatives, Hon. Aminu Tambuwal, yesterday, shocked his audience when he tongue lashed members of the Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) who  criticized him  for speaking glowingly about the administration of the governor of Osun State, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, urging them to see performance in governance beyond partisan politics.
Members of the Osun PDP had, some weeks ago, condemned  the Speaker for eulogizing Aregbesola  during his visit to the state.

FULL UPDATE: Brazil protests continue despite president’s plea

Massive rallies continued into the night in Brazil’s Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Sao Paolo and dozens of other major cities following a hike in transport fares, media report.

Across Brazil police estimated about 60,000 demonstrators to have gathered in downtown Belo Horizonte, 30,000 shut down a main business avenue in Sao Paulo and another 30,000 rallied in the city in southern Brazil where a nightclub fire killed over 240 mostly university students.
Demonstrators took to the streets in the cities hosting Confederations Cup matches despite President Dilma Rousseff’s plea for peace as she vowed to introduce a package of reforms, including a draft plan to benefit public transport and allocate all oil royalties to education.
A crowd reportedly tried to break through a perimeter set by the police around Belo Horizonte’s Mineirao stadium, where Mexico and Japan faced off in the Confederations Cup. The trouble escalated after dark when car dealers had windows broken, some shops were looted and protesters set fire to a car and several other objects on the streets.


#GoodPeopleThings: Africa’s youngest billionaire to invest in Cross River

Given the conducive business environment put in place by the Cross River State Government, Africa’s youngest billionaire, Ashish J. Thakkar has made known his intention to invest in Calabar.
Thakkar, who is president, Mara Group stated this while delivering a key note address at the 2013 edition of the Africa CEO Roundtable and Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility (AR-CSR) at Tinapa Business and Leisure Resort, Calabar.
According to the Ugandan, the decision to establish his presence in Calabar was based on what he has seen and heard of Cross River, which remains a veritable place to invest.

Snowden leaves Hong Kong on Aeroflot flight to Moscow

US whistleblower Edward Snowden is en route to Moscow from Hong Kong on an Aeroflot flight, reports AFP.

Former US intelligence technician Edward Snowden is en route from Hong Kong to Moscow heading to a third destination, the South China Morning Post reported Sunday.
"US whistleblower Edward Snowden has left Hong Kong on an Aeroflot flight to Moscow, credible sources have confirmed to the South China Morning Post," the newspaper, which has carried exclusive interviews with Snowden in Hong Kong, said in a brief report on its website.
"Moscow will not be his final destination," it said, raising the possibility of Iceland or Ecuador as Snowden's final destination.

See More Updates After The Break.

How Armed Men Rob Husband and Wife; Strip Them Naked

“After parking, they marched us further about 200 metres into the bush. Their own car did not follow and it was only four of them that came in my car that were there. When we got to a thick part of the bush, they stripped us naked and ordered us to lie down...
My wife was left with only her panties and her bra was used to tie my hands behind my back. They went with everything, including our clothes.

“I suspect that they were not military men; they were only criminals in military uniform. But each time I think about it, I feel cheated. That night, I took sleeping pills, but I still couldn’t sleep. During the ordeal, they even asked us to pray for them, which we did because we didn’t have a choice."

The spate of robbery incidents seems to be on the rise in parts of Ogun State, with the recent experience of the general manager of a car company in Lagos, Mr. Lanre Bammeke.
Continue After The Break.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Nigeria arrests illegal immigrants

Culled From PM News
No fewer than 400 illegal immigrants were discovered by the Nigeria Immigration Service, NIS, Command in Kano, northwest Nigeria, in an operation launched Friday. NIS Comptroller in Kano, Alhaji Hamisu Maishanu told newsmen on Saturday that the exercise of mopping up the illegal immigrants will end on Monday.

According to him, during screening of the illegal immigrants, it was discovered that 384 of them are Nigeriens, while 16 others are Chadians. Maishanu said repatriation of the aliens will commence immediately after the mopping up exercise on Monday.

He noted that the Service will not allow illegal aliens to gain entry into the country without proper documentation and data bank because they are just killing the economy. Maishanu warned that any illegal immigrant caught without relevant documents would henceforth be repatriated to his or her country with immediate effect, adding that the exercise would be a continuous, in line with the new leadership of the service under Mr David Paradang to flush out illegal immigrants from the country.

Pretty Sad Love Story One Should Learn From!

Its a long one, but take your time to read it.
A Sad Love Story telling us not to be afraid of expressing our Feelings.
I have a boyfriend who grew up with me. His name is Vin. I always thought of him as a friend until last year when we went to a trip from a club. I found that I fell in love with him. Before that trip was over, I took a step and confessed my love for him. And soon, we became a pair of lovers, but we loved each other in different ways. I always concentrated on him only, but by his side, there were so many other girls. To me, he was the only one, but to him, maybe I was just another girl…
“Vin, do you want to go watch a movie?” I asked.
“I can’t”
“Why? You need to study at home?” I felt disappointment grabbing me.
“No… I am going to meet a friend…”
Continue After The Break.

Five Customers Feared Dead As Robbers Storm First Generation Bank In Delta, Cart Away Millions

Five persons were feared killed yesterday when an 11-man robbery gang attacked a first generation bank in Agbor, Ika South Local Government Area of Delta State, and carting away unspecified amount of cash.It was learnt that the dare-devil robbers, armed to the teeth with sophisticated weapons, blew-up the bank vault.
According to eye witness accounts, the robbers shot sporadically into the air to scare bystanders away just as customers who were inside the banking hall doing transactions scampered for safety.he incident, which took place in the morning lasted for several minutes and the men of the underworld had a field day despite the fact that security operatives were stationed some few metres away at the Divisional Police Headquarters, Agbor.
Confirming the incident, State Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Lucky Uyabeme, said the police command has intensified a full-scale manhunt for the fleeing robbers.

