It's really a shame when the leaders are in a power position to unite Africa and do whats best for African people but still sell out.
Imperialist is the enemy of the Africa Nations: robbing it, exploiting it,and oppressing it. imposed corrupt leaders on it.
Africans must denounces the house-slaves, sold-out leaders the agents of imperialist or they will continue to remain passive&lacking direction.
Locals elites destroy Africa by putting their greedy desires ahead of the people's well being.
Africa nations are enslaved by local elites who are nothing more than agents of imperialist interest,African must fight for a new liberation.
Political&cultural traitors house slaves are the enemies of Africans struggle to liberate itself from 500-years of colonial/slavery brutality.
Africa must nationalize of all resources to serve the people, so that children do not have to starve as foreign corporations thrive.
Pan Africa' leaders and the African Union MUST NOT BE AFRAID to unite as one nation and declare themselves a United States of Africa