Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Boko Haram is a battle designed for the field and minds. (Nigerians wake up to the battle)

 "Tactics is the art of using troops in battle; strategy is the art of using battles to win the war."

Dont  buy the lie!
The US just indicted 5 Chinese generals. For what? For trying to fight a battle on cyberspace.

'The Art Of War' is a perspective, not the absolute truth.

The absolute truth is LIFE IS WAR.

The fact that unseen organisms do their damage without humans knowing is ONLY down to ignorance. The infection which is not seen by human eyes nor its ways know yet are what the labs live to find out.

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Lao Tzu did his best within the epoch in which he lived.

Every attempt for you to win some clandestine battles, either of the mind, culture, spiritual or cyber will eventually result in a battle field.

In fact, the greatest battlefield known to mankind is the mind. Nazism, Communism, Capitalism or any other kind of ism starts from the mind.

That's why modern armies understand the concept of 'the battle for hearts and minds'.

If you don't win the battle of your mind, in time you will fight it in relationships - whether personal, professional or even nations versus nations.

Lao Tzu's China fought many battles and even had to erect legendary walls and also were conquered by the Mongols.

I asked Jimi that question for a reason.

There's a bait in it.

America's democracy idea ought to find convert all by itself just based on the benefits.

How come they are having to use force to 'bring democracy' to countries?

Do the maths.

  • There are battles being fought EVERYDAY. The arena is irrespective.

    Boardrooms. Families. Streets. e.t.c

    Nigerians wake up to the battle for the soul of their motherland in tears and blood daily. The lack of power, lack of opportunities, lack of hope, e.t.c are all battles which manifests in corruption, people killing others for rituals, armed robberies, violence, rapes........

    And Boko Haram is the tool of the wily oppressor to grab the resources your eyes aren't opened to.

    It is designed to fight your minds and bodies.

    Fear and violence.

    Do the maths.
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