
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Scots ‘Deeply Fortunate’ to Be Able to Vote for Independence: Pro-Independence Campaign

The Scottish people are "deeply fortunate" to be able to express their desire for independence in a peaceful, democratic way, Stuart Nicholson, a spokesman for pro-Scottish independence leader, Alex Salmond, told RIA Novosti Thursday.
"We are deeply fortunate as a nation that we have the opportunity to gain our nation's independence in such a profoundly democratic way…and not through conflict as has been the case with so many nations, including the United States itself," Nicholson said.

On Wednesday, US President Barack Obama made a plea via social media, urging Scots to vote against Scottish independence.
"The UK is an extraordinary partner for America and a force for good in an unstable world. I hope it remains strong, robust and united," Obama said in a tweet released by the official White House Twitter Feed.

Earlier this week, former US President Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary, the former US Secretary of State, also spoke out against Scottish independence.
4.29 million people aged 16 or over, which is 97 percent of Scotland's potential voters, have registered to participate in the independence referendum, taking place Thursday.
Scotland will proclaim independence from the United Kingdom if 51 percent of those who come to the referendum vote "Yes".

The United States became independent from the Kingdom of Great Britain, which comprised England and Scotland, in 1783, following an eight-year war.

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