Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Crazy: Pastor commits suicide after telling congregation that he spoke to God and was not hearing him

Rev. Teddy Parker, a Macon, Georgia pastor killed himself several days after telling his congregation at his church that God was not hearing him and no longer felt a link with God.
"I try to pray but I don't feel just like God is hearing me,” Parker thoug said ht to his congregation “I try to serve but I don't feel just like God is using me. And there are occasions in your lifetime when God purposely withdraws from you, he doesn't withdraw for the sake of leaving you but he withdraws in order to grow and mature.”

Dairy of a Nigerian Student

Dairy of a Nigerian Student was written by one of our readers; Nworgu Uchenna.

Lazily rising from my sleep with strained eyes and a big sigh, numbness rapidly disappearing from my fingers and toes, I roll over and curl up more tightly, hugging my knees between my arms. Its yet another new day. I am a young lad but my fears and worries are that of a Christmas goat awaiting slaughter.

Saraki Tells ASUU To End trike To Honour Festus Iyayi.

The representative, Kwara Central Senatorial District, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, on Wednesday said that the time has come for the leadership and membership of the Academic Staff Union of Universities to end the over four months strike that has led to the disruption of acadmic activities.

Luxury Resorts in Paris: What Keeps People from Coming Back to Hotels in Paris?

The city of Paris is well known for its elegance and luxurious living that's why most of its hotel characterizes this quality by integrating in their hotels the most effective and paramount designs in room accommodations while providing the most effective service for various customers from different parts of the world. With the Regina Hotel in Paris, every room is fashionably decorated taking under consideration the subtle taste for refinement most customers wanted in their rooms. With top notch facilities and efficient service given by the hotel staffs, Regina Hotel in Paris is one of the most liked hotels in the city.

Vids: Polish Nationalist Attacks Moscow Embassy in Poland, Protesters retaliate Polish embassy in Moscow, tension rises.

The regional court of the Polish capital has passed the first sentences on ruffians who participated in the nationalist ‘independence march’ in Warsaw on Monday.

Going for luxury Home

Residing in luxury Home is something everyone craves for but just a few can afford. 

 People benefit hours on end become a workaholic just to accomplish their dream of a luxury life. Be it a brand new BMW or perhaps a grand home everything that is expensive could be put in a luxury life. If you cannot actually enjoy a luxury life then there is no point of working hard. Likewise if you should be rich and yet lead a simple life what's the idea of all the money in those bank lockers? Get hold of a life something which can be termed as luxury.

 Luxury homes are something a lot of people spend millions on. It is a passion that has craved through ages and which in turn paves the road for most in the field of interior decoration and luxury home related works.

Now in the event that you know what a luxury home is you will also understand so it has to become a person from the high society. To afford one of these simple you just don't need from the well to accomplish family rather from the very wealthy one. Now what characterizes luxury homes in numerous countries is truly different because the life style varies from place to place. Besides two important elements, i.e. marketing status and property value also largely is dependent upon the geography of a place.

Few factors which usually are used to determine the value of a luxury home are views, availability of different amenities, surrounding areas and homes, waterfronts, commercialization of the spot, peacefulness of the region, and lastly but by no means the least: the architectural and historical significance of the place. Remember the higher these factors the more luxurious your property is recognized as and more is the value of the house too.

The emerging popularity of luxury homes is making its market boom like never before.

He real estate market is concentrating its resources heavily on luxury homes. Companies are now actually even discovering personalized magazines to touch base with their target groups.

It is usual from the luxury proper to begin at a low price of a million and climb up to billions from here. You have to know however that the luxury home is all about the high quality of life and not about the fee involved. People who want to live a luxury life know how not to compromise on quality for prices. Also a home especially if it is a luxury home is the greatest possible investment in today's economic scenario.

A lot of you considering luxury homes I am sure are far more enthusiastic about sea side homes than anything else. However there are few things that you simply must consider before you actually buy a luxury house.
Now if you get a residence on the sea shore you should remember that sea water is saline in nature. Its influence on both the house and your cars is actually quite bad. Be it the electrical equipments or appliances everything appears to be affected by the salty breeze. Maintenance thus is a huge requirement for houses near the shore. Don't live in the illusion that only on stormy days can you encounter this problem coz it will be actually a regular issue.

Remember just purchasing a luxury home doesn't do wonders. 

 Maintaining it is another challenge that you simply should continue to. The expense involved in the maintenance may also be equally high as its costs. Bear this in mind before you actually obtain a luxury property for yourself. When you have the money to maintain a luxury property then well and goof go for it and enjoy the live VIP style.

Just In: (ASUU strike) NEC conference suspended indefinitely Due to Iyayi's death

The National Executive Council, NEC, meeting of the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, has been suspended indefinitely. The meeting was initially scheduled to hold at Bayero University, Kano, on Wednesday, nevertheless the ASUU National President, Nasiru Fagge, has revealed it has been postponed.

TRAGEDY: Person Catches Partner Raping Her 13-Year-Old Sister, Commits Suicide

A Chitungwiza woman committed suicide after she caught her husband raping her 13-year-old sister. According to report, the accused, a 21-year-old soldier had committed the act on three different occasions during his wife's abscence. The first incident occurred when the woman went tovisit her friend, leaving behind her sister with her husband. The person was said to own fondled the litttle lady before raping her.On another occasion, the person asked your ex to come to the shops on the pretext of giving her school shoes.

12 Reasons Women Don't Date 'Good Guys'

If you are a guy reading this, you have probably noticed that, instead of opting for a nice and calm partner who would treat her right (you), the girl usually chooses a 'bad boy'. If you are a girl, then you probably are wondering why you are attracted to and end up with a man who treats you badly. We've tried to come up with sensible reasons why this happens, but you are very welcome to add some new insights on the matter in the comments!

Kenny Ogungbe and Kenny Saint Best Loses Mom To The Cold Hands Of Death

 Kenny Ogungbe The Managing Director of Radio Services, Daar Communications,lost His mother, Otunba Letticia Onojoke Ogungbe, aged 80, this evening in the Federal Capital Terrritory, Abuja in the arms of certainly one of her children and grandchildren, who confirmed her death on Tuesday evening.

Genocide: 80 Killed in North Korea 'for watching foreign films

Eighty people have already been executed by firing squad in North Korea for watching foreign films, it's been claimed. South Korea's JoongAng Ilbo newspaper reported that the co-ordinated public executions took place in seven separate cities earlier this month. In one single case, the area authorities rounded up 10,000 people, including children, and forced them to view, it reported. Those put to death were found guilty by their state of minor misdemeanors, including watching videos of South Korean television programmes or possessing a Bible.

The Secret To Getting Any Girl To Do it With You

Getting to have sé-x with a girl you desire is a dream come true. You may want to date her or you may find her extremely s-éxually attractive.
Get these ten moves right, and she’ll be more than happy to have sé-x with you!

Revealed: The Overwhelming Wealth of JAMB Registrar Prof. Dibu Ojerinde.

The marriage between the Registrar/Chief Executive of Joint Admission and Matriculation Board, Prof. Dibu Ojerinde and his second wife, Barrister Yinka Ojerinde after he lost his first wife and mother of his elder children, Olaolu and Dayo in a ghastly motor accident, was always unlikely to survive. However, the painful and messy way the end game played out stinks.
Continue after the break.

Popular Yoruba Drummer Dies

We have information that renowned Yoruba drummer, Baba. Baami Ayankele has died. The top traditionalist reportedly gave up the ghost some moments ago. Late Ayankele was an Ifa priest, respected for the expertise and finesse he displays whenever he beats the ‘bata’ drum. Many have described him as a museum of wisdom and knowledge, especially with an undiluted Yoruba culture.

Pope Francis gives fire-and-brimstone sermon, says the corrupt should be tied to a rock and thrown into the sea.

Pope Francis has delivered a fiery sermon against corruption, quoting a passage from the Bible in which Jesus said some sinners deserve to be tied to a rock and thrown into the sea.
In one of his strongest-worded homilies since he was elected in March, the Argentinean pontiff said Christians who lead “a double life” by giving money to the Church while stealing from the state are sinners who deserve to be punished.

Quoting from the Gospel of St Luke in the New Testament, he said “Jesus says: It would be better for him if a millstone were put around his neck and he be thrown into the sea.”

States have used terrorism in various ways to advance their own interests for hundreds of years.

9-11 was an Indirect Defensive Attack – Len Bracken

States have used terrorism in various ways to advance their own interests for hundreds of years, including the use of terrorist attacks as a means to justify acts of war, crackdowns and Draconian laws such as the US Patriot Act.


Out of 160m About 100 Million Nigerians Live In Extreme Poverty – World Bank ( Do you agree?)

About 100 million Nigerians live in destitution, the World Bank has said. The World Bank Country Director for Nigeria, Marie-Francoise Marie-Nelly, said this at the bank’s Country Programme Portfolio Review in Enugu on Tuesday.

Ending ASUU Strike

You could say it again: the negotiations over the last Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) strike, were perhaps, the most arduous in the history of strikes in Nigeria. Initially, the President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, did not want to be involved directly. He only wanted to do so through proxies.

Pix: Governor Babatunde Fashola presents four buses to Nigerian Prison Services

Lagos State Governor, Babatunde Fashola on November 11th presented 4 buses to the Lagos Order of the Nigerian Prison Services. Pictured above presenting the recommendations to the Control of Prison, Lagos State Order, Mrs. Catherine Nkolika Ononye at the Lagos Home, Ikeja, yesterday.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

"We don't have any mad person here and nobody inside our family has ever been mad" - Chime’s in-laws

Governor Sullivan Chime's in-laws, including the mother in-law, Madam Patience Igwe, on Tuesday said there is no history of madness in their family Madam Igwe told our correspondent on the telephone that no member of the household had a history of mental illness.
 “My daughter, Clara, is quite okay and sound and her husband, the governor of Enugu State, is also  doing well. Please leave us alone and don't call me again with this matter,” she said.


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