A s-èx addict Michigan dad repeatedly raped his toddler daughter as his wife held her hand to calm her down, police said. The 27-year-old, who cannot be named to protect the girl, allegedly confessed to cops that he s-èxually assaulted the 3-year-old "too many times to remember."
The sickening acts were carried out over a period of six months in front of the girl's mom, who reportedly soothed her hands "so it wouldn't hurt so much."
It's also claimed he took illicit pictures of the girl "for his own s-èxual gratification," forced her to watch disgusting child po-rn and had showers with her. The couple, who lived at the Avalon Hotel in Jackson, are believed to have abused the girl between late last year until May.
Social services were called in May 7 after reports she was displaying "s-èxualized behavior," had asked her brother for s-èx and wanted to watch a po-rn movie.