
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Post Of the Day: Double standard of the highest order !

When the USA was attacked, the whole world sympathised with them. Even the much hated Iran allowed her territory to be used in the attack on the Taliban government in Afghanistan. Instead of the USA just doing what they had to do and leave the place they insisted on installing their own kind of government in power there. At the same time they went into Iraq on a false basis, thereby spreading themselves thinly. When Assad of Syria said he was fighting against terrorists, Senator McCain was seen going on a well publicised visit to Syria promising to support the anti government there. Arms were supplied to them and a faction of this so called opposition developed into IS or ISIL or ISIS. 

When IS was beheading people and putting them on the internet the West hardly paid any attention. Now 2 Americans and a Brit were beheaded, and then hell was let loose. Are IS not using the weapons given to them to fight against Assad? Why is USA not bombing Saudi Arabia or Turkey or Quatar who were and are still the sponsors of IS? When the UK had problems with the Irish terrorist group called IRA it was common knowledge that they had some of their funding from USA but the UK never attacked USA or even the Republic Of Ireland. Double standard of the highest order.

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