With enough resources which some tagged' Streams over Desert', 'Island-Oasis', but these resources are been mortgage and plundered by the mortgagees and the mortgagor enjoying the scene while the land owners rots away!
A view of Tunde Kelani's film 'Gong of Taboo' 'Agogo Eeewo' carefully is like a paradox of Nigeria's resources, where the nations resources are been given out or simply shared by the political leaders and rulers.
In Tunde Kelani's 'Gong Of Taboo' 'Agogo Eeewo' , the resources of the community was blatantly given out to fraudulent investors and the proceeds shared by the King and some community leaders and elders. Though the community later protested and disrupted the activities of the fraudulent investors, the resultant effect was later felt by the King and his subjects who later re-negotiated the terms and conditions for the loggers, e.g, provisions of basic amenities for the community.