Ramadan: Sokoto Sets Aside N56.7m For Grains, Clothes

The Sokoto State Government has earmarked N56.7 million to buy food and clothing materials for indigent persons during the Ramadan, an official said on Saturday.
Alhaji Lawal Maidoki, the Chairman of Sokoto State Zakkat and Endowment Committee, made the plan known  in Sokoto.
Maidoki said the items included 6,300 bags of grains and 6,420 clothing materials, adding that the grains, namely millet, maize and guinea-corn, would cost N 50.4 million.
“No fewer than 6,300 indigent persons, both men and women, including widows and widowers, would benefit from the annual gesture by the state government.

Teachers suspend strike In Ogun State

The strike action embarked upon by both the public primary and secondary school teachers in the western Nigerian state of Ogun has been suspended. The teachers under the aegis of the Nigeria Union of Teachers, NUT, had directed that all teachers in the public schools across the State should down tools from 1 June, 2013 to press home their demands for welfare enhancement.

One of the grievances of the teachers is non payment by government of the 27.5 peculiar teachers allowance.
In a meeting held today at the office of the Head of Service, Mrs Muibat Adekunle at Oke Mosan, Abeokuta with the representatives of the Union in the State,it was unanimously agreed that the strike action be suspended with immediate effect from today, Friday 21 June, 2013.

In an agreement released after the meeting, the State government has agreed to commence payment of 15 percent of basic salary as Teacher’s Peculiar Allowance to both primary and secondary school teachers the state.

Train and truck Jam Each other in Lagos

A train and a truck collided last night at the PWD railway crossing in Ikeja. The truck (seen above) was trying to cross the railway line when a speeding train coming from Ebutte Metta and heading to Agbado rammed into it. Fortunately no life was lost but a few people sustained serious injuries and were immediately rushed to the hospital. After the accident, the train had to terminate its journey, leaving its passengers stranded.

CIA and US special forces secretly training Syrian rebels - report

The CIA and US special forces have been secretly training Syrian rebels since last year at bases in Jordan and Turkey, the Los Angeles Times reported Friday.

The Free Syrian Army was involved in two-week training programmes that included work with anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons, a US official and a Syrian rebel commander told the Times.
White House spokesman Jay Carney would not comment on the report and also declined to outline what weapons the US could provide to the rebels, except to say "I cannot inventory for you all the elements of that assistance."
"The important point here is that, because of the actions we have seen the Assad regime take, we have decided to increase both the scope and scale of our assistance to the opposition, and we've been very clear about that over the last weeks and months," he said.

Lautech Female Student Killed With Eyes and Privaté Parts Removed (Photo)

It seemed like another normal day at Jastok Guesthouse Under G Ogbomosho yesterday 20th of June 2013, until the mu-tilatéd body of an undergraduate was discovered behind the hotel.
The deceased, a female student of  Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, LAUTECH was yesterday found dead around 10pm. Her brain, eyes and bré-asts were removed. The hair on her privaté part was shaved too.

The lady now identified as Seun was before her untimely death a 100 level student of Transport Management Department at Lautech. She was declared missing by her friends and room mates after she was last seen four days ago.
Following the discovery of the body, some of her close friends were forced to disclose that she left the hostel days ago for a party and hadn't returned since then, leaving many to suggest that perhaps she was rapéd to death and eventually used for some form of rituals. The deceased's boyfriend has been arrested and handed over to the police as the prime suspect.

We Did Not Feeeze any Church's Account-CBN

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)  Friday washed its hands off news making the rounds that it had ordered the freezing of bank accounts of some religious organisations over allegations of link with terrorists.

The bank explained in a statement posted on its website that in order to ensure that the provisions of the Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act (MLPA) of 2011 were enforced, all Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs) were required to comply with the Know-Your-Customer (KYC) requirement whose deadline was recently extended to December 31, 2013.

The statement signed by the Director, Corporate Communications, CBN, Mr. Ugochukwu Okoroafor, pointed out that the only requirement for the KYC update was the presentation of evidence of registration, specifically, certificate of registration showing registration number with the Special Control Unit Against money Laundering (SCUML).

Friday, June 21, 2013

MEN: 13 Things You Should NEVER Say to Your Girlfriend, Under ANY Circumstance

A girl in love will do just about anything for her man, but there are 13 phrases to never say to your girl unless you’re looking for trouble.
“Have You Gained a Little Weight?”
Even if she was super skinny before, never tell her she has gained weight. Trust me, she knows if she has gained weight and this will come across as telling her she’s “fat.” It doesn’t matter if the weight gain is good and makes her look healthier, this is just a phrase you never say. Is she gaining weight due to depression or are you worried about her health? Then you need to address the root cause of the problem – and her weight will not be the problem. You can address her sadness, her food addiction, her lack of exercising by offering to go on a healthy lifestyle plan with her; but do not tell her she looks fat!
“My Mother Does It Like This …”
Your girlfriend is not your mother and all she will hear when you say this phrase is: “You’re not good enough.” Your mom may be the most wonderful woman in the world, but you don’t want to create a battle line between the two most important girls in your life. We like that your mom is your role model, but we were raised a little differently and we want to know that you think we’re OK just the way we are.
Continue After The Break

How Nigerians Die In the Desert seeking greener pastures abroad


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