Friday, November 8, 2013

"How I Defrauded My Customers" – Apprehended Osun Shrine Operator

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Lagos Plane Crash Update: DNA Results Arrives Nigeria

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Notice: Lagos and Abuja Abductors New Trick Revealed

REACHING US FROM=====>>Icedove Mokwe

Please pay attention, something is happening in Abuja and Lagos now. People dressed like policemen, stop cars & ask 4 particulars. Please on no condition should u let them in your car, they are kidnappers. Once they enter, they tell the driver that they are going to the police station. They end up taking the person elsewhere & ask the person to call someone to come & bail them with a ransom, It just happened to two people this morning, Also, be cautious when taking cabs at night. Pass on this information it may
help someone!

Pls share this info for other to know.

President Goodluck Jonathan commends The Golden Eaglets + Atiku Salutes The Boys

President Jonathan
Today, I commend Nigeria's Golden Eaglets due to their well deserved victory at the FIFA Under-17 World Soccer tournament in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, UAE.

The players played with great skill and projected the Nigerian can do spirit and the result is that Nigeria has become a four time champion. This may not come at an improved time seeing that Nigeria is on the cusp of celebrating our centenary as a nation.

Ex-landlady Abducts ex-tenant twins

A LANDLADY has repaid her former tenants'love in an odd and painful manner – she abducted their twins.

The authorities at Abayi Division, Abia State, are holding a female identified simply as Chioma for allegedly abducting the twin boys of her ex-tenants Mr. and Mrs. Okwudili Nwaeze.

The Nation gathered that Chioma visited her former tenants'home to, based on sources, exchange pleasantries with them.“

‘I Sold Pasuma’s Range Rover Sport for ₦950,000’ - SUV Robber

Kasali Adegoke, the leader of the armed robbery gang that robbed popular fuji musician, Wasiu Alabi aka Pasuma, of his 2006 Range Rover Sport, says he sold the vehicle for N950,000.

A search on the Internet by Punch correspondent, however, suggested that used version of the vehicle sells for N3.5m, while a new one costs between N8m and N9m.

Mark Zuckerberg’s Sister: Get Off Facebook!

The first marketing director of Facebook and the sister of its founder has some advice for all Internet users: Take a break.

“It’s a great idea at least once a week to put the devices down, take a bit of stock in yourself and your behavior,” says Randi Zuckerberg, the CEO of Zuckerberg Media and sister of Mark Zuckerberg.

Video: Heartless Ritual Killer Nabbed With Dead Baby
Parents Pls Look after your kids this seaso.

I Am Under Pressure To Contest In 2015 ––Jonathan Declares

President Goodluck Jonathan finally broke his silence on Thursday on his rumoured second term ambition that could see him spend as much as 10 years in office as President of Nigeria. He said he is under pressure from over 1665 campaign groups who have volunteered to work for his re-election in 2015.

Video Post: Chairman Of Oil Spill Agency Speaks On Shell Controversy

See Image of the Lady Who Was Killed After She Went Clubbing With BF

Afia (picture above) was like many girls her age, entertaining and outgoing until she was killed in an unlucky accident after a night clubbing. Afia had gone out with her new boyfriend for a night drinking and partying in Kumasi, Ghana, after that they got into the automobile with the drunk boyfriend behind the wheels.

ICPC Seizes 61 Properties From A Single NSCDC Official.

 Chairman of the Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related Offences Commission, Mr.  Ekpo Nta, announced on Thursday that the agency had seized 61 houses as well as 45 plots of land from officials of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps. The 61 houses were seized from a single official. Nta said the seized properties were scattered in various locations within the Federal Capital Territory.
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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Kano Education Commissioner quits, Says 'I Wont Follow Kwankwaso to APC'

The casualties have already began to mount for the G7 rebel Governors of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, who are currently contemplating cross carpetting to the opposition All Progressives Congress, PAC, as a key ally of Kano State governor, Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso, has resigned rather than cross carpet with him.

Anambra State Governor, Obi Presents 1.5 Billion Naira Cheque To Schools

Anambra State Governor, Mr. Peter Obi, has presented a cheque of 1.5 billion naira to 150 public and private schools for infrastructural upgrade, under the State Education Programme Implementation Investment Project, SEPIP.
The presentation was made at the official launch of SEPIP, a World Bank project, which held at the Women Development Center in Awka.

TERRIBLE: Armed Robbers Storm Alaba Market, Kill Many In Broad Day Light (Graphi*c Images)

 It was indeed a black Tuesday on the 5th of November, 2013 in Alaba International market when dare-devil armed robbers stormed the marketplace and killed innocent people. A young lady who had been conveying a sizable sum of money which belonged to her boss to the financial institution, with two mobile police officers was double crossed by armed robbers and shot several times. Among the police officers was also shot and the second one managed to flee with bullet injuries. As the robbers made to flee, they were interrupted, which made them shoot randomly killing innocent people.
Continue after the break. Viewer’s discretion is strongly advised.

Partial Eclipse is President Jonathan's Fault Says APC, 'He Stopped it From Being Full'-New PDP

This news headline is a joke and reflects the type of ambush politics played in Nigeria where politicians use anything useable, including the comical, to attack each other.

Related Video Post:
Video: Watch this Middle age Mum do her thing, not minding if kids are watching.
Video: HIV Aids Lady confesses to sleeping with many men and infecting them with the Virus.
VIDEO: SEE Big Yarnsh Shaking, Gospel Singer Maheeda Twé*rking -

College Athlete Withdraws From Competition After Being Given'666' Number

Codie Thacker, a Whitley County High School junior cross-country runner in Kentucky, says she'd been training for months for the race that may have qualified her for their state championship – nonetheless it wasn't to be. When her coach Gina Croley pulled the race numbers from the meet packet, Croley said she knew immediately there would be a problem.

EXPOSED: Enugu State's First Lady Clara is Being Manipulated By Gov Chime

The goings on in Enugu State where the First Lady, Clara Chime has been on lock down for months now is one that is very troubling. Reports have it that the woman is mentally unstable but it appears that is not all to the issue as she and her family members have not been allowed to seek help for her.

After 2 , Another Death Record in Nollywood, Actress Dies

The yoruba movie industry is bereaved yet again as one of its actresses, Falilat Okerede Oketayo has reportedly passed away.
This is coming soon after they lost two other people. First it was the death of a 32-year-old Jane Atayero-Oluseye, followed closely by that of veteran actor, Pa Ola Ogungbe and now this one.
Falilat who is a person in the Association of Theatre Arts Practitioner of Nigeria, ANTP, in Ogun State reportedly died on Tuesday at her residence in Sagamu, Ogun State.
According to report, she died following a brief illness. She's survived by two children, an aged father and siblings. She was described by ANTP in Ogun State as a versatile, energetic and confident actress.

LG introduces new anti-mosquito air conditioner in Nigeria

LG Electronics (LG) recently announced that its latest residential air conditioning model, the Mosquito Away, will be released in Nigeria. Created specifically and built for the area market, the new product incorporates an impressive function that uses ultrasonic waves to combat mosquitoes. Like its predecessor, the successful Anti Mosquito, the Mosquito Away comes with the benefits of LG's advanced air con technologies, such as powerful cooling and dependable operation in extreme temperatures


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