Showing posts with label The 3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The 3. Show all posts

Monday, October 28, 2013

The 3 Looks She’ll Give You If She Likes You

Girls, as hard as they try to be understood are very easily understood by the right intellectual guys. Here are the 3 Looks she’ll give you that let you know she’s definitely in to you.

3. Catch her looking more than twice-

So you caught her looking at you? Doesn’t mean anything. Could happen to anyone. You caught her looking at you another time?! Still wouldn’t get your hopes up as there might just be something funny looking on your face. But damn, you catch that chick looking at you three times… Something’s up! You’re all she’s thinking about. Even while she’s either talking to someone else or actively doing something else, she’s wishing she was doing that or talking with YOU. There’s something about you that she wants and this is definitely a sign of interest.


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