Thursday, April 23, 2015

#Yankees go home!

North #Korea clearly gets upset when the United States constantly smears unbearable #insults and mockery against North Korea and insinuates laughable and brazen charges that cannot be overlooked by North Korea. North Korea knows #America has a bad habit of rashly engaging in scheming chatter, distorting the truth and instigating war by taking issue with them, stop insulting North Korea with laughable accusations and these comments and actions will stop too.

No body wants the US #terrorists in their country, take heed of warning. We have to say North Korea is quite tough and impressive to stand up to the #imperialists. America is so #hypocritical to preach to countries about human rights. In fact it is #laughable. Especially since U.S. tortures and hold people without trial in Guantanamo Bay. After the #millions of Koreans killed by indiscriminate US #bombing, including biological #warfare experiments, this Yankee should have been topped. What are they doing in Korea anyway? #Yankees go home!

Clean streets, sidewalks and parks, 100% free of the abhorrent vomitive visual-consumerist bullshit pollution of the so-called "West", wide streets and avenues, educated people. By the side of Pyongyang, Western cities are raw sewage pits. North Korea is doing pretty well. I hope that one day North and South Korea merge to unite under #communism, without America shoving its giant nose there. North Korea won't bow down to the US like the South Korean servitude, that's why they are on America's hit list! It's funny how everybody gets angry about North Korea in countries like the United States and United Kingdom. They both have concentration camps and CIA black sites all over the world and despite making up less than 5% of the global population, they have over 25% of the world's prison population. This population being used for private profit. The United Kingdom's population are the most spied on people in the world, which I think 1 surveillance camera for every 13 people. We also have inhumane treatment of women and children in detention centers. How dare RT put a human face on North Korea! How are we supposed to convince everybody that they are a threat to the American Empire if you're showing genuinely happy kids acting normal, but then you could say they are being deprived of their Ritalin unlike normal "healthy" Western children. Well done, North Korea.

The United States keeps repeating #Russian is the #aggressor, but let's really see who is aggressive. The United States occupies 130 countries, bombed #Iraq, #Libya, #Afghanistan, #Yemen, #Pakistan, attempted murder plot foiled in #Venezuela after poisoning Chavez, overthrew democratically elected leader in Ukraine, bombed North Korea, and the list goes on and on. Only a complete fool would believe any shit coming out of their mouth, ever.

North Korea and #Cuba share the same struggle against US aggression, #Pyongyang's foreign minister said as Washington and Havana held new talks on restoring diplomatic ties. The ability to compromise is not a diplomatic politeness toward a partner but rather taking into account and respecting your partner's legitimate interests. North Korea has shown, by offering to suspend nuclear testing in exchange for the United States to suspend their military exercises near the border, that North Korea has been and is trying to live in peace. Yet the United States has refused this offer and continues its drumbeat for war.

If you keep pulling the tigers tail expect it to turn on you one day. The US is the aggressor, they started the war that has never been finished, it has been just a ceasefire. Why do they need to keep their war exercises on the board? It's a threat to the North. If the North sat back and did nothing, the US would go in and the North knows it. "Stop making #threats" That's rich coming from the mouth of the United States. "A militant Korean nationalist has slashed the face of the #US #ambassador to South Korea at a breakfast meeting in #Seoul" Even US #allies don't like the US. Korea has every right to defend itself in whichever way it deems fit. It is a right for all sovereign countries to defend themselves - well at least that's what I'm told when Israel starts its summer hunting season and kills innocent women and children in Palestine. The US staging war games thousands of miles away off the coast of a sovereign nation has nothing to do with defense and everything to do with aggression. You are aware that the US is the only country to have used atomic weapons, without reproach the US slaughtered hundreds of thousand of civilians. They considered it to be #justified then and still do - when you understand that, then you can appreciate the reason for North Korea's concern. Just look at all the violent actions the US has instigated all over the world.

- All the #wars they have started.
- The #false flag #attacks.
- The color #revolutions.
- The assassinations on foreign soil.
- The torture of prisoners.
- Sponsoring terrorists.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Ukraine SITREP: April 21th - Raskolnikova

1)Ukraine’s parliament has defined the start date of the “Russian aggression
Парламент Украины определил дату начала «российской агрессии»
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a resolution which demanded Russia immediately withdraw its troops from the Ukraine and to stop supporting the “people’s republic”. The document defi

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

End of an era for the West!

The support of neo-nazis in Ukraine destroys the last pretexts and wakes up nightmares of the past

by system failure

It appears that, for at least six years now, the West is trapped in a situation of permanent recession, while there are many who predict new economic crises in the near future.

