
Monday, August 11, 2014

Serial Killer Who Kills Women & Have S3x With Their Corpse Arrested in Ebonyi

Chukwuma as he is simply known, is just twenty years old and he is a serial killer. He allegedly specialises in murdering women and subsequently, having s3x with their dead bodies. The killer who resides in Ebonyi State, is a painter and has been arrested by the police.
He was caught when the police set him up with a young girl on a farm pathway. It was the spot where he normally ambushed women who either were going to or coming back from the farm.Continue..

 Mr. Chris Anyanwu, the state Police Public Relations Officer said Chukwuma was in the habit of attacking women on deserted bush paths where he would then  strangle them and afterwards, have s3x with their dead bodies.
Mr Chris Anyanwu added that they got information that already murdered three women in the same manner.
On July 15, he ambushed one Anyigor who went farming at a place called Okwulike. Shortly after he strangled her, he had s3x with her corpse and took N8,500, which he found on her.
Chukwuma confessed that he used the money to buy a Nokia phone and spent what was left of it on the popular local gin called ‘kaikai’.
A week later, he ambushed another woman, Mrs. Helen, aged 54, who went to Egiagu village to farm. Her corspe was discovered by a search party along the lonely farm path.

Following an interrogation, Chukwuma confessed to the crimes, stating that it was done because the people in the community wouldn’t stop calling him a nickname ‘Sogbodo’, which he detested.
His fixation on dead bodies is not so much a new phenomenon as there are people who have a love for dead bodies. The strange behavior is called Necrophilia and as defined by Wikipedia, it is s3xual attraction to corpses. 

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