Showing posts with label create war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label create war. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Operation Northwoods techniques on 9-11: US fake terrorist attacks to create war


Many of the leaders in the United States are beginning to realize that the policy of destroying countries in the Middle East for Israel is not really in the US’s best interests. Geopolitically the US would be better off dealing more diplomatically with Russia but they continue to attempt to surround Russia with nuclear weapons and try to achieve a first strike capacity while risking World War III. Doctor Kevin Barret, one of the first people to suffer at the hands of the US military industrial complex after speaking about and questioning 9-11, spoke to the Voice of Russia about all of these issues and more and places the blame for 9-11 on the neo-conservative Projest for the New American Century (PNAC) and Zionists who have infiltrated western security and intelligence services.

Hello this is John Robles, I am speaking with Dr. Kevin Barret, he is a Doctor in Arabic and Islamic Studies, the owner and manager of and a member of Scientific Professionals Investigating 9-11. This is Part 1 of a longer interview.


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