Ukraine SITREP April 20th, by Duff.

1.‘We’re not interested in a fair fight’ – US army commander urges NATO to confront Russia
2.Russia launches North Pole-2015 drifting Arctic station
Norway wants Moscow’s explanations after Russian vice-premier’s visit to Spitsbergen
Norway in Arctic dispute with Russia over Rogozin visit

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Xenophobia In South Africa 2015: Most of Unbelievable shocking Videos that the Media hide

OVER a thousand Africa immigrants in South Africa have fled their homes following a series of violent attacks by locals in the eastern port city of Durban, police said on Thursday.

The immigrants, mostly African, have been housed at police stations and tents, as angry locals vowed to push them out

—in South Africa’s latest case of xenophobic unrest. They said they were intimidated to vacate their homes by locals and came to us because they feared for their lives,” police spokesman Thulani Zwane said. The attacks came days after Zulu king Goodwill Zwelithini publicly said immigrants should “pack their bags and leave” the country. The comments made during a traditional event north of KwaZulu Natal province were widely reported. Similar statements have been made by President Jacob Zuma’s son Edward.

Locals and African immigrants in South African often compete for scarce jobs, making them a target for violence and intimidation. Early this year, foreign shopkeepers in and around Soweto, south of Johannesburg, were forced to vacate their premises after violence and looting broke out. The government condemned the violence and sent mediation teams to intervene. In 2008, 62 people were killed in xenophobic violence in Johannesburg townships. Over 1,000 Africans flee homes after xenophobic attacks in South Africa

Thursday, April 16, 2015

NATO and the West are playing with fire !

NATO and the West are playing with fire. They are waging a campaign in Ukraine and other countries that surround Russia. The ultimate goal is regime or system change in Russia itself.

This web site has several interesting documents that we ordinarily do not get to see. One is a grant application and another is a NATO COE (Center of Excellence) document. Clicking twice on the documents makes them easy to read.
COE is a NATO organization. “Coordinated by Allied Command Transformation (ACT) in Norfolk, Virginia in the United States, COEs are considered to be international military organisations. They generally specialise in one functional area and act as subject matter experts in their field. They distribute their in-depth knowledge through training, conferences, seminars, concepts, doctrine, lessons learned and papers.”
The NATO document shows how it’s organizing “educational” and “training” meetings, seminars, mentoring, etc. so as to overcome the failures and failings of Ukrainian government.
The grant document shows how an NGO in Ukraine is applying for support funds. The goals of that project overlap those in the NATO COE document. They are more explicit in several cases, aiming at “decreasing the Russian information influence in Ukraine, discredit of the Russian political and military leaders” and “demonization of the Russian politicians that are most popular in Ukraine.”
Imagine similar campaigns occurring within America. Imagine similar institutions of winning the hearts and minds of American citizens. Imagine indoctrination. States are built up from such training of minds. Allegiance is built up.
Public education in America is the prime means of indoctrination and building of state support and compliant citizens. Wide-reaching social programs, media, grants, voting, myths, semi-religious trappings, the university systems all contribute to American socialization into acceptance and support of the government and the state.
Building up a state and a democracy from a near-zero basis as the U.S. is attempting to do or hopes to do in many countries, and building it up according to the specifications of the U.S. values is an all but impossible task. What actually happens is that the U.S. aims to train a cadre of leaders beholden to its purse strings who can be replaced at a moment’s notice or otherwise blackmailed into doing the bidding of the U.S. All the talk about democracy and state-building is just that — talk. Voting is only a means of getting people to accept a yoke and leaders selected beforehand who are pliable to U.S. goals. Training of local police and military by the U.S. in foreign countries is clearly to build the force that these leaders will need to rule. Contrast that method with how the Chinese operate through investment and business ventures. The Russians seem to operate on the levels of military co-ventures, spying and business contracts too.
8:25 am on April 11, 2015

CyberBerkut has published the list of names of western instructors in Ukraine

Military instructors from the USA, Denmark, Poland, Germany and other countries arrive to the Ukraine to help Kiev.
The Ukrainian hackers-activists have published the list of western instructors’ names. These people are reported to plan provocations in the south-eastern the Ukraine.source: Ukrainee.html

Tips on how To get the best Mesothelioma Law Firm

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Anonymous Posts List of ISIL Websites and the US, UK Firms That Host Them

The hacktivist collective Anonymous has published a list of websites used by the self-proclaimed Islamic State for propaganda and recruitment along with the companies - many based in the US and Europe - hosting them, in an effort to push for their removal.

