
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

US Airstrikes on Militants in Syria Only Destabilize Situation: Moscow

US airstrikes on Islamic State (IS) militants in Syria violate Syria's sovereignty and are destabilizing to the region, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Tuesday.

"Attempts to pursue own geopolitical goals through violating the sovereignty of other states only escalates tensions and aggravates the situation even further," the statement reads. "Moscow has repeatedly warned that those who initiated one-sided military scenarios bear full international legal responsibility for the consequences."
The ministry said in a statement that military actions on the sovereign state's territory should be authorized either by the Syrian government or the UN Security Council.  Early Tuesday morning the United States conducted its first airstrikes against IS targets in Syria.  Earlier in September, US President Barack Obama announced the formation of an international coalition to fight the IS and authorized US airstrikes against IS targets in Syria, while continuing airstrikes in Iraq, which the United States began in August.

The Islamic State is a Sunni jihadist group that has been fighting the Syrian government since 2012. In June 2014, the group extended its attacks to northern and western Iraq, declaring a caliphate on the territories under its control.

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