Friday, October 24, 2014

West’s Sanctions Aimed at Russia’s Efforts to Develop Offshore Arctic Deposits

Economic sanctions imposed on Moscow over the conflict in Ukraine might threaten Russia’s energy future – a serious threat many analysts say, given the country’s over reliance on oil and gas revenues.
The list of sanctions announced by the EU and US in September includes restrictions on sale, supply, transfer or export, directly or indirectly, of certain goods, services and technologies for the oil industry and prohibits the provision of services for deep water oil exploration and production, Arctic oil exploration and production or shale oil projects.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

German intelligence report on MH17

by Alexander Mercouris

It seems the German intelligence agency the BND has provided a Bundestag committee with a report that once again attributes the MH17 shoot down to the NAF.

The report has not been published but for me the single most interesting thing in it is that it apparently finally demolishes the theory that MH17 was shot down by a BUK system secretly transferred to the NAF by the Russians. We are back it seems to the theory that the NAF shot down MH17 with a BUK missile system it captured from the Ukrainians.

There are a number of points to make here:

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

AfriShopOnline, African Shop Ukraine: Making Food shopping simple and Easy

Online African Food Store Makes Shopping Convenient.
Fed up with being forced to go out to the store anytime a food item become necessary? Perhaps  someone  has been searching for many items which have proved  difficult to get, and they're just starting to wonder where the most effective spots to see them. If here is the case it is a perfect time for you to try shopping online as - African shop Ukraine, Poland and Russia web African food store.

WHO Declaration: Jonathan Orders Continued Vigilance at Borders

In his determined bid to leave nothing to chance and avoid complacency, President Goodluck Jonathan has ordered all relevant agencies of government to retain all anti- Ebola measures in place since the Ebola virus entered the country, until the disease is completely wiped out from the world. President Jonathan celebrated today's declaration by the World Health Organization(WHO) that Nigeria is completely free from Ebola after 42 days without any incidence.

Total's chairman/CEO Christophe de Margerie dies in plane crash

Christophe de Margerie, the Chairman and CEO of giant oil company, Total, died in plane crash last night October 20th in Russia. He was 63.

According to a statement released by airport authorities early this morning, de Margerie's private plane collided with a snowplow on the runway of Vnukovo International Airport in Moscow as it was accelerating for takeoff just a few minutes before midnight. They also said in the statement that the driver of the snowplow was intoxicated. The business jet's three crew members also died.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Geopoliticians discuss the Russian response to America's 'declaration of war' - Saker

By Saker,

Today, thanks again to the absolutely fantastic work of the Russian and Oceania Saker Blog I can share with you a fully translated and subtitled video of a Russian talk show which I find particularly important. Let me explain.

The show in question called "Sunday evening with Vladimir Soloviev" is one of the most watched shows on Russian TV. It airs at prime time, right after the main Sunday evening news. The people invited to this show are typically very well-known public figures and the topics discussed are the hot topics of the day. What I am trying to say here is that this show is a very good reflection of the mood in Russia. 

Is Russia Trying To Crash The American Stock Market?

by ZenVortex

It appears that Russia, probably in collaboration with China, is retaliating against sanctions and oil price manipulation by trying to disrupt the Anglo/Zionist money markets and crash the American stock market. If successful, the strategy will produce an economic decline in the USA and Europe similar to that which followed the collapse of the American housing market in 2008.

State Crime in Iguala, Guerrero (Mexico)

By Rolando Garrido Romo

In these days the people of Mexico are facing a double assault by the political and economic elite of the country, subservient to Washington, which mainly aims to strengthen control over financial and natural resources of the country through the implementation of reforms imposed by the government of president Peña Nieto; and at the same time criminalizing social protest, suppressing all dissent sample or rejection by popular organizations, students, educators, farmers and workers to such predatory and exclusionary model.

A "revisionist Russia" on "NATO's doorstep”

RT reports:

US State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki and Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby have been challenged over the Department of Defense's claims that the US must “deal” with “modern and capable” Russian armed forces on NATO's doorstep. 

Kiev Has $3.1 Billion to Pay Off Russian Gas Debt: Ukrainian Prime Minister

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk announced that The Ukrainian government has accumulated $3.1 billion on its accounts to pay off the debt for gas supplies from Russia. © RIA Novosti. Aleksandr Maximenko

The Ukrainian government has accumulated $3.1 billion on its accounts to pay off the debt for gas supplies from Russia, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said Sunday.

"We have the funds – the government has accumulated $3.1 billion on [its] accounts," Yatsenyuk told the Ukrainian 1+1 TV channel, discussing funds Ukraine could use to pay for Russian gas deliveries.
Ukraine is now facing the approaching winter with low natural gas reserves. In June, Russian energy giant Gazprom switched Ukraine to a prepayment system for gas deliveries in light of Ukraine's gas debt, which is estimated at over $5 billion.