This is the latest in a string of recent actions dubbed #OpISIS, in which the hackers — in particular an Anonymous faction known as GhostSec — have taken aim at the online resources of the internet-savvy Islamic State propagandists.

White cop shoots unarmed black man 5 times in the back, handcuffs his dead body. (American Police always on drugs ?)

Unbelievable! The video of this shooting is so shocking. And all this happened because of a broken tail light.

The moment a white police officer in North Charleston, South Carolina shot a fleeing unarmed black man five times in the back then handcuffed his lifeless body after he crumpled on the ground has been captured on tape. The video, shot by a pedestrian, was sent to the New York Times.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, on Friday, March 27, 2015

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Most Merciful. Peace be upon the Seal of Prophets, our Master and Prophet- Abi Al Qassem Mohammad; on his chaste and pure Household; on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets.
Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Yemen – yet another example of mind-boggling hypocrisy

The recent events in Yemen are taking on an increasingly dangerous turn.  Rather than to paraphrase what others have written, I will refer you to the following articles:
What I propose to do is much more basic: I want to describe the very basic sequence of events which has taken place.

Russia’s All-New Armata Tank Rolls Over the Competition

Even though its official debut at the May 9 Victory Day parade in Moscow is more than a month away, the world is are already heaping praise on the unique characteristics of Russia’s all-new Armata tank.

The construction of the last of Russia’s nuclear-powered Borey-class submarines will not be affected by the current budget sequester, the director general of the Rubin design bureau said Tuesday

Monday, March 30, 2015

When Russia Ruled Alaska: Marking 148 Years of Historic Property Deal

While many Russians once lamented Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev's decision to give the Crimean peninsula to his native Ukraine in 1954, it wasn't the first time Russia parted with prime real estate: exactly 148 years ago Alaska became a territory of the US; some myths regarding the sale still remain.

“Don’t fear for your hide, care for your honor” — “Ghost” brigade motto

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Chechen parliament speaker's riposte to US Congress' weapons-to-Kiev resolution: weapons to Mexico!

Speaker Abdurakhmanov, March 24,2015

March 25, 2015
Translated from Russian by Tom Winter

Dukuvakha Abdurakhmanov urges US Congress to abandon ideas of imperial grandeur.
Speaker Dukuvakha Abdurakhmanov addresses resolution of US Congress that urges Obama to supply weapons to Ukraine. The US House of Representative passed a resolution the text of which calls for US President Barack Obama to supply weapons to Ukraine. The vote: 348 aye, nay 48.

The Speaker of the Chechen Republic Parliament, Dukuvakha Abdurakhmanov, commented on the resolution and turned to his American colleagues.

Car Explodes in Fatal Fireball After Border Patrol Agents Use Taser (VIDEO)

Shocking footage has emerged depicting California Border Patrol officers shooting a taser into a pulled-over car, instantly blowing it up and killing the driver -- with the agents backing away and not offering any help.

DoD Concerned Over Crimea, but Declines to Comment on Black Sea Operations!

The US Department of Defense is concerned by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s remarks on nuclear forces readiness regarding Crimea, but will not make public the future US operations in the Black Sea, US Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Brian McKeon told Sputnik.

WASHINGTON — In recent months, the United States and its NATO allies have participated in numerous military exercises in the Black Sea. Earlier in March 2015, NATO Allied Marine Command concluded training exercises in the Black Sea with the Romanian Navy.
Moscow has warned that the increased military presence in the Black Sea, which is close to a regional conflict zone in Ukraine, is dangerous, and runs contrary to Washington’s stance on peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian crisis.

22 Killed, 30 Wounded Amid Anti-Houthi Airstrikes in Sanaa - Sources

How Will The Yemeni Civil War End?

The Civil War in Yemen is rapidly expanding. We have been forced to close our embassy and military base located there. It is now clear that Obama’s optimism for fighting terrorism in Yemen was misplaced. It hardly sets a standard for dealing with constant conflict and chaos throughout the Middle East. It now looks like the two major participants in this war are Iran and Saudi Arabia. In this region there has been competition between these two nations for hundreds if not thousands of years. The conflict ongoing in Yemen relates to the age-old conflict between Shia and Sunni Muslims. It also reflects the contest over who will control the oil in this region. Not only is there a conflict between the Shia of Iran versus the Sunnis of Saudi Arabia, there has been long-term animosity between Arabs and Persians.


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