Friday, April 26, 2013

OAU Student Escapes Assassination Attempt, Shot Twice By Assassins

Taiwo Pelumi, a student of Obafemi Awolowo University in Ile Ife Osun state is happy to be alive after he escaped an assassination attempt.
According to an eye witness, the Chemical Engineering student was shot twice on the 12th of April by some unknown gunmen off Ede Road in Osun state.
We learnt Taiwo Pelumi was making a phone call beside his car when 2 men suddenly approached him.
He was pushed to the ground and shot twice. A female student of the same school who was walking towards him at the time was kidnapped by the gunmen who eventually stole Taiwo’s car.
Taiwo was immediately rushed to an undisclosed hospital by some Good Samarithans.
“For you all who heard I was shot several times on Friday night that was me and I am still breathing. Thank Almighty God.” – said Taiwo in a Tweet.

South Korea Threatens ‘Grave Measure’ If North Rejects Offer To Talk

South Korea has warned of an unspecified “grave measure” if North Korea rejects talks on Kaesong, a jointly run factory park shuttered for nearly a month.
In a television briefing, Unification Ministry spokesman Kim Hyung-suk refused to describe what Seoul would do if Pyongyang does not respond by Friday to a demand for formal working-level talks on the industrial complex in the town of Kaesong.
But Seoul’s talk of a “grave measure” may be an attempt to signal it will pull out its remaining workers from the complex.
“There is no change on our stance to support the stable operation and improvement” of Kaesong, Kim said on Thursday.

Customs intercept air gun, pellets at Lagos airport

Operatives of the Nigeria Customs Service at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport Command in Lagos on Thursday have intercepted an air soft gun otherwise known as Zinc Alloy Shell G15 pistol and five sachets of pellets from a passenger at the premier airport.
The items were found on the passenger, identified as Mr. Ukeje Joseph, with passport number A04206153, during the inward clearance of Kenya Airways flight KQ532 from Johannesburg in South Africa.
The event occurred during routine examination by the Customs and other relevant agencies at the Lagos Airport on passengers’ luggage.

Serbia President ‘Apologises’ For 1995 Massacre Of 8,000 Muslims

Serbia’s nationalist President Tomislav Nikolic has personally apologised for the first time for the 1995 Srebrenica massacre of 8,000 Muslims. “I kneel and ask for forgiveness for Serbia for the crime committed in Srebrenica,” Nikolic said on Thursday in an interview to be aired on Bosnian national television parts of which have been released on You Tube. “I apologise for the crimes committed by any individual in the name of our state and our people,” he said in the interview.
Nikolic’s office confirmed to AFP news agency the authenticity of the statement. Thousands of Bosnians, mostly Muslims, were killed by Serb soldiers during the Balkan War between 1992 and 1996.

WAEC: Three Killed, 200 injured as examination hall collapses

THREE pupils, including a girl, were killed and hundreds injured on Wednesday when a building in which they were writing the West African Examination Council School Certificate examination (WASCE) collapsed on them.
The incident occurred in Alpha Academy, a private secondary school in Mararaba, Donga Local Government Area of Taraba State.

Some 560 candidates were writing the examination in Alpha Academy. Many of them complained of the cracks before the building came down on Wednesday.

Child Abuse: See Photo

An 18 month old boy tied to a stick while the mother washed. This was to prevent him from wandering off. 

R.I.P: Nigeria's Deputy Ambassador to Switzerland, Bashir Musa, dies at 56

Nigeria’s Deputy Ambassador to Switzerland, Mr Bashir Musa, died on Tuesday April 23rd in Bern following a brief illness, according to the News Agency of Nigeria. He was 56. Bashir Musa was appointed ambassador in 2012, and had previously worked at the Nigerian High Commission in London. May his soul rest in peace...a

Thursday, April 25, 2013

4 Reliable Reasons to exploit SEO Articles

A load of webmasters would merely shrug and shy away from writing lot of articles in addition to posting them to any website or article directories. The effort does crave a lot of skill also understanding, however, who said success does not involve hard work? The process of writing in addition to submitting SEO articles is indispensable in today's online market place also is crucial to your SEO efforts inasmuch as they are the only way to construct skilled and permanent back-links in addition to long lasting goodwill for continuity of business organization.

Question Of The Day: Nigerian leaders, Past and present; who's your best and worst?

From top left: Yakubu Gowon, Ernest Shonekan, Murtala Mohammed, Umar Musa Yar'Adua, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Goodluck Jonathan, Olusegun Obasanjo, Ibrahim Babangida, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Sani Abacha and Muhammadu Buhari.

Rate them from 1 to 11. And if your favorite and worst isn't listed here, just name them...

I Ran Out Of Bathroom Nakéd ––Woman Who Lose Houses To Tanker Fire

Victims of the Ibadan tanker fire disaster at Omitowoju area of Ibadan, Oyo State on Tuesday narrated their sad experience, during the inferno that nearly claimed their lives but consumed 12 houses and shops. The victims who were still in sorrowful mood are counting their losses.

In an emotion-laden manner, Mrs Aminat Wasiu, one of the victims while speaking with Daily Sun, said she ran out of the bathroom nakéd when she heard people shouting her name...

“I was taking my bath when I suddenly heard people shouting fire and my name. I had to run out nakéd because I was too scared. Somebody later gave me a cloth to cover my body.” She said she was shocked to the marrow when she later discovered that both her shop and house were burnt to aches. 