Russia to Ban Imports of Cars, Heavy Equipment, Metallurgy Products: Reports

- Russia is preparing to bar state-run companies from importing vehicles, heavy equipment and metallurgy products, an influential Russian daily said Sunday.
According to the data, obtained by the Kommersant newspaper from the Russian ministries of industry and trade, and economic development, Russia's state-owned companies will be prohibited from buying certain foreign-made industry products that have Russian analogues.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade confirmed to the paper it had drafted a "general directive," which will apply to companies that are 50 percent or more owned by the Russian government, although no list was revealed.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

State Crime in Iguala, Guerrero (Mexico)

BY Rolando Garrido Romo

In these days the people of Mexico are facing a double assault by the political and economic elite of the country, subservient to Washington, which mainly aims to strengthen control over financial and natural resources of the country through the implementation of reforms imposed by the government of president Peña Nieto; and at the same time criminalizing social protest, suppressing all dissent sample or rejection by popular organizations, students, educators, farmers and workers to such predatory and exclusionary model.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Ukraine SITREP October 14th, 00:45 UTC/Zulu: Dark clouds over Novorussia

Things decidedly do not look good right now.  Poroshenko has replaced that clown Geletei with a bona fide war criminal Col. Gen. Stepan Poltorak, a far more dangerous and evil character who used to be the commander in chief of the junta’s death squads (aka “national guard”).

Stepan Poltarak

Is the US Getting Ready to Dump Poroshenko?

It looks like Poroshenko’s days are numbered. His most likely replacement? The extreme right.
originally written by The Saker for Russia Insider
So the “great genius” of Ukrainian military strategy, the man who promised to organize a victory parade for the Ukrainian army in Sevastopol was fired.

Novorussian field commander Givi talks about the Donetsk airport situation

The first one is of a young but very talented Novorussian commander known has “Givi” who is one of the two commanders tasked with securing the Dontesk Airport (the other one being “Motorola”).  In this video Givi explains what that problem is:

US Police Rescue Woman With Ebola-Like Symptoms Outside of Pentagon, Washington

A woman was transported to a Virginia hospital after showing potential signs of Ebola outside of the Pentagon, an Arlington County Police Department spokesman, Dustin Sternback confirmed with RIA Novosti.
Pentagon Police officers found the woman in the Pentagon South Parking Lot ill and vomiting. She told authorities that she had recently visited West Africa, said the press release from the Arlington County Police Department.
The Arlington, Virginia County Fire Department (ACFD) responded to the incident immediately with a HazMat response team and emergency and medical aid.

Nigerians Reject Ceasefire With Boko Haram Terrorists; Use The $1bn For War, not #Election2015: #VictoryForNigeria

The people of Nigeria vehemently reject the announced ceasefire with Boko Haram terrorists at this last hour as the 2015 presidential election approaches. It defies reason how and why the Nigerian government will debase the collective intelligence and humanity and extinguish the hope of Nigerians by unilaterally agreeing to a so-called ceasefire with rag-tag terrorists who currently occupy several major cities in the north. Bama, Gwoza, Marte, Ngala, Konduga and Dikwa are still under full control of the Boko Haram terrorists.

Liberia: Between Ebola And The Tyranny Of Western Stooge Sirleaf

In the current Ebola epidemic, Liberia happens to be the hardest hit West African nation. The leader of the nation is a Harvard-educated long-time member of the western corporate establishment, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf who became president in 2005 after a Nigerian-led ECOWAS mission put an end to a spate of civil wars.
The Sirleaf reign as president, as her stint in America’s big corp. has been tainted with allegations of corruption and nepotism and now with the Ebola epidemic. Her handling of the epidemic in Liberia cannot be disconnected from her obligations as a western puppet and her training in corruption. Perhaps it is not a coincidence that Liberia is worst hit and that a colonial army has urgently set foot in Sirleaf’s Liberia.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

US and European Powers Pledge to Kill Islamic State Cash Flow

European leaders and US President Barack Obama have agreed during a conference call to work toward dousing Islamic State (IS) funding avenues, said the White House Press Office.
The heads of France, Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States participated in a video conference call where they reaffirmed their vow to destroy the IS network, while working to curb the IS propaganda machine with a stronger message of their own, according to the White House brief.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Iran, 5+1 Ministerial Meeting Could be Held in November: Russian Deputy Foreign Minister

A meeting between the foreign ministers of Iran and the 5+1 group could take place in November, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told RIA Novosti.
"A ministerial meeting is possible. But this will mean that the solution is near. Alternatively, if this is not achieved, complications are possible, like it happened last year, when ministers were unable to eliminate the problems on the first try," Ryabkov said Tuesday in an interview with RIA Novosti.


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