Nigeria: Malpractice - WAEC NEC Vows to Cancel Entire Results

The Examination Committee (NEC) of the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) has concluded that the sanction on the council's rules and regulations for those indicted for malpractice in more than one subject should be reviewed from Cancellation of Subject Results (CSR) in only those subjects, to Cancellation of Entire Results (CER).
This was resolved at the communique issued at the end of the 55th meeting of the Nigeria Examinations Committee (NEC) of the West African Examinations Council which held in Lagos.

Two Police Officers Killed, Houses Torched, In Fresh Borno Gunbattle

At least two policemen were killed in Bama Town, 75km from Maiduguri, the Borno Statecapital, when gunmen attempted to kill the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) of a police station on Thursday afternoon.
Police sources and residents of Bama said several houses around the Police Divisional headquarters were torched in ensuing shootout between the gunmen and security forces.
Hundreds of residents of Kasubula area of Bama, where the incident took place have so far fled their homes and are currently taking refuge in the surrounding bushes.

Nigeria May Not Meet 2020 Target, Says Usman

Hopes that Nigeria could be counted among the 20 developed economies in the world  by 2020 may have been dashed as the Minister of National Planning Commission, Dr. Shamsuddeen Usman, said the target may not be realised.
Usman disclosed this on Tuesday when he presented his scorecard to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) National Working Committee (NWC).
He blamed the crisis in the power sector on the more than 30 years of military in power.
The minister said when government started the documentation of vision 20:2020 in 2009 to be among the top 20 economies in the world, Nigeria was number 44, adding that if by 2020 the nation rises to number 25, he will be a proud man.

Tackling vaccines’ rejection in Northern Nigeria

HAUWA Ibrahim is a Muslim from Kano State; she resides in one of the villages in the federal capital territory that is fast becoming an urban slum.  She is in our early forties with six children the third of which is a polio victim.  She is married the Islamic way to a man who already had two wives so Hauwa is the third and for now the youngest of her husband’s wives.  She is not sure yet if her husband, a security guard would not marry a fourth wife, because Islamic injunctions entitles him to four wives.
Hauwa would not disclose the total number of children her husband has, in her innocence she said she did not believe her polio infested child is as a result of her not exposing him to the vaccines to stop the virus in its track.  Her husband would hear none of that she confessed.   After all there are other children in the family and they are all on their feet except her third child.  The condition of the child must be the will of Allah she reasoned.

Football: Nigeria game stopped after police shooting

A high-profile Nigeria league match between champions Kano Pillars and Heartland was abandoned on Wednesday after police shot a fan at the Sani Abacha Stadium in Kano, northern Nigeria.

"The match was called off after Heartland refused to continue the game after a fan was shot in the foot by police inside the stadium and the fans protested," Pillars media officer Idris Malikawa disclosed.

"The fan was said to have done something illegal - he has been rushed to hospital."

The match was goalless after half an hour before this incident.

Nigeria: It's Nigeria, Chad, Niger Operation - Army

Abuja — Following the outrage that greeted the alleged killing of about 185 persons including women and children in a shoot out between soldiers and Boko Haram insurgents in Baga, a fishing community in Borno State, last Friday, the military yesterday explained that six civilians, one soldier and 30 terrorists died, while 15 others were injured in an operation that was carried out by a multinational force comprising troops from Nigeria, Chad and Niger Republic.
This came as the United Nations and the United States have expressed shock and sadness at the high number of civilian casualties in the operation and called on all extremist groups to cease their attacks in the country even as the Senate has commenced investigation into the massacre.

Nigeria: Omawumi Boosts Mortein's Malaria Campaign in Kenya

Mortein Brand spokesperson, Omawumi Megbele, has strengthened Reckitt Benckiser-backed Africa anti-malaria initiative with a call on governments, institutions and relevant stakeholders including mothers to join hands in the ongoing global effort to stamp out malaria in Africa.
Omawumi, who was on her second advocacy campaign for the eradication of malaria scourge in Africa to Nairobi, the Kenya capital, at the weekend expressed concern that although malaria remained one of the common causes of death in the continent, it was preventable if concerned stakeholders could join hands.
The initiative was facilitated by Reckitt Benckiser's Mortein insecticide brand.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Your Facebook Fans Have influence A Lot

People who like your page are the driving force about online advertising for your business, making the self-contained use of Facebook profitable in addition to worthwhile.
For biggest companies, Facebook is important within their day to day activities. It becomes integral in their amusing media campaigns also sharing data with people who like the brew. With billions of people using the site throughout the day, it becomes the ideal place to keep your data everyday. Your listeners as a result are the key to your presence on Facebook. If people do not understand information what you do, again there is no point publishing online.

What you share, other general public must see and notice it. Any extraordinary supporter base that supports your brand becomes a real magnet for some people to like you. This is why thousands businesses at their opening stage on Facebook, buy fans to give their profiles the really needed stimulation. It is a catalyst for the stature of your company's recognition.

Killer Kerosene In Delta

No fewer than 15 persons have fallen victims of serious kerosene explosion across Delta State since the last two weeks.

Unknown to the buyers who were mostly housewives and food-sellers, the killer products had been adulterated and sold at cheaper rate. Some of the victims who spoke with Daily Sun on grounds of anonymity, said they couldn’t know that the kerosene product have been adulterated with diesel and a little mixture of fuel.

World Bank To Spend $300m For Mortgage Infrastructure In Nigeria

The World Bank is to partner Nigeria to develop a sound mortgage financing structure that would deliver affordable houses to Nigerians.
The multilateral institution is to provide financial access and liquidity to the tune of $300 million to kick start the project.
Banks in the country are to partner government to develop a mortgage vehicle that will manage housing development in Nigeria. Government will, however, have a small share. This fact was disclosed by the Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minster of the Economy Dr. Ngozi Okonjo Iweala